Chapter 1461 Despair
In the desert, outside the Gobi, the army stopped. Gan Hong looked vigilant, ready to retreat at any time if something went wrong.

At the same time, in the Gobi, Mao Dun's body gradually straightened up, and his hand was slowly raised, and he was also ready to strike immediately if something went wrong.

The two sides are confronting each other invisibly, one side is in the light, and the other side is in the dark.

Gan Hong was still vigilant, but Wu Liang couldn't bear it any longer, and said in the dark, "General, what's wrong? So procrastinated, if the Hun army escapes, you and I can't bear the responsibility!"

These words already carry obvious persecution.

Gan Hong squinted his eyes slightly, gave Wu Liang a cold look, and then sighed helplessly.


Gan Hong was really sighing, he didn't get along with Wang Lin for a long time, but that young man was enough to scare him.

The young man's strategizing, the young man's aura, as if he was born to be the most handsome talent in the ancient sky.

Even though he was very old and spent his whole life on the battlefield, in front of that young man, he didn't even have the capital to be proud.

He admitted that the young man was a real handsome talent, an existence that anyone could look up to.

As long as he is there, there seems to be no difficult battle in this world, and there seems to be no unwinnable war.

However, at this moment, Gan Hong didn't understand why such a handsome person could arrange such a person who didn't understand anything to be by his side and use it to monitor him.

Is the battlefield really that simple, you can become a general after just a few battles?
Or, with a little skill, you can be a general?

That's right, with impressive strength, you can indeed be a general in the army.

However, there is still a difference between generals and generals.

A general who rises to the top by virtue of strength is called a general, and he only cares about fighting, not commanding.This type of general is usually not considered a general.Which of the real generals is not planning a strategy?
But this Wu Liang, does he have the strength to strategize?
Isn't it a joke that a person who can't even see through the battlefield is sent to supervise the army?

Of course, sighing, Gan Hong didn't say what was in his heart, but patiently said: "Unscrupulous general, I have something to say, see if it is possible!"

Wu Liang was puzzled and asked, "What's the matter?"

Gan Hong took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Before I say yes, I will ask the general a question first. If the general is that Xiongnu Chanyu Modun, what would he do now?"

Wu Liang was taken aback, looked around, and didn't understand why Gan Hong asked such a question suddenly.

After pondering for a moment, he finally said: "As far as I know, the Xiongnu army has been fleeing for days and nights, and it is already at the end of its strength. Although there are hundreds of thousands of troops, in fact, they have already lost any combat power. If it is Maodu, it is natural at this moment I have already escaped as far as I can!"

These words are very reasonable. After all, if you think about it, it seems that the current Xiongnu army has no choice but to run for their lives.Once the Qin army is allowed to catch up, the commander's life would be worse than death, and the last one will not be able to escape.

However, hearing these words in Gan Hong's ears, it made Gan Hong feel helpless.

"The Huns, are you really out of combat power?"

Gan Hong sighed and asked suddenly.

This question came so suddenly that Wu Liang was startled, and he couldn't help recalling the battlefield scene of Duan Hu's army fighting with the [-] Xiongnu army in his mind.

"The Huns, are you really out of combat power?"

That scene came to mind, and in an instant, even Wu Liang himself couldn't believe what he just said, and couldn't help asking himself in his heart.

With 3 people, the Huns, who were able to defeat [-] elite soldiers and almost lost their generals, really lost their combat power?

This kind of thing, let alone others, even Wu Liang himself can't believe it.

In an instant, Wu Liang's face flushed red, as if someone had slapped him in the face.

In other words, there is a feeling of self-slap in the face.

"What does the general want to explain?"

Blushing, Wu Liang looked at Gan Hong and questioned.

He didn't understand what Gan Hong meant when he suddenly mentioned these things at this moment.Could it be that it was just to amuse myself, to play with myself?
"Just now, the old man asked the general what he would do if the general was the Hun Shanyu Modun. The general answered, but the old man didn't agree!"

"General, I would like to know, if this old man is that Hun Shanyu Modun, what would he do at this moment?"

Gan Hong narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he said these words, his heart became tighter and tighter, and he seemed to have found the source of that dangerous feeling.

In other words, he has already found out where the invisible net is.

The big net is beside him, between the heaven and the earth, and now, he and the fifty thousand army under him seem to have fallen into the net.

He really wanted to turn around and run away immediately, but he wasn't sure, was there still time to run away at this time?
Most importantly, can Wu Liang allow it?

If he can't pass Wu Liang's test, let alone whether he has a chance to escape, he may not even be able to take action to escape.

Therefore, at this moment, the biggest problem facing Gan Hong is Wu Liang. He has an idea, but he must convince Wu Liang first.

This is the sorrow of the generals. Often, the generals lose every good opportunity and miss opportunities again and again because of these rules and regulations.

At this moment, Gan Hong felt that it seemed that the best opportunity was gradually moving away from him.

He must settle everything as soon as possible and seize this opportunity, otherwise today, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Oh, I'm all ears, if the general is Na Modun, what would he do at this moment!"

Wu Liang said in a deep voice.

"If the old man is that Maodun, he must do the opposite at this moment!"

"Others think that this old man is powerless to fight any more, and that this old man must run away. If this is the case, this old man is not willing to run away!"

"In fact, the Huns can still fight again, and they still have a chance to fight again. It's just that this opportunity requires too much effort!"

"However, there are some sacrifices, no matter whether you do it or not, you must lose it. If this is the case, why not seize the opportunity and make a move?"

Gan Hong squinted his eyes slightly, while speaking, a cold air came out of him.

It was the coldness that came from the bottom of his heart, a kind of coldness when facing the crisis of death.

At this moment, the cold seemed to affect people, even Wu Liang felt it.

However, facing this coldness, Wu Liang was a little indifferent.

"What pay? What opportunity?"

Seeing Wu Liang's puzzled face, he asked again.

Gan Hong was desperate, he closed his eyes inexplicably, he knew that with Wu Liang's brain, no amount of explanation would be useless.

But he still said: "The price of hundreds of thousands of war horses, these hundreds of thousands of war horses, no one can take them away without enough fodder, even the Huns. And with these hundreds of thousands of horses As a price, the war horse is completely deliberately gaining a chance to counterattack!"

(End of this chapter)

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