Chapter 1446 Idiot
"Why, is it possible that this general can still have fakes?"

Duan Hu held a big iron rod in his hand, swung it vigorously, pointed at Darpa, and said with a sneer.

"What do you want?"

Darpa narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

He didn't understand, the 4 army, and the remaining [-] people have all retreated, what does it mean that the tiger stayed.

Perhaps it was because he was determined in his heart that the main force of the Qin army was planning to bypass him and directly hit the large troops behind.Therefore, he didn't feel that Duan Hu would still be here at this time.

Therefore, he was doubting Duan Hu's identity, and also doubting Duan Hu's thoughts.

"for what?"

"Of course it's a war!"

Duan Hu was speechless, isn't this something obvious?If you don't come to fight, what are you doing chasing them?

"Hehe, do you think I will believe this set of rhetoric?"

Darpa sneered, he didn't believe Duan Hu's nonsense at all.

"What do you mean? They say that the army of the Huns is so powerful. Today, I rushed thousands of miles to fight you fairly. How dare you say such a thing?"

"If you don't dare to fight, just say it straight, why don't you believe it or not. Do you think you can escape if you don't believe it?"

Duan Hu raised his eyebrows, somewhat confused about what Darpa meant.

In his opinion, Darpa simply didn't dare to fight.Isn't it a joke to use what you believe or not to believe as an excuse?
Besides, this is a battlefield, whether to fight or not, is up to you?
Run if you have the ability, if you can't run away, you can only beat, otherwise, you can only wait to be beaten.

Hearing this, Darpa fell silent.

He squinted his eyes slightly and looked Duan Hu up and down.

He has seen Duan Hu's portrait, although it is somewhat abstract, but this comparison seems to be Duan Hu himself.

And under his gaze, he found that Duan Hu was fighting vigorously, as if he really only wanted to fight, and he had no other thoughts.

Once this feeling got rid of, Darpa became even more confused.

What is going on here, could it be that I guessed wrong?
"Hmph, want to compete with my army? How to compete? Could it be that the more bully the less and play tricks?"

Thinking about it, although Darpa didn't think he could detect the other party's intentions, he still decided to give it a try.

Today, he can't feel at ease if he doesn't understand the other party's intentions.

"Who is playing tricks and tricks with you? For the sake of your [-] remnants, I took the initiative to withdraw [-] troops and put them in the back. One against three, don't you think it's unfair?"

Duan Hu curled his lips, looking arrogant.

On weekdays, he is a proud person, and he is even more arrogant when he goes to the battlefield.

Even in the face of the most morale of the Xiongnu army, he will not have the slightest fear. Now that the Huns army has been reduced to this point, in his opinion, it is time to be contemptuous.

Not to mention one against three, even one against ten, he dared to fight.

Of course, some words can be said, and some words cannot be said, but Duan Hu ignored this point.

Darpa was just trying to see if he could detect a little truth.

Following Duan Hu's words, Darpa felt relieved immediately.

He couldn't help sneering in his heart. He didn't expect Qin Jun to send such an idiot to chase and kill him. Is this a joke?
It turned out that all the thoughts in my heart were wrong from the beginning.

Qin Jun didn't have any conspiracy at all, it's just that the fighting madman in front of him was too arrogant and didn't take himself seriously.

He knew about Duan Hu's rumors.

This man, who used to rely on the power of the Dian Kingdom to single out more than 20 countries in the alliance, can imagine his arrogance.

Now Duan Hu's words, combined with his rumors, Darpa knew it was true as soon as he heard it.

In this way, he was relieved.Since there is no danger in the rear, why can't I afford to consume this group of Qin troops?
At this moment, Duan Hu had already written the word "idiot" in his heart.

I have to say that Duan Hu did make the worst choice in his life today.

In fact, Duan Hu is not stupid, and has never been stupid.It's just that sometimes it's so arrogant that it's defiant.

For example, at this moment, it was because of too much contempt for others that she made such a decision.But he doesn't know that in the hearts of others, his decision is the most satisfactory result for others.

"Hahaha... Okay, General Duan Hu, your reputation spreads far and wide. The so-called famous is not as good as seeing it, but seeing it today is really extraordinary. A ten thousand army dares to fight against my thirty thousand army of the Huns, admiration!"

"Since General Duan Hu decides to show off, let's have a fair fight, let's fight, and I, Darpa, will accompany you to the end!"

After thinking about all the key points, Darpa raised his head and laughed, looking at Duan Hu with admiration.

"Hmph, you don't have to smile so happily, let alone hide a knife in your smile!"

"It can be seen that in your heart, you are probably scolding the general for being an idiot at this moment!"

Seeing this, Duan Hu sneered as if he had seen through Darpa a long time ago.

Dahlpa was taken aback, but he didn't show any sarcasm, why did the other party see it at a glance?

Is this really a well-developed, simple-minded idiot?

If not, what he did, in Darpa's eyes, was enough to be labeled as such.But to say that he is, these words are too weird, which makes people feel surprised.

"It's okay, you can just scold me. After all, it's really stupid to put your advantage aside and insist on fighting to the death."

"But today, this general will use the blood of your Huns to establish the name of our Dian cavalry as invincible!"

Seeing Darpa become a demon, Duan Hu sneered again.

He is not stupid. There are many things that don't need to be guessed.When he made a decision, he could imagine that in the eyes of others, he must be an idiot.

However, this is his character.It doesn't matter if others call them idiots or stupid, since it's a showdown, of course there must be a fair showdown.

"Okay, since your Excellency is going to use me as a stepping stone, today, I want to see if you have the ability!"

Facing Duan Hu's ridicule and contempt, Darpa couldn't help burning with anger.

If it was normal, he would have led his troops directly to kill him, how could Duan Hu be allowed to ramble here for a long time?
How many people in this world can do it with the Huns army as a stepping stone?
Even Meng Tian, ​​the most powerful general in the Qin Kingdom, and even Wei Liaozi couldn't do it.It was just a stone breaking the sky, using the [-] Xiongnu army to establish the myth.There is also Wang Lin, who used hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu troops to establish his commander-in-chief position.

Now, a general under Wang Lin's command wants to use him as a stepping stone, which is simply unreasonable.

"Okay, since you decided to fight and not run away, this general will give you another chance. You go first, this general is waiting for you!"

Hearing this, Duan Hu backed down a step again, that was really throwing all the advantages out of the blue sky, and he despised the [-] Huns army to the extreme, and didn't pay attention to it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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