Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1458 Continue to Advance

Chapter 1458 Continue to Advance
"Hey...why, is Qin Jun trying to cover up his shortcomings?"

"Come on, how can an arrow block Yoyo's mouth!"

As a general on the battlefield, Darpa was very sensitive to crises.

Here, just as Gan Hong drew his bow and set his arrow, he had already sensed the crisis coming from the lock, and immediately laughed out loud, looking extremely insolent.

"Soldiers of the Qin army, have you seen it clearly? It is your general who betrayed your life."

"Your brothers, you didn't have to die. You won this battle without fighting. But your general insisted on giving your life. Remember it well, hahaha!"

Then, Darpa laughed again, his tone extremely insolent.

Facing Gan Hong's bow and arrow, he did not intend to dodge at all, instead he opened his arms and shouted loudly: "Come on, shoot the arrow here, shoot it accurately, come on!"

As he said that, he patted his chest deliberately, with a look of death.

Gan Hong narrowed his eyes slightly, his face was cold and angry, and his longbow was fully drawn.

"call out……"

Suddenly there was a sound, and the arrow pierced through the void in an instant, heading straight for Darpa.


Darpa didn't dodge at all, and even went to meet the arrow on purpose.

With a piercing sound, the arrow pierced through his chest and heart in an instant.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Darpa's body softened slowly.

On his face, there was a ferocious and excited smile.

He laughed happily, because until he died, he also dragged a Qin general to his back.

After today, even if Duan Hu does not die, he will become a useless person. He feels that he has earned it.

However, there was a bit of desolation and pain in his smile.

The so-called laughing at a hundred steps at fifty steps is actually the truth.

Here he kept mocking Duan Hu, beating Duan Hu and ruining the lives of tens of thousands of his brothers in vain, but how could he be any better?

Didn't the [-] brothers under him hand over their lives to him?
However, Shan Yu's order left him no choice, and with just one lie, he deceived 3 people to a dead end.

Isn't he playing with the lives of his brothers, isn't he betraying everyone's trust?

What right does he have to laugh at Duan Hu?
No, he has no qualifications at all.

When he made that decision, he never thought about continuing to live.

Just like what he said about Duan Hu just now, Duan Hu must be blamed for his death, so why not him?
Instead of living and bearing the piercing pain, it is better to be happy and die.

Therefore, at this moment, his smile was full of excitement, relief, and pain, and finally slowly disappeared into death.


"What happened, how could it be so intense?"

Half an hour later, Gan Hong ordered people to take care of the battlefield, and came to Duan Husheng with Lu Yan, and asked in a trembling voice.

At this moment, Duan Hu cowered quietly on the ground, his eyes turned white, and he didn't know if he passed out or not.

His limbs curled up together, and he just lay there quietly, without a trace of getting up.

However, it is not difficult to see from his breathing that he is not unconscious, but just in a daze, lying on the ground in a daze.

"If you lose on the battlefield, it's just a common thing in the military. It's okay...Leave 200 people here to take care of him. You and I will bring the army and set off immediately!"

"The army of the Huns in front has been fleeing for a day and a night. I don't know how far they have escaped. If you hesitate, something will happen!"

Lu Yan sighed and looked at Duan Hu who was lying on the ground. After all, he still couldn't bear to continue hitting Duan Hu at this moment.

There are some things he doesn't plan to say.

If others can see it, it is their business, if they cannot see it, forget it.

Although he hated Duan Hu's decision in his heart, after all, Duan Hu was still his old boss, how could he bear to push him into the abyss with his own hands?

He believed that if news of today's matter spread, Duan Hu would definitely die.Not to mention the whole court, even the king of Dian might not be able to tolerate Duan Hu.

There is no way, what Duan Hu committed today is really too big.

Just like Yuwen Chengdu in the past, because of a wrong decision, one hundred thousand troops under his command were killed.

Today, Duan Hu's losses are certainly not comparable to that of Yuwen Chengdu.

But the former Yuwen Chengdu was backed by the emperor, even though the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were stubborn, they were finally suppressed by force.

Now, who can Duan Hu rely on?Even if the king of Dian is willing to let him go, can the emperor let him go?
So, today, if it spreads from other people's mouths, Lu Yan can't control it.But he, Lu Yan, was unwilling to spread the matter personally after all.

Whether he couldn't bear it or cared about his old feelings, he chose to shut up.

"Hmm... that's right, changes come later. In this way, you have already fought fiercely all night, and today I will leave the matter of chasing the main force of the Huns to this old man for the time being!"

Gan Hong nodded slightly, although Lu Yan's statement was a bit far-fetched, but Gan Hong accepted this explanation.

As Lu Yan said, defeat in the battlefield is a common matter in military affairs, so there is no need to pursue it.Even if he wanted to pursue it, it was the Grand Marshal's business, and what did the court's business have to do with him?
Thinking of the Hun army that might have gone away, Gan Hong nodded solemnly.

"That's fine too!"

Lu Yan didn't want to stay and continue to accompany Duan Hu, but he looked around at the brothers who had fought all night and looked tired, and he still chose to compromise.

Today, the Qin army is the dominant side, and there is no need to learn from the Xiongnu, running tired and exhausting themselves.

Rest when tired, eat and drink when hungry.

The Xiongnu army ran out of food and grass, and the horses ran slower and slower, and even in the end, they couldn't run at all.

The pace of escape has changed from running away at the beginning to walking slowly now.

And they have plenty of time to eat and drink, and continue to catch up.

Anyway, the long-distance trek of the Yunnan horse is there, and after eating and drinking enough, no matter how long others walk, they can catch up in two or three strokes, so there is no need to spend time with each other.

Still the same sentence, eating and drinking enough is the kingly way.

Lu Yan responded, and Gan Hong didn't hesitate, he said hello, the army gathered, and they all got on their horses.

"The army obeys the order and advances at full speed!"

Following Gan Hong's order, the [-] troops rushed forward like a torrent, chasing the direction where the Xiongnu fled.

With scouts in front of the charcoal stove, there is no need to worry about chasing the wrong one.

After Gan Hong left, Lu Yan looked at Duan Hu who was still lying on the ground again, sighed, hesitated for a moment, and finally did not go up to comfort him.

Turning around to leave, Lu Yan ordered the army to rest on the spot, and then began to clean up the battlefield, find the bodies of the brothers, and bury them on the spot.

After finishing all this work, the army just began to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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