Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1450 The Truth

Chapter 1450 The Truth
Time is the eternal arrangement of the world.

As with anything, there is a time lag.

When the scout watched the battle and went to report, Duan Hu's [-] troops were already in chaos.

The armies on the left and right flanks of the Xiongnu had already surrounded them, and they were about to turn into pocket formations, gathering Duan Hu's [-] troops in the pockets.

By the time he galloped eight miles to report, the pocket array had already been drawn up, and the rain of arrows came straight towards Duan Hu's army.

For a moment, the screams continued, and Duan Hu's army began to fall in batches, causing countless casualties.

In the battle with the Xiongnu's assault army, Duan Hu's army was already at an absolute disadvantage, and this time, there was no way to recover.

The number of the army was reduced crazily, from [-] to [-] during the battle with the Huns' assault army.

In that crazy round of arrow rain, it continued to decrease crazily and sharply again.

Seven thousand!

Six thousand five!
Five thousand five!
four thousand!

Three thousand five!
two thousand!

one thousand!
The number of people has decreased crazily, as the saying goes, the army is defeated like a mountain, the faster the defeat, the faster the death.

Until the end, out of 1 people, there were only less than 900, or [-] people.

These 900 people were completely integrated into the Huns' rebellious army.

The rain of arrows from the Huns finally stopped.

There is no way, if you shoot at this time, you will only hurt yourself and your own people, and the lethality to the enemy will be infinitely weakened.

Although accidental injury is unavoidable on the battlefield, it is also necessary to avoid it with a high probability.

Duan Hu's subordinates, eight or nine hundred soldiers, fell into chaos.

However, under the Xiongnu's desperate style of play, there is also no hope at all.

Facing them may no longer be the Huns' arrow rain, but it is the Huns' butcher knife.

In the end, no matter whether it is the rain of arrows or the butcher's knife, they cannot escape the fate of being slaughtered.

The screams continued to rise and fall, and the blood stained the desert red.

Duan Hu turned his head and looked at the brothers who were in a desperate situation. His eyes were already red, and he shed tears.

In his heart, unprecedented regret welled up.

He knew that he was wrong and he shouldn't have made such a stupid decision.

It's not that he is really stupid, it's his arrogance that has already caused everything at this moment.

If he hadn't been competitive before, how could he have suffered such a big defeat at this moment?

His mistake was a hole, and in order to fill this hole, the [-] soldiers below were completely reduced to material for filling the hole.

He regretted, aggrieved, and unwilling.All kinds of emotions came to my heart, but in the end, it was of no avail.

All he could do was to watch helplessly as he defeated his brothers below and kept falling under the butcher's knife of the Huns.

"Ah ah……"

Duan Hu let out a frenzied roar, at this moment, all the strength in his body was frantically condensed.

His speed is faster, and his strength seems to be stronger.

Under his swing of the iron rod, all the people touched by his iron rod, without exception, were smashed with broken bones, vomiting blood and flying backwards, and the dead could not die again.

One person was hit by him with a stick, his brains were blown apart, and he died on the spot.

One person was kicked by his iron rod, directly pierced on the iron rod, and there was no life left.

One person was thrown from top to bottom by his iron rod, and his head was smashed into his chest.

One person was swept away by him, and his lumbar vertebrae were completely broken, which can be said to be cut in half.

The bloody scenes are still going on, however, a person's power is limited after all.

Under the relentless charge of the Huns' army, Duan Hu's horse was hacked and killed, and Duan Hu flew out.

When he was about to land, there were swords and swords in front of him, which seemed to tear him apart in an instant.

However, under his powerful strength and unparalleled speed, he was one step ahead and swept across with a single stick, breaking all crises.

But the immediate crisis has been swept away, what about the subsequent crisis?

He fell to the ground sadly, and when he got up, he found that there were Hun knights coming in all directions.

The war horse flew up, trampling madly towards him.

Countless knives flickered, constantly tearing towards him.

Duan Hu continued to be overwhelmed, one to kill one, two to kill one pair.

The moment countless war horses rushed in front of him, they were swept away by him.

Countless saber lights were constantly spread out by him at the moment when they were about to fall on him.

One after another, the moment they rushed up, they were continuously beaten by him to vomit blood and fly backwards, with no chance of surviving.

Duan Hu is very fierce, really fierce, it can be said that no one can be his enemy.

But at this moment, no matter how brave and powerful he was, he fell into an unprecedented bitter battle.

Not to mention that he led his soldiers to fight out, even he himself completely lost the ability to be brave, and he couldn't even kill himself.

At this moment, the reality seems to be instilling some kind of truth in Duan Hu.

In this world, there is indeed the courage to be inappropriate, but there is no such thing as the so-called inappropriate courage.

Wanfu's undue bravery is only relative.

If ten thousand people, millions of people are compared to the flow of water.

The million people stood still, like a calm lake.

Anyone who can walk can come and go freely among millions of troops without any resistance.Just like a person who can float, he can easily swim across a lake.

And to do this, all you need is the courage to go into the water, and the courage to break into thousands of troops, and you don't even need any strength.What is consumed is only the strength of walking.

But, what about moving in front of millions of troops?

The moment the army of millions moved, it was like water flowing.

With the movement of a million troops, it was like a dam pouring down, turning into a big river in an instant.

At this time, if you are not able to walk, you can pass through millions of troops; if you are not able to float, you can swim upstream in the river.

You need greater courage, and greater strength.

Only enough strength can guarantee your safety.Only strong enough courage can make you fearless and go upstream.

This kind of courage, such a situation, is called the undeserved courage of all husbands.

But this is just the undue courage of the people. No matter how powerful the rivers are, they still cannot exert the true power of water.

It's as if no matter how powerful an army is, it's impossible to exert its strength to the limit.

When the power of an army is really exerted to the limit, it is like the power of water is exerted to its peak.

The most powerful force of water is not that the great river flows eastward, but that it sweeps the waves and roars for thousands of miles.

A person, no matter how well he can float, no matter how powerful his swimming ability is, no matter how powerful his courage is.

But when facing the tsunami that swept across the sky, they would all be afraid and powerless.

But at this moment, the power of the [-] Xiongnu army is like a mighty storm in the sea.

No matter how powerful Duan Hu is, he still can't exert the inappropriate power that should be in Jiang He.

What should be blocked, after all, is blocked.No matter how strong he is, he can't break through, and he doesn't have any chance to break through.

(End of this chapter)

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