Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1453 Battle Stage

Chapter 1453 Battle Stage

Lu Yan got up from the ground, roaring at the top of his lungs, hoping to wake up Duan Hu.

However, after he shouted, he saw that Duan Hu had turned on his horse and got on his horse.

In Duan Hu's hand, he held the iron rod again.

He was dripping with blood, like a demon coming out of hell.

The iron rod was raised high, and without any intention of paying attention to Lu Yan, Duan Hu roared angrily: "My sons and daughters in Yunnan, dare to fight me!"

The sound spread far and wide, spreading in all directions.

"Swear to follow the general!"

"Swear to follow the general!"

"Swear to follow the general!"

The voice that responded to Duan Hu was very simple, it was the hoarse roar of the [-] army.

This is their former general, the invincible general, and now their general.

The undefeated legend of the Southwest actually suffered a loss today, which is tolerable and unbearable.

For an army, the military spirit is always indispensable.

And Duan Hu is the soul of the Yunnan army, how could they allow their soul to be trampled on?

Since someone trampled on it once, it should be repaid double.


Without any nonsense, Duan Hu swung down the iron rod in his hand, and the [-] army turned into a torrent, and went straight to the Huns army in front of them.

"Boys, the prey is here, kill it for me!"

"Kill all the Qin army, and repent of the homeland!"

Over there, General Darpa of the Huns saw this, with a complicated look in his eyes. He didn't know whether he should be thankful that the Qin army didn't leave just now, or should be sad that the army under him would eventually die in battle.

However, everything is complicated, and there is only one final result.

Fight to the death!


The army of the Huns came here on horseback. However, the horses had just rushed out not far, but one after another, they kept falling down.

These war horses are already extremely hungry, frozen to the extreme, and exhausted to the extreme.

They are really tired, weary, and can't take it anymore.

Animals are animals after all, no matter how spiritual they are, it is impossible for them to rush down through gritted teeth just like humans.

The Xiongnu cavalry, under the momentum of not admitting defeat, abandoned the hunger and cold, and could charge again.But the war horse can't do it, I really can't bear it.

Seeing this, the sadness in the eyes of the Huns cavalry was even worse. Almost all of them got off their horses at the same time, and no longer rode forward, but charged towards the Qin army as infantry.

The two armies collided instantly.

War is about to break out.

In the Qin army, without any politeness, the rain of arrows came overwhelmingly, instantly enveloping countless Hun soldiers.

The Xiongnu side was also not polite. Countless arrows rained down on the Qin army.

Although the war horses have fallen, the nomads have always been good at riding and shooting.Without horses, the power of bows and arrows cannot be underestimated.

The armies of both sides collided with handymen, and there were already many casualties.

However, the advantages of the two armies are there. On the Qin army's side, from the beginning to the end, no arrow was shot.Now, there is an endless stream of longbows, arrows and crossbows.

On the other hand, the Xiongnu army had very few bows, crossbows and arrows left.

The previous battle had already consumed more than half of it. Now that the war started again, it would be completely consumed in two or three blows, and the Qin army could only let the Qin army's arrows rain down the sky and cover the sky with overwhelming massacres.

Facing the overwhelming arrow rain, the torrent of the Qin army galloping for two years, the Xiongnu army rushed forward even more desperately.

To avoid the rain of arrows, the only thing they can do now is to rush into the Qin army camp.

Only when you want to see and fight with the Qin army, the Qin army soldiers behind will take care of it and dare not go to the room to avoid hurting their own people.

Therefore, the Xiongnu army rushed very hard, almost exhausting all their strength.

However, when the two sides collided and were about to meet hand-to-hand, the real test waiting for the Xiongnu army had just arrived.

Although the two armies are at war, the two armies are fighting each other, and you come and go.

But in fact, it has always been the Donghu army and the Xiongnu army, not the Qin army, who fought hand-to-hand on the horse.

The long halberds and spears in Qin Jun's hands are not only used by infantry, but also by cavalry.

At the moment when the two armies were separated by two or three meters, the knights of the Qin army showed a series of weapons such as long halberds and spears in their hands.

These rejections, without exception, are two to three meters long, and they can cause lethality to people from a distance.

The so-called one inch long and one inch strong is exactly what it means.

When the two armies are fighting, the enemy can be defeated by a few meters apart, so why bother fighting so close?

I saw spears pointing straight ahead.

One after another, they rushed forward.

With a long halberd, he rushed forward.

"Time, time, time..."

"Puchi puff puff..."

For a moment, only the sound of tearing was heard, and countless Huns rushing forward were directly pierced by halberds, spears and spears, driving madly to fly backwards.

Those Hun soldiers who were not lucky enough to be attacked by these long weapons had an even more miserable fate.

Facing the impact of the cavalry, I saw the horses galloping, one after another instantly knocked into the air.

The strength of the cavalry was fully displayed at this moment.

In a word, fierce!

Gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, so fierce that no one can stop them, invincible in the world.

Some people wonder, what kind of arms is the most powerful in the world?

It depends on what era it is and what kind of battlefield it is on.

In this era, land battlefields, forest warfare, and infantry are the strongest.

In this era, cavalry is the strongest in land battlefields and plain warfare.

On the desert, it is no different from the plain. Apart from preventing quicksand, the cavalry is the most powerful existence.

If you are weak, you have to ask, what is the strength of the cavalry, and there is only one answer.

In the land warfare of the later generations, the tank is the king of the land, and the cavalry of this era is equivalent to the tank soldiers of the later generations.

Tanks rampage, unstoppable.

The cavalry also went on a rampage, and no one dared to fight.

Duan Hu is crazy at this moment, the [-] army under him will follow him to the death, and will not hesitate to fight.

The result of the type is also eye-catching.

However, in battle, there will eventually be a stalemate.

A battle, if it is strictly divided into stages, can be divided into three stages, the early stage, the middle stage, and the late stage.

In the early stage, it was a bang, and it was momentum.

This is just like a person, when he first started to do things, he was often the most experienced.

But soon, a day's work will fall into a stalemate.

This stalemate also exists on the battlefield.

Unless the enemy army can be wiped out in one go, it will decline again and be exhausted.If this declines again, it is the time of stalemate.

When the two sides are stuck together, whoever is completely exhausted first will be the one who is doomed to lose.At this time, it is the later stage of the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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