Chapter 1456 Denial
"No, reinforcements from the Qin army are here!"

When Gan Hong watched the battlefield and saw the tragic situation, his heart was half cold.

On the battlefield, the Xiongnu army and the Qin army also saw him and the team that came.

I don't know which Hun soldier yelled, and in an instant, the whole battlefield became quiet.

"Reinforcements are coming, our reinforcements are here!"

Afterwards, the Qin army also let out bursts of roars, which were different from the roars of the Huns' army.In the roar of the Huns, there was fear and panic.And Qin Jun's roar was full of excitement and excitement.

After fighting for so long, no one thought that the resistance of the Huns would be so fierce, like wild animals.

It is undeniable that this battle has cast a shadow on the Qin army.

They used to be the soldiers of the Southwest Dian Kingdom, the invincible lions of the Southwest, when did they encounter such strong resistance?

Today's battle is destined to become a shadow deep in their hearts that will never go away.

At this moment, seeing their own army approaching, they seemed to be grabbing at straws to save their lives. Finally, someone helped them, and they desperately fought against the desperate beasts in front of them.

On the battlefield, after a moment of calm, the morale of the Qin army was greatly boosted, while on the other side, the morale of the Xiongnu army collapsed in an instant.

" away...Qin army reinforcements are coming, run away!"

"Run... run..."

Terrified voices, one after another, continued to spread among the Xiongnu army.

Those 7000 people didn't hesitate any more, and fled directly towards the rear one by one.

It was a rout, and the rout was very chaotic.

"Don't... don't run..."

In the rebellion, Darpa was covered in blood. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but roar.

However, at this moment, no matter how much he roared, it was ultimately useless.

These Xiongnu soldiers had already run out of fuel, and all relying on the hope he gave, they hung their breath and fought desperately with the Qin army.

I thought that after defeating the Qin army, everyone would have enough to eat and go home with peace of mind.

However, after fighting continuously for so long, it was discovered that the Qin army had not finished fighting, and its own side had been exhausted. At this time, reinforcements from the Qin army arrived again.

Where is the hope?

With the arrival of this Qin army, the so-called hope is just a joke.

Amid Darpa's roar, those Hun soldiers who were exhausted, after a night of hard work, were all too tired to move.

I saw these soldiers turned around one after another, before fleeing for more than a hundred steps, one after another, they all fell on the spot and fell to the ground.

There was gray despair and death in their eyes.

Their bodies were twitching, twitches that were exhausted to the extreme.

During this withdrawal, gradually, each body began to become stiff.

In their bodies, the last vitality finally slowly passed away.

In the cold wind, their bodies began to become extremely cold, and eventually turned into zombies.

Over there, Qin Jun was still excited and roaring. Seeing this scene, he was all dumbfounded.

"How is this going?"

Many people can't help but have a question mark in their hearts.

Even Duan Hu, who was covered in blood, looked at this scene stupidly.

Duan Hu's mind was spinning extremely fast, he seemed to understand something, but he was unwilling to admit it.

Because when he saw the fallen Hun soldiers, he also saw his subordinate soldiers in all directions on the battlefield.

"no no……"

Duan Hu didn't want to admit it, but his reason told him that there are some things, no matter how much you deny it, it's useless.

Only not far away, Lu Yan, who was also covered in blood, looked at this scene with a sad smile on his face.

He seemed to understand the deep entanglement in Duan Hu's heart at this moment.

He knew what Duan Hu was struggling with right now.

In fact, this battle didn't have to be so miserable, and even the subsequent sacrifices were completely avoidable.

At this moment, the scene where the Hun army fell seems a bit confusing, as if someone cast a spell and was directly beaten to death.

To put it more clearly, it was as if the gods appeared and directly took their lives away.This kind of thing, in the eyes of everyone, will appear mysterious and unbelievable.

After all, apart from miracles, there is really no reason to explain what happened in front of me.

The Huns who were still fighting the Qin army one moment turned around and fled the next moment.And in the process of escaping, they died suddenly within a few steps of escaping. Isn't this a joke?
If one or two sudden deaths are considered a coincidence, it makes sense.But everyone is like this, what is this?
But in fact, sudden death has a process.

When a person's body reaches its peak, grasping a glimmer of hope may bring him back to light and show unprecedented light and heat.

But what about after using light and heat?

After all, such flashbacks are fragile, and in this state, people forget about the burden on their bodies.

But what will happen when he is satisfied, or in other words, despaired again?

What the body has forgotten will eventually come back.At this time, it is time to die.

The situation in which the Hun soldiers fell in front of them was just like this, and it was not an exaggeration at all.

They have already reached the limit, especially the slim hope, which has consumed all their efforts and vitality.

I hope that while I am still there, I can lock up this last painstaking effort and last vitality.But after hope is satisfied, it will inevitably expand, and some hard work and vitality will pass away in an instant.

Similarly, when the last hope is shattered, all the hard work and vitality will collapse in an instant.

This is the collapse of belief, the destruction of life, and no one can stop it.

Therefore, thousands of people died, and the death was so miraculous that it was unacceptable.

Actually, is it really hard to accept?
No, it's not difficult to accept at all, a real general can see the mystery in it.

For example, Lu Yan, he can clearly see the mystery, and Duan Hu can also see it.

It is precisely because he can see the mystery clearly that Duan Hu at this moment is even more unacceptable.

It's not that he can't accept the way the Huns fell, but that he can't accept the decision he made.

Because he couldn't accept it, he was denying it.But all denials seem so pale.

After losing the [-] troops, he could have withdrawn directly, allowing the hopes of these Huns to be satisfied, inflated, and thus destroyed.

But he didn't, he chose to continue shopping, because he wanted to take revenge with his own hands and avenge his shame.

Therefore, it was he who continued the lives of these Huns, and then used the hands of these Huns to kill more than 2 of his brothers.

Who can accept this kind of thing?
At least, Duan Hu couldn't accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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