Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1447 Bloody 4 Splashes

Chapter 1447 Blood Splatters

"it is good……"

Under Duan Hu's compelling contempt, Darpa nodded again, with a cold tone, turned his horse's head sharply, and left straight away.

"Boys, do you see clearly?"

"The ones in front of you are people from the Central Plains, the prey of our prairie eagles!"

"But now, they treat you as prey, play with you, look at the 3 army, deal with [-] of you, and threaten to kill them all, leaving no one behind, can you bear it?"

Back in the army, Darpa let out a roar, and his voice spread throughout the army.


When the soldiers below heard this, they were immediately furious.

It really doesn't make sense, they are sons of the prairie, they are eagles on the prairie.They have always been the only ones who despise others. When did they start to be despised by others?

In their eyes, the Central Plains has always been their hunting ground.The Central Plains people have always been their prey.

Now, it is unreasonable for the Central Plains people to think of them as prey.

"You tell me, what should I do?"

Darpa roared again.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Darpa responded with shouts of killing. At this moment, the [-] troops seemed to be burned with anger, and they could no longer feel the cold outside.

The fire in their hearts gave them enough warmth.

In the flames of anger, human beings can break through the limit, can break through the cold, and even break through the perception of pain.

"Okay... kill!"

Dahlpa's eyes were cold, and he waved his hand without shouting. It was just a gesture, and the [-] troops split and rejoined in an instant.

"What are they talking about?"

Neither Duan Hu nor the soldiers below could understand the language of the Huns, so they could only ask about it from a person in the army who knew about the Huns.

That man was a middle-aged man, dressed in armor, came to Duan Hu's side, and whispered the exchange of the Huns, and couldn't help showing a dignified expression.

He could see that the general seemed to have completely angered the [-] Xiongnu lions in front of him.

Huns, that's not easy to provoke.Its combat power is already unparalleled in the world.In the entire Great Qin, apart from the former Generalissimo Wei Liaozi and the current Generalissimo Wang Lin, who dares to say that he can fight with the Huns?
No, apart from these two, only the original Huben Army had this ability.

But that is also the ability of the Huben army, not the ability of the leader of the Huben army, Shi Potian alone.

When Duan Hu asked, on the other side, the battle formation of the Xiongnu army had already been lined up.


Hearing Darpa's roar, the next moment, [-] Chinese troops galloped on horses, bringing endless smoke and dust, like sharp swords, coming straight to this side.

"Warriors, the prey is here, are you ready?"

Seeing this, Duan Hu was not angry but happy. With a roar, he saw [-] soldiers behind him pulling out dried small red peppers from their waists.

Everyone twisted two or three peppers in their hands, raised their fists high, protected the peppers in their palms, and shouted in unison: "Ready!"

The corner of Duan Hu's mouth twitched slightly, and he shouted: "Then what are you waiting for? Kill!"

With a loud shout, the next moment, thousands of people stuffed the peppers into their mouths at the same time, chewing frantically.

At the same time, Duan Hu galloped out on his horse, waving the iron rod vigorously in his hand.

Seeing this, the army behind roared, and in the next moment, ten thousand people turned into smoke and dust, and the speed was like wind and electricity, directly head-on to kill the Xiongnu army.

Logically speaking, the initial speed of the Huns' war horses was simply not comparable to that of the war horses of the Dian Kingdom.

The war horses of the Dian Kingdom excel in endurance, but their initial speed is incomparable with the war horses of the Huns, and it is also incomparable with the war horses of the Central Plains.

However, the horses of the [-] army have been hungry for many days, and they have already almost lost their strength.

Now, it is a miracle that these [-] war horses can still run, but how can their speed be compared with the Qin army?
The distance was only a few miles, and as orders were issued, the two armies rushed out at the same time, colliding with each other in an instant.

I thought it was an easy, crushing battle.

Duan Hudou even felt that this battle could be decided quickly.

There is no way, the situation of the Huns is there, facing the people and horses who have been tired for many days, it can be said that they don't even have the strength to resist.Duan Hu felt that if he used 1 people to deal with it, it was like killing a chicken with a bull's knife.

If he didn't think killing people was too slow, he even wanted to kill them directly with a thousand soldiers.

It's like a person with healthy limbs, full of food and drink, specially goes to hunt a group of soft-legged shrimps that can't even crawl.

Even if there are many opponents, but there is no strength to fight back, it only needs a little time, and it is not a problem to kill them all.

However, the reality is completely different from the imagination.

Facing the charge of the Xiongnu army who had come to a dead end, Duan Hu didn't even have the slightest defense, and he didn't even use long-range equipment such as bows and crossbows.

Darpa also seemed to have made the same decision as him. The Huns army, who were already good at riding and archery, did not use bows and arrows to take advantage of it in the first place.

On the contrary, the Xiongnu army came straight forward, showing their scimitars one by one, looking like they were fighting hand-to-hand.

At the moment when the two armies collided, without accident, the horses of the Xiongnu army were knocked into the air in an instant.

The hundreds of people in front didn't even have a chance to fight back, and were directly knocked into the air.

Immediately after, there were swords, guns, swords and halberds, and countless lights flashed by.

The blood was thrown into the void, and the corpses of the Huns came to the end in an instant, and the dead could not die again.

However, at the next moment, before Qin Jun was excited, he saw the follow-up Hun army rushing desperately.

These Huns seem to have understood that with the speed and strength of their horses, it is absolutely impossible to forcibly defeat the Qin army.

As a result, the follow-up Huns arrived and rushed directly into the battlefield.

With their horses flying under their crotches, they headed straight for the Qin army.

They themselves flew up one by one, and killed the soldiers of the Qin army who were on the horse in front.

The horses collided with each other. Although there is no extra strength now, the force of the collision of the horses is very strong.

Coupled with the desperate fighting style of the Xiongnu army, they tried their best, gritted their teeth, rushed to the front, and flew directly to the opposite horse. Behind the soldiers of the Qin army, they raised their scimitars and hacked randomly.

Soon, Qin Jun was also wailing, with blood splattering everywhere.

This scene instantly shocked Duan Hu, his eyes tearing open.

This battle was completely different from what he had imagined.

In his mind, this is a battle of bullying in itself, and he should be able to sweep the situation.

But in fact, the war just started, and the situation of the battle has exceeded his expectations.

Originally, he wanted to deal with the [-] Huns' army, but he didn't expect that with only [-] troops, he would win or lose against himself.

At this time, the left and right armies of the Xiongnu also dispatched at the same time, presenting an umbrella shape, attacking from left and right, and the situation was extremely dangerous in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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