Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1452 Impulsive

Chapter 1452 Impulsive

"Yes, I want to avenge my soldiers from Yunnan!"

Suddenly, Duan Hu, who was crying bitterly, stopped crying, as if thinking of something, his eyes became sharper than ever.

He slowly let go of Lu Yan, turned his head slowly, and looked at the Hun army of more than 2 people in the distance, with hatred shining in his eyes.The flame of vengeance burned wildly deep in his heart.

"General, what are you going to do?"

Seeing this, Lu Yan was taken aback, quickly grabbed Duan Hu, and shouted loudly.

"Kill all the Huns, revenge!"

Gritting his teeth, this sentence came out of his mouth with unprecedented determination.At this moment, revenge seemed to be the only thought in his mind.

"No, General, don't be reckless!"

Lu Yan's heart was lifted instantly.

Duan Hu is a great general, he can't change the decision made by Duan Hu.

However, the general has already made a wrong decision, should he let him watch the general continue to make mistakes again and again?

He can't do it!

You know, every time you make a wrong decision and hurt, it's all the soldiers from Yunnan.

Who will buy this order?
Should he ask Duan Hu to pay the bill?

He couldn't do it, so he had to stop it.

"What did you say?"

"They killed my [-] soldiers in Yunnan. You told me not to be reckless. Don't you need to take revenge for this revenge?"

Duan Hu's eyes were red, he suddenly turned his head to look, and twisted Lu Yan's collar.

"That's not what it means, Grand Marshal, revenge must be done, but don't be reckless!"

What can Lu Yan say?Could it be that there is no such thing as hatred when there is damage on the battlefield?
Even he himself couldn't say these words, let alone convince himself.

Everyone is selfish. When you kill all directions on the battlefield, you will of course feel that casualties on the battlefield are commonplace in military affairs and should not be treated with hatred.

But as the saying goes, don't persuade others to be kind without others suffering.Can you really take it lightly when real casualties happen to you?
I believe no one in this world can do it, Duan Hu can't do it, and Lu Yan can't do it either.

But for this battle, the blow to Lu Yan was definitely not as big as it was to Duan Hu.

Duan Hu has already lost his mind, but Lu Yan has not, he can still think, he can see the situation clearly, this time is by no means the time to head-on.

It can be seen from the corpses on the ground and the tragic battle.

It is by no means as easy as imagined to take down the Hun army of more than 2 people.

If you really want to fight recklessly, don't look at their strong soldiers and horses, and they have an advantage in numbers, but I may not be able to take any advantage.

Not to mention whether you can win or not, even if you win, it will be a situation where both sides suffer.

It can prevent both sides from being hurt, and everyone is whole. Why do you need the king to fill the lives of your brothers?
Didn't you see that the soldiers of the Huns are united as one, and everyone is burning with the will to fight?
"Okay...don't be reckless, then tell me what to do, tell me..."

Duan Hu roared at the top of his lungs, at this moment, he couldn't hear what Lu Yan said at all.

That sentence you said was just a roar in anger.

"General, these Huns in front are at the end of their battle!"

"It's the so-called one-stop effort, then decline, and three exhaustion. They have exhausted their last breath and strength in the first battle just now."

"Now, they forcefully hold their breath in their hearts. When they rush forward at this moment, what they are facing is their breath, this breath of refusal to admit defeat, and their never-ending anger!"

"At this moment, the best way is to take a step back. As long as my army retreats a little and let them see hope, they will immediately spit out the breath in their chests."

"Without the support of this tone, they don't need to fight, and they will be wiped out immediately. General, don't you understand?"

Lu Yan shook his head, looked at Duan Hu who lost his mind, and shouted loudly.

His voice spread, not far away, but Darpa, who was only two or three miles away, heard it clearly in his ears and remembered it in his mind.

Darpa couldn't help turning his head, and looked at the fighting Huns behind him, with worry in his eyes.

Of course he understood what Lu Yan said.

At this moment, they were a remnant soldier who had gone into a desperate situation.

Brothers in despair, because of his Darpa's words, they seem to have grasped the straw of life, grasped a glimmer of life, a glimmer of hope.

For this glimmer of life, for this glimmer of hope, everyone is holding a sigh of relief.

This breath exhausted everyone's strength and contained everyone's life force.

It's like a person on the edge of a cliff, in order to survive, exerting unprecedented strength and grabbing the life-saving straw.

At this time, as long as the strength is relaxed, what is waiting is death.

He dared to say that as long as Qin Jun admits defeat and retreats at this moment, the brothers below, don't take a breath in your heart, it will dissipate immediately.

But once they relaxed their tight bodies, the unprecedented sense of hunger and cold would swallow their lives in an instant.

A man who has exhausted his strength, when he relaxes, fatigue will cover everything in him.

Anyone who is tired will fall asleep.

And sleeping at this moment, in this cold weather, hungry and cold, what is it if it is not death?
Therefore, what Lu Yan said is absolutely correct, the more powerful the army is at this moment, the more hopeless it will be.

As long as they are relieved, they don't need to fight at all, they can let go and send themselves into the abyss of death.

However, all experienced generals understand this truth, and so does Duan Hu.

But for a person who is caught in a burning rage, can you reason with him, can it be useful?
As it turns out, reasoning with someone in a frenzied rage is pure fart.


With a loud shout, Duan Hu threw Lu Yan out, gritted his teeth, and roared angrily, "Lu Yan, listen carefully, what I want is revenge!"

"What is revenge?"

"Let me tell you, no matter how he fights back, I will fight back ten times and a hundred times. This is called revenge!"

"It's not that he slapped me. I watched others slap him. That's revenge. It's not that he killed my person. I watched him kill himself. That's revenge!"

"Today, only by me, Duan Hu, destroying them with my own hands, is revenge, do you understand?"

Duan Hu's eyes were red, and the roar continued to spread.

He has fallen into unprecedented anger. The so-called anger makes people impulsive.

The previous Duan Hu was impulsive because of his arrogance.At this moment, Duan Hu seemed to have changed his original intention, but the result still remained the same.

He is still impulsive, the only difference is that this time he is not impulsive because of arrogance, but because of anger.

No matter what the reason is, the decision made on impulse can never be the right decision.

(End of this chapter)

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