Chapter 1449
"be cheated!"

Looking at the battle situation around him, a voice kept flashing in Duan Hu's mind, it seemed to be hissing at him.

In fact, from the moment the two armies collided, he had already realized that he had been fooled.

Originally thought that the fighting spirit of the Huns was just at the end of the battle.He showed unprecedented contempt, and originally planned to suppress the fighting spirit of the Huns, but he did not expect that the fighting spirit of the Huns had reached such a level that it was indestructible and indelible.

He chose to give birth to a Hun general, and Darpa deliberately showed weakness in front of him.A look of extreme anger but helplessness fueled Duan Hu's prestige and made him more determined in his own style of play.

If it weren't for this, Duan Hu would never have been so resolute if there was something wrong with Fandarpa's expression just now, and it's okay to change his mind temporarily.

After all, Duan Hu is arrogant, but not stupid.

However, by the time I realized it, it was already too late.

At this moment, Duan Hu has completely fallen into a situation where he can't answer every day, and the ground is not working.

Facing the constant slaughter of the Huns, his arrogance was completely strangled in the cradle.

He thought of the [-] troops behind him. If the [-] troops joined the battle at this moment, the situation would definitely be reversed.

However, the army retreated so far, and the sight was blocked by sand dunes, it was impossible to detect the news here for a while.

And even if they were detected, it would be too late when they rushed over.

It seems that it is destined that today, Duan Hu will be given an unforgettable punishment.

No matter how much he struggled, it was useless after all.

"It's over!"

During the struggle, Duan Hu found that the formation of the army under his command gradually became chaotic, and in the end, it was constantly torn apart by the charging army of the Huns.

In an instant, the roaring voice in his mind changed the topic, causing him to fall into an unprecedented panic.

This was just a battle with the Huns' [-] assault troops, and the formation was directly torn apart.

You know, the other Hun armies on the left and right wings have not yet completely surrounded them and have not joined the battle.

Duan Hu was shocked and frightened.

At this moment, the fighting power of the Xiongnu army deeply shocked his heart.

But he didn't know that at this moment, this Hun army had already been put to death and survived, and its combat effectiveness was twice or even three times that of its heyday.

Otherwise, even if he collided with the Xiongnu army at its peak, with the bravery of the Dian army, he would not be so passively beaten.

It's a pity that all ifs are just ifs after all.

The defeat is like a mountain, and when the defeat is doomed, no one can restore it.


"Drive by..."

Time passed little by little, eight or nine miles away from the battlefield, Lu Yan waited anxiously, and finally, he saw a black spot galloping under the moonlight from a distance.

That's one man, one rider, a scout.

The scout came on horseback, got off his horse, knelt down, and reported loudly: "Cavalry general, the general is in a hard fight, and the formation is in chaos!"


When Lu Yan heard this, he was so startled that he almost jumped up from his horse, his hairs stood on end, and his face changed drastically.

"How is it possible, even if the Xiongnu's battle with trapped beasts is strong, how could it push the general into desperation so quickly?"

Lu Yan's voice trembled and he couldn't believe it.

The so-called formation chaos, in the eyes of those real generals, is equivalent to being in a desperate situation.

On the battlefield, maintaining a stable formation is the foundation of combat, the first step, and the foundation.

If even the formation is messed up, this large army will no longer have any fighting power at all, and the next thing they will face is massacres, and they will be massacred mercilessly.This is an impasse, an irreversible impasse.

It is also the so-called defeat like a mountain, the building will collapse, and there is no way to restore it.

"General, the Huns' cavalry are too fierce. Everyone is brave and fearless. They risk their lives to completely suppress our army. The armies on the left and right flanks have completely surrounded our army at this moment. In a short while, countless arrows will rain down. My army will surely suffer countless casualties!"

The scout's eyes were also red, he witnessed the occupation with his own eyes.

At this moment, when the fierce battle of the Xiongnu army flashed in my mind, I couldn't help but feel fear in my heart.

Powerful, really too powerful.

That is not an army composed of humans at all. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a group of ferocious hungry wolves, eagles overlooking the world, and tigers invincible in the world.

Facing such an army, no one would feel calm.

Before Duan Hu came to the army, Lu Yan also led them, followed the Great Qin Empress, and fought against the Xiongnu army.

Even in cooperation with Generalissimo Wang Lin, under the front and back attack, hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu troops ran away with their heads in their arms, and were finally wiped out in the Central Plains.

At that time, although they were under the leadership of the imperial concubine and empress, they were entangled with the Xiongnu army, and they did not fight head-on.

Of course, the fighting power of the Xiongnu army is obvious to all.

That's right, the fighting power of the Xiongnu army is indeed very strong, but compared with today's, it is very different.

Recalling the battle with the Huns army and the battle just now, the scout found that the combat effectiveness of this Huns army is almost ten times that of the previous Huns army.

That is simply an incomparable difference.

He even couldn't help thinking that if he had faced an army of more than 50 Huns back then, they would have been as ferocious as the Huns army today.Can they really take advantage of the battle?Is there really a chance to agree?
I'm afraid that even if Generalissimo Wang Lin is here, he dare not give a definite answer, right?

With only an army of 30, the combat power displayed is comparable to that of an army of [-].

The general's [-] army is purely sheep joining wolves.

"What are you still doing in a daze? The army obeys the order, kill me!"

When the scout reported loudly, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Here, Lu Yan's eyes were red after hearing the report.

You know, whether it is the [-] troops behind him or the [-] soldiers led by Duan Hu, they are all soldiers from the Dian Kingdom.

These people are all children of the old country. Although they have voted for Qin now, the feeling between the old country is still there.

If the army of ten thousand people were all lost here today, let alone whether the imperial court can explain the past, just talk about the homeland.What face do they have, goodbye to the fathers and folks of the motherland?
These people are all the sons, husbands, and fathers of the folks in the old country!
Following Lu Yan's order, [-] troops were dispatched one after another. Amidst the roar, sand and dust rose up everywhere, like a hurricane on the desert.

However, on the battlefield at this moment, the situation is ever-changing, and it has already turned into another scene.

(End of this chapter)

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