Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1457 Destroy 1 person

Chapter 1457 Destroying a Person
Watching Duan Hu whose eyes gradually turned red, fell into a magic barrier, and kept denying, but couldn't resist the reality.

This time, Lu Yan didn't say anything, not even the slightest comfort.

The great general who once made him look up to him seemed like a mountain lying in front of him, which he couldn't surpass, and he could only admire him in his heart.At this moment, he was completely disappointed.

Not only let him down, but also make him angry and hateful.

The more than 3 brothers who came out of Yunnan together, died in battle again and again because of his one mistake.

There are 5 people, and now there are less than [-] left.

How on earth did he have such a heart to hurt his brother so much?

Is his shame, his pride, more important than the lives of more than 3 brothers?
Why did he let so many brothers pay for him with their lives because of a wrong decision?
Sometimes, whether a general's prestige is strong or not is actually that simple.

It doesn’t matter if you have the ability to win a battle, you have to have the ability to save more people’s lives on the battlefield and let more people see hope, then others will admire you, respect you, life and death, and follow you through ups and downs .

But you can't even protect your own soldiers on the battlefield, so why should others entrust their lives to you and follow you at all costs?
At this moment, Lu Yan did not speak, he was silent, but the relationship between him and Duan Hu would be severed from now on.

As a general on the battlefield, from today onwards, Duan Hu is no longer the high and mighty existence in his eyes, and he is no longer the existence that he needs to look up to.

"Hahaha...I can see that you are very angry...what are you denying?"

Lu Yan doesn't speak, but it doesn't mean that others can't speak either.

Lu Yan didn't comfort him, and he didn't add insult to injury, but there were plenty of people who were willing to add insult to injury.

For example, at the last moment, Darpa, the general of the Huns who was still in despair because the last soldiers of his side fell down one after another.

In desperation, he heard Duan Hu's voice of constant denial, looked up at Duan Hu, and seeing Duan Hu's eyes that were constantly turning red, he seemed to be in a magical barrier.

In an instant, Darpa understood something.

With a look of despair on his face, he sneered ironically.

"Shut up, what are you, dare to question this general!"

Duan Hu froze, raised his head abruptly, pointed at Darpa, and shouted coldly.

"Hahaha, it's this time, and you are still showing off your prestige. Could it be that there are some things that you think I need to question?"

"No, it's not necessary at all. I don't need to question. However, you are already questioning yourself. But in the face of your own questioning, you have repeatedly denied it. Do you think such denial is still useful?"

Darpa laughed out loud, and while speaking, he became even more sarcastic, shaking his head constantly, and said, "It's useless, you know very well, such denials are useless at all!"

"Reality is reality. The facts are right in front of you. It is because of your own selfishness that you have ruined tens of thousands of your brothers in vain. You dare not admit the facts, so you are still denying them!"

Darpa spoke word by word, every word in his words was like a heavy hammer hitting Duan Hu's heart.

Every word I typed made Duan Hu tremble all over.

Duan Hu's face was pale, and the next moment, it turned red again.But after a while, paleness appeared again.

During this change from white to red, Duan Hu finally couldn't bear it any longer, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and his whole body softened to the ground in an instant.

He burst into tears, and even the tears that flowed out turned blood red.

At this moment, his heart almost stopped beating.

The severe pain coming from his heart made him feel miserable, as if he was being cut continuously with a knife on his heart.

"Hahaha, you accept the reality! You don't deny it anymore!"

"Do you think two mouthfuls of blood are enough? Tens of thousands of lives, do you think that one mouthful of blood can save and make up for it?"

"Your name is Duan Hu, right? Remember, you are to die!"

Seeing this, Darpa laughed again, his tone full of sarcasm, hitting Duan Hu's heart forcefully.

Others would not add insult to injury at this time, but he, Darpa, would never be polite.

They are enemies, born enemies.

It was impossible for him, Darpa, to surrender, and he followed Shan Yu to the death.Now that the army has been defeated today, there is no longer any blocking force.Then use your last life to do one last thing for the Hun Empire!

He wants Duan Hu in front to die!

He witnessed this tiger's power with his own eyes, and perhaps today's decision made him no longer qualified to be a general.

However, his strength is there, enough to be an invincible warrior.

At least, even in the peak period of the Xiongnu Empire, it is impossible for any one of the four generals to be his opponent.

This is a strong man with invincible combat power. Even if the command on the battlefield fails, it is still an indispensable combat power for Qin.

Today, if he could kill him here, it would be regarded as breaking Qin's arm, and he would be worthy of the empire and Shanyu.

Of course, even if Duan Hu is not angry to death, he still wants Duan Hu's demons to enter his heart, and he will never be able to get out of the shadow of today in his whole life, and he will be completely reduced to a waste.

"It's not like that... no... it's not like that..."

Duan Hu's body fell into an unprecedented weakness.

He fell to the ground slowly, still shaking his head, still denying.

But in fact, as Darpa said.

Some things, the facts are the facts, they are there, but anyone with a discerning eye can see through them, so what's the use of denying them?

Duan Hu saw it too clearly, so all his denials seemed so pale and powerless.

Faced with this scene, Lu Yan was still watching with cold eyes.

At this time, his heart was filled with hatred, and he didn't have even the slightest sympathy for Duan Hu.

He didn't add insult to injury, he was already benevolent, he couldn't find any reason to help Duan Hu.

But just as if he didn't add insult to injury, someone would also add insult to injury.

At this moment, if he doesn't help, there are also people who help.


Not far away, in front of the army, Gan Hong narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't know what happened in this battle. However, seeing his own general vomit blood and fell to the ground amidst the enemy general's few words, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

They both came from the southwest, although they used to be hostile, but now they belong to the same side after all.

Even if there is a personal grudge, it is settled in private. How can the enemy step on the head of his own general on the battlefield and show off his power there?
Following Gan Hong's low growl, behind him, a soldier quickly handed him the longbow in his hand.

Gan Hong reached out to take it, stretched his bow and set up an arrow, pointing directly at Darpa.

(End of this chapter)

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