Chapter 1454 Shadow
Qin Jun's attack was swift and powerful.

However, how could the desperate Xiongnu army be defeated because of this?

Under the fighting of the Huns' army rushing up one after another, soon, the charge of the Qin army's front army was completely stopped.

Once the impact of the front army dissipated, the speed of the army behind also slowed down instantly.

No way, cavalry combat is like this.

One mistake cannot be eliminated, otherwise, as long as the front army stops for a while, the rear will rush desperately.

Once it can't stop, it will instantly create a scene where people step on people and horses step on people.

In this way, the formation must be in chaos, and there will be no power at all.

But at this moment, when the Great Qin cavalry heard this, another problem also appeared.

Although it avoided hurting the soldiers of the Qin army in front, once the speed stopped, the cavalry's advantage and impact were lost.

As soon as the impact disappeared, the Xiongnu army that came flooding in like a tide was not polite, and they directly saw the needles, tearing in all directions, and constantly interspersed into the Qin army's camp.

Seeing an opportunity, these people began to wield machetes and hack around, which was merciless and extremely bloody.

For a moment, all the advantages of the Qin army turned into worry-free in an instant.

The cavalry lost their impact, and the enemy rushed under their noses.

The war horses are useless, the long halberds and spears are useless, and all the long weapons are useless.

Seeing this, the Qin army could only throw away the long weapons in their hands, and drew out the long swords around their waists one after another, fighting with the machetes of the Huns.

The people from the Southwest are originally descendants of the demon god Chi You, and they have bloodlines that are addicted to war.

This time on the battlefield, the blood in the body is boiling, and the combat power displayed is far beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

However, what they are facing now is no longer an ordinary Hun army, but a group of desperate people.

The Huns fought with their lives, and they forcibly suppressed the fighting blood of the Southwest Army. The frenzied fighting was almost equal to one for two.

I saw a Hun soldier jumping up, with a scimitar in his hand, rushing up and down, and staring at the head of a Qin army soldier.

The forehead of the Qin army soldier split instantly, and the blood burst.

This is, a soldier of the Qin army rushed from behind, with a long sword in his hand, directly piercing the chest of the Hun soldier.

However, the Xiongnu soldiers did not hesitate, held back a mouthful of blood, turned their heads suddenly, and slashed at the Daqin armored soldier who had stabbed him in the chest with the machete in his hand.

The soldier of the Qin army spewed out a mouthful of blood, with a look of horror on his face.

To the end of his life, he didn't understand how the Xiongnu soldier survived the pain of piercing his brother, and he didn't even yell.

Doesn't he know it hurts?

Thinking in his mind, because the heart was pierced, the soldier of the Qin Army slowly fell down and fell into a pool of blood.

On the other side, the Hun soldier really gritted his teeth, holding back the mouthful of blood, and refused to spit it out.

Finally, looking at a soldier of the Qin army rushing in front, the Hun soldier jumped up suddenly, greeted the long sword in the opponent's hand with his chest, and directly tore the opponent's neck with the scimitar in his hand.

In the end, the Hun soldier and the Qin army soldier fell together at the same time. He exchanged his own life for the lives of three Qin army soldiers.

At the same time, there was another soldier of the Huns, looking in all directions, sword shadows and mountains and fires came, and five consecutive Great Qin soldiers came to besiege him from all directions.

At this time, these soldiers of the Qin Army lacked the superior impact of the cavalry, so they dismounted one after another to fight.

Seeing these Daqin armored soldiers approaching, the Xiongnu soldier roared and rushed into the crowd, and was instantly stabbed into the body by countless hard objects, which became a plug in a daze.

And the hands of the Xiongnu soldier were not idle, a machete, slashing randomly, and took away two soldiers of the Qin army abruptly.

Do not kill play!

In order to annihilate the Qin army, the Xiongnu army completely disregarded life and death, and disregarded life and death, in order to be able to win and survive.

This desperate style of play put unprecedented pressure on Qin Jun.

No one would have thought that the desperate Huns army could display such combat effectiveness.

You know, at this moment, Daqin still has the advantage in numbers.

They didn't dare to think about it, if it was Daqin's side, who lost even the advantage in numbers at this moment, what kind of consequences would it be like to face such a crazy army!
Maybe... it will be vulnerable!

Of course, everything is possible!
In this world, there has never been a possibility.

In a war together, not everyone can get away if they want to.

Don't say that Duan Hu is still burning with anger at this moment, even if he wakes up now and wants to get away, he has no chance.

In the back, Lu Yan watched the great battle on the battlefield, and his whole body was completely silent, just like a stone, standing there quietly, motionless, as if he had given up even breathing.

He watched the sons and daughters of the motherland continue to fall, exchanging their lives for the blood of the desperate enemy army.

He watched the general fight back and forth among the ten thousand troops, looking like a beast.

He watched the tragic fighting scene, and gradually, a mocking smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

He was disappointed, really disappointed.

I never thought that the person I have always looked up to would one day make mistakes again and again, making big mistakes, making mistakes so outrageously.

The disappointment that Duan Hu gave him today has completely changed Duan Hu's image in his mind.

Looking at the battle situation in front of him, a thought flooded into his mind, even if the Huns army lost in this battle, it was a well-deserved defeat.

On the contrary, even if Qin Jun won, it would be a miserable victory.

Taking so many unnecessary lives in vain is not a tragic victory, but what is it?
On the other side, Darpa was also observing the situation from the back of the battlefield. He is a general, and he also needs to command and dispatch the soldiers below.

Therefore, he did not act personally, but watched and waited here.

Seeing that his army was unparalleled in battle and could be called invincible in the world, Darpa sighed: "Wei Liaozi, Wei Liaozi, I finally understand, why did you exchange 10,000+ troops for my 50 troops in the battle that day?" casualties!"

Facing the brave and unparalleled soldiers fighting at this moment, Darpa saw from them the silhouette of the guards who guarded the Great Wall on the border of the Great Qin.

At the beginning, the Xiongnu's army of one million came to the city.

Wei Liaozi only used 10,000+ Great Wall guards to wipe out 50 Huns.

That battle, from beginning to end, made the Huns army unable to react.

You know, that was not a siege battle, but a battle on the plains where Wei Liaozi pulled out troops and horses.

And most of them are infantry.

Using 10,000+ infantry to destroy more than 50 Hun cavalry, how did he do it?Why is the Qin army's combat effectiveness so strong?

Previously, Darpa couldn't figure it out, couldn't figure it out.But now, he figured it out.

Because today's Xiongnu army is the original Great Wall guard army.

(End of this chapter)

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