Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1448 Hunter and Prey

Chapter 1448 Hunter and Prey

"Kill me out!"

With a roar, Duan Hu looked at the armies on the left and right flanks of the Huns who were outflanking from the left and right, and in an instant, his heart was broken.

Based on his experience on the battlefield, it was too late to turn around and flee back at this time to make preparations.If you really want to do that, it will only cause your own soldiers to step on people.

At that time, without the Huns attacking, they themselves will collapse.That's what it means to be in a mess.

He clearly saw that the armies on the left and right wings of the Xiongnu, while encircling them, all bent their bows and set up arrows, pointing directly at this side.

There is no doubt that as long as the encirclement is [-]%, the Huns' army will continue to rain arrows.

In this case, the only thing he can do is to break out and break out forward.

Only by killing the [-] troops in front of him and rushing straight out will there be a chance of life, otherwise he will surely die.

Thinking of this, Duan Hu couldn't help gnashing his teeth, and swung the iron rod in his hand vigorously. Wherever he passed, people were turned on their backs, and no one was his equal enemy.

However, on the battlefield, one person's ferocity often cannot determine the direction of the battle.Unless, like Ying Shou and Li Yuanba, he has the ability to open a passage from an army of millions in an instant.Otherwise, no matter how strong the force is, it is nothing but the courage of a man.

For example, at this moment, no matter how fiercely Duan Hu kills, the enemy army in front of him is mighty, undulating and endless.

After killing one, there will be another, and after killing a batch, there will be another batch.

He does have the courage of a thousand men, but it will take time to clear the way among the thousands of armies.

But it is obviously impossible for the current Huns army to give him this time.

No matter how he was moving forward, the Hun army in front was trying to fight him, trying to fight him with his life.

As Lu Yan said, the Xiongnu army is at the end of its rope and is fighting a trapped beast.

The so-called battle of trapped beasts is also called the blow before death.

When is a person most energetic?
Not when you are young, or when your blood boils, but when you are dying.

Before dying, at the moment when the light comes back, a person's power will be concentrated like never before. At this moment, it seems that the power of a lifetime is burning crazily.

People at this time are the most energetic and powerful moments.

An army at the end of the road is like a person who returns to life before dying.

That's right, the army of the Huns has not eaten or drank for days and nights, and has no power to fight again.

But they who have come to a desperate situation can bloom their own brilliance with their last breath.

It was unprecedentedly brilliant, unprecedentedly powerful.

At this moment, what stood in front of Duan Hu was not a remnant Xiongnu soldier at the mercy of others, but a Hun knight who was so powerful that it was far beyond its peak.

This Hun army is like dry wood, this battle is like a raging fire, and their despair is like fire oil.

Dry firewood and fire, together with kerosene, make this army stronger and stronger.

Duan Hu suddenly discovered that, without realizing it, those ordinary Hun knights had caused him unprecedented pressure.

One by one, desperate, rushed towards him frantically.

No matter how strong his hand was, no matter how powerful his strength was, he fell into an unprecedented panic in the face of such endless and densely packed Hun death squads.

The so-called undeserved courage!
What is the real bravery?

Undeserved courage is a combination of strength and courage, not strength itself.It does not mean that the power of one person can be combined with the power of 1 people.

Everyone in the world will be afraid, will be afraid, and will lose courage sometimes.

The so-called undeserved courage is the kind of courage that dares to challenge everything.Even if there are thousands of troops and horses in front of me, I will not be afraid.

Coupled with the strength that is already a hundred times that of Yuren and the speed that is dozens of times that of Yuren, dozens of big men can't get close, enough to open up a no-man's land around them.

Under such circumstances, thousands of horses and thousands of troops rushing to kill will always bring unprecedented pressure to the local soldiers, which will make people inexplicably want to retreat, and fear and dare not move forward.

Therefore, using such fear, a top warrior can easily fight in and out of thousands of armies.

However, what happens when the thousands of horses and thousands of troops no longer have that fear, and everyone is determined to die?
When a person, no matter how powerful, can't bluff them, the pressure that person faces will increase tenfold or a hundredfold.

For example, at this moment, Duan Hu fell into an unprecedented panic.

Beside him, in all directions, people kept rushing towards him.As long as he gets a little closer, he will slash at him without hesitation.

I saw a Hun soldier, the moment he jumped at him, he was swept down by the iron rod in his hand, and he rolled over and bumped into him. The scimitar in his hand had already been thrown out, but he hugged his arm and opened his mouth. Just a big bite on Duan Hu's arm.

Severe pain hit, Duan Hu shook his arm, and sent the Hun soldier flying, but he forcibly took away a piece of flesh.

Duan Hu was in pain and let out a roar, but saw the Hun cavalry around him, their eyes were red, and they rushed towards him again.

It is densely packed, as if the tide is surging, and there is no space to enter, so that Duan Hu doesn't even have the space to swing the iron rod.

If it weren't for his own strength and speed, he would be overwhelmed by a group of people at this moment, and he would be crushed under it, and he might not even have a chance to make a move.

Even Duan Hu himself can feel such pressure, and the soldiers below him can be imagined.

The [-] Dian army came up, thinking it was just the last blow to the dying prey.Who ever thought that what was in front of him was not a prey at all, but a mad wolf, a hungry wolf.

Today's [-] Huns are hungry wolves with red eyes and drooling saliva.

And they, who were supposed to be hunters, became food in the eyes of these hungry wolves.

For food, these hungry wolves fought one after another, fearless of life and death.

In this frantic fight, the [-] Qin army fell into unprecedented difficulties.

Their progress was completely blocked.Not only was there no way to go any further, but he was even constantly being forced to retreat.

Originally, they still had a slight advantage in strength, but gradually, they discovered that they had no advantage at all in terms of strength.

Their steps began to slowly retreat towards the back.

From the moment they withdrew from the first step, an inexplicable fear began to grow deep in their hearts.

The army of the Huns in front of them will live forever and become a shadow born in their hearts.

Once this kind of fear is born, morale is instantly affected.

The lineup of the army began to gradually become chaotic, and all bad situations began to envelope the Qin army.

(End of this chapter)

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