Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1459 Dangerous

Chapter 1459 Dangerous
"I will see Shan Yu at the end!"

Fifty miles away from the battlefield, on the Gobi, in front of a mound, Tu Lu retreated with an army of [-] troops, knelt respectfully in front of Mao Dun and returned to his command.

"3 people, did you bring them all back?"

Seeing that he glanced at the soldiers and horses he brought back, he said in a deep voice.

"Report to Shan Yu, 3 people, not one more, one not less, all brought back!"

Tu Lu crossed his hands, slapped his chest, lowered his head and said.

These words said that he didn't have the slightest joy in bringing people back from Qin Jun's men, but was more sad.

He knew that he did not meet the Qin army, it must be because of Darpa and the [-] troops ahead.

Now that I am back, what about them?Can you come back?

This matter has to start from last night. After the army was fed and drunk, it was witnessed that hundreds of thousands of troops were rested for two or three hours, and then woke up overnight.

He did not flee with the army immediately, but decided to fight back.

From the very beginning, he asked Tulu to order Darpa to fight to the death at all costs.

The meaning of this deadly battle is very clear, no matter what, we must buy time for him to arrange.

Of course, he couldn't pin all his hopes on Darpa.

After the soldiers below began to prepare, he sent Tulu to lead the [-] rested army to twenty miles away from the battlefield of Darpa and others, waiting for the Qin army.

If Darpa and the [-] army can't stop the Qin army, they will naturally encounter the [-] army of Tulu. Anyway, they must block it to buy time for the latter.

However, Tulu's [-] troops did not come in handy. This also proved that Darpa in front of him successfully blocked the Qin army's pace. At this time, Tulu had a chance to come back.

Otherwise, Tulu at this time might have already fought with Qin Jun, and there would be no chance of returning to his life at all.

"I know what you are thinking. It is necessary to sacrifice tens of thousands of people for the hundreds of thousands of troops. You should also go down and prepare. Today, I will let the [-] troops go down to bury Darpa with you!"

Mao Dun took a look at Tulu, as if he could see through the sadness in Tulu's heart at a glance, and said coldly.

Mao Dun has never been a soft-hearted person, let alone a person who mourns the spring and the autumn.

It is true that he is powerless to resist being caught by Tianmen.But on the battlefield, as long as he is given the opportunity to make decisions freely, he is fully and capable of dealing with any crisis.

For example, at this moment, the Qin army is endlessly chasing and killing.

He had a way to escape, but after all, he did not choose to escape, but chose to fight back.

How many people in the world can do this kind of boldness and boldness?

Tulu is a loyal loyalist of Maodun. Hearing this, he agreed and got up to leave.

Soon, Tulu came to ambush with an army of [-].

On this matter, Mao Dun just turned around and looked at the person standing quietly behind him, Gu Huan.

"Is everything ready?"

Maudun asked indifferently.

The former generals of the Xiongnu Quartet, eighteen wolf generals.In the repeated battles with the Qin army, they had already lost everything, and there were only three wolf generals left, namely Guhuan, Tulu and Darpa.

Now, even Darpa was killed in battle, and the Xiongnu was at the end of the road after all, and the generals were completely lost, leaving only Gu Huan and Tu Lu.

Last night, after Tu Lu was sent out, all the ambush arrangements were handed over to Gu Huan.

"Report to Shan Yu, everything is ready, just wait for the Qin army to come, and fight back immediately!"

Facing Mao Dun's questioning, Gu Huan crossed his hands, patted on his chest, and said solemnly.

" go down too, just wait for the scouts to report, and be ready to go to war at any time!"

Mao Dun nodded, now everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

Ahead, he had already sent out a large number of scouts.

Once the Qin army breaks through Darpa's block, scouts will come to report soon, and a decisive battle will break out inside and outside the Gobi.

Gu Huan responded, turned and left, ready to fight.

Mao Dun continued to wait, and as time passed, before he knew it, it was already half an hour later.

Suddenly, dozens of riders came rushing from all directions in the distance.




One after another shouted, these 20 riders were all scouts.

As the 20 or so riders arrived, they all fell to their knees and reported: "Qi reports to Shan Yu, the Qin army has arrived, and it is already thirty miles away!"

Hearing this, Mao Dun regained his energy, waved his hand, and shouted: "Go down and rest!"

Many scouts responded and retreated one after another.

It didn't take long, only to hear bursts of roaring sounds coming over the mountains.

In the distance, [-] Qin troops were on the desert, bringing dust and sand all over the sky. In the cold wind, it seemed like a torrent was sweeping, giving people a feeling of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.


Today, the sun is very big, very bright and dazzling.

The desert was originally a dry place, so logically, with such a big sun, it should be very hot.

However, the gusts of cold wind made the desert no longer hot.At least this desert won't get hot no matter what.

Even, under the sun, snowflakes even fell.

There was very little snow, but it finally fell.

It's just that although there is little snow, the weather is still very cold.

Seeing the attacking Qin army, Maodun finally moved. He left step by step, and finally disappeared at a corner of the Gobi.

On the other side, during the Qin army's attack, the footprints on the ground became more and more obvious, and they quickly chased them into the Gobi.


Suddenly, in front of the Gobi, Gan Hong reined in his horse and stopped, frowning and looking around.

For some reason, the closer he was to this Gobi, the more inexplicably restless he felt.

It was an instinctive feeling when faced with danger.

This feeling can be called the general's telepathy.

But when Gan Hong raised his head and looked around, he couldn't see any signs around him.

"The scout is still here to report?"

Suddenly, Gan Hong asked in a deep voice.

Strangely, there has been no news of the scouts since arriving within [-] miles of the Gobi.

Looking at the dense footprints on the ground, he was also slightly puzzled.

The dense footprints were only seen after coming to the first twenty miles of the Gobi.Twenty miles away, there were actually no traces left.

After all, the wind in the desert is strong, not to mention a day and a night, even two or three hours are enough to erase all traces.

The doubts in Gan Hong's heart were quickly resolved by himself.

He can conclude that along the way, the Huns' army will not stop Darpa's [-] troops from blocking them, and there must be more behind, as evidenced by the footprints on the ground.

Obviously, these footprints are the footprints left after the people who left behind evacuated.

Thinking about it this way, Gan Hong does not doubt that he is there, after all the Xiongnu have been reduced to this situation, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

But where did the inexplicable danger come from?

(End of this chapter)

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