Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1445 I am Duan Hu

Chapter 1445 I am Duan Hu
"General, it seems that the Xiongnu army is going to fight trapped beasts. Trapped beasts are always dangerous, and the general must be careful to deal with them!"

Just as Duan Hu was meditating, behind him, a middle-aged lieutenant stepped forward and solemnly reminded him.

This middle-aged man was originally a general of the Dian Kingdom, but he was only inferior to Duan Hu.After the Kingdom of Dian surrendered to Qin Dynasty, he changed his name to Lu Yan and has been in charge of the soldiers and horses of the former Kingdom of Dian.

Until Duan Hu's arrival, he once again succumbed to Duan Hu, but he had no regrets.

Among the generals of the Dian Kingdom, if Duan Hu is an invincible general, he is a wise general.

Of course, the combat power cannot be compared with Duan Hu, but the response and planning on the battlefield is stronger than Duan Hu.

When Duan Hu lamented the strong will of the Huns to fight, he saw through at a glance that the Huns were fighting a trapped beast.

"Hmph, it's all about fighting trapped beasts, so what's the danger? It's just a desperate army. Today, I'm going to see if his Huns' cavalry is stronger, or our Dian cavalry is more powerful!"

Duan Hu curled his lips in disdain when he heard the words, he came today to compete with the Huns army, how could he back down because of the Huns' little fighting spirit?
"What is the general going to do?"

When Lu Yan heard this, he couldn't help worrying, as if he was afraid that the general would make some unwise decision in a flash of his head.

"Lu Yan, tell me, I'm leading an army of [-] to fight, isn't it a bit invincible?"

The corner of Duan Hu's mouth twitched slightly, and he asked with a smile.

"General... you... must not do it!"

When Lu Yan heard this, he was shocked.

He understood what Duan Hu meant, he didn't intend to win by virtue of his advantage.

On the battlefield, superiority is often the key to victory or defeat.Abandoning the advantages is equivalent to agreeing to abandon the right time, place and people.In such a battle, there is basically no one and no chance of winning.

But now, what is the advantage of Qin Jun?
Isn't it just that there is enough food and grass, and the army has an advantage?
At this time, if we talk about victory without force, isn't it necessary to reduce the number of troops to fight?

The Xiongnu was originally a battle of trapped beasts. When the army pressed up, it was enough to annihilate them all in one go.

If you still break your own arm at this time, isn't it an advantage of courting death?
"What's wrong? I, a warrior from Yunnan, have always been brave. When have I ever taken advantage of someone's danger?"

"Today, the Xiongnu army is suffering from hunger and cold, and there is not much combat power left. If I face a mere [-] remnants, I still need [-] troops to win. If it spreads, how can I save face?"

"Lu Yan, send an order to leave ten thousand troops behind, and you will lead the rest to retreat immediately. Today, let me have a fair fight with this Hun cavalry. It is natural to know who is strong and who is weak!"

Duan Hu's eyes flashed, he seemed to be discussing with Lu Yan, but in fact, he had already made a decision in his heart.


Lu Yan's face was very ugly. In his opinion, Duan Hu was just asking for trouble.

"Don't go soon!"

Duan Hu sternly shouted, how could he allow others to refute the decision he made?
Lu Yan was going to persuade him again, but when he looked up, he saw Duan Hu looking at him coldly.

Perhaps he is used to being under Duan Hu's command, and whenever he faces Duan Hu's unquestionable eyes, he will instinctively shrink back.

At this moment, there were so many words in Lu Yan's mind that he couldn't say them, or he didn't dare to say them at all.

"Hey, the general is doing his own thing, be careful!"

Helpless, Lu Yan could only bow his head and sigh. The next moment, he waved his hand, leaving behind [-] of the most elite soldiers, and the rest began to retreat under his leadership.

This retreat is eight miles away!

According to the logic, after Duan Hu made his decision, he would withdraw fifteen miles away at least, but he really didn't dare to retreat any more.

Otherwise, if Duan Hu really encountered any danger, he would not even have a chance to rescue him.

"This bastard!"

When Duan Hu saw that the army he led retreated, he couldn't help but look annoyed.

However, eight miles away, whether it is far or near, is not something that can be scolded at any time.

In desperation, Master Duan Hu ignored Lu Yan, looked up again, and looked at the [-] Xiongnu army in front of them fighting vigorously.

At this moment, the [-] Xiongnu cavalrymen all looked strangely, and looked to this side in puzzlement.

They couldn't understand why the Qin army retreated after chasing them here.

Could it be that Qin Jun saw them retreat?Only the last 1 people are left, ready to be the last one?
Together with the thought of admitting counsel, the morale of the Huns was greatly boosted.

Anyway, Qin Jun's retreating posture, to them, was a gesture of admitting cowardice, which gave them a burning flame of victory in their hearts.

Of course, ordinary soldiers think so, but Dalpak doesn't think so.

Now, he is very clear about his own situation and the situation of the Qin army.If there is a real fight, even if the [-] cavalry fight desperately, they cannot be the opponent of the [-] Qin army.

Could it be that the Qin army was going to bypass them and attack the rear army?
As soon as this idea came out, Darpa's body suddenly became cold.

You know, apart from the [-] troops in front of the Qin army, there are another [-] troops.

Where did the [-] troops go at this time?
Now, the [-] troops in front of them have withdrawn another [-], leaving only [-].

The remaining [-] troops were clearly used to delay them.

And the [-] army is obviously going to join the other [-] army to deal with the main force behind.

As soon as the battle started, with the [-] Qin troops entangled, he would not even be able to send someone to deliver the news, let alone rescue the army behind.


The night is over, however, the sky is full of stars and the moon is shining brightly, illuminating this boundless desert as bright as day.

The armies of both sides can completely see the opponent's formation.

"Who is coming?"

Darpa's heart was complicated and terrified, he couldn't help but galloped out, came to less than two miles in front of Duan Hu's army, roaring angrily.

"I am the Great General of Qin Dynasty, so is Duan Hu, who are you?"

Duan Hu is preparing to dispatch troops and dispatch generals, and fights out in one fell swoop.Seeing this, he also galloped forward on his horse and charged directly in front of Dalpa within a hundred paces. That posture did not take Dalpa seriously at all.

Even if I rushed to you, you would have nothing to do with me.

"Are you Duan Hu?"

When Darpa heard this, his heart trembled slightly.

Although they faced each other for a long time at Yanmen Pass, they never fought with each other.But within the Qin army, the news of the major generals is still clear to the Xiongnu army.

Especially a general like Duan Hu, who holds an army of [-], is always concerned by the Xiongnu army.

During this period of time, the lieutenant general of the Xiongnu army had known Duan Hu, the great general of the Qin army, very well.

The former general of the Dian Kingdom, the invincible god of war in the southwest, and the army of the alliance of various countries, no one dared to raise his head in front of him.

He possesses the strength of a tripod and the undue courage of a man. Even if there are many powerful generals in the Qin Kingdom, there are still few enemies.

But now, the Xiongnu army has suffered heavy losses, and famous generals have died in battle. It can be said that no one is Duan Hu's opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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