Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1462 The Encirclement

Chapter 1462 The Encirclement

"You mean the Huns are still planning to fight back at this time?"

Sure enough, when Wu Liang heard it, he was immediately delighted. He looked speechless and said, "General, aren't you too fanciful? As for the Huns, they dare to fight back at this time? Isn't this courting death?"

Gan Hong had no choice but to shake his head and sighed: "It's not courting death, it's seeking survival. General, this old man is going to retreat, the sooner the better, otherwise, the entire army will be wiped out!"

Having said this, Gan Hong has exhausted his words.If he still can't change it, he can't do anything about it.

After all, although he is a great general, in fact, the power is still in Wu Liang's hands.

In this world, no matter where you go, you will always find xenophobic people and xenophobic mentality.

In Daqin, it was one thing for the emperor to tolerate the kings of the Southwest, but as Jun Wuyou said, the emperor could tolerate them, so others might not be able to tolerate them?

Everyone will be xenophobic, the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty are xenophobic, and the people of the Central Plains are also xenophobic.And these people from the southwest, in the Central Plains, are outsiders.

Even a young talent like Wang Lin still has xenophobia.

Why did Wang Lin send Gan Hong after sending Duan Hu's army?Isn't it because of xenophobia, disbelief in Duan Hu, and plans to use Southwesterners to restrain Southwesterners?

Duan Hu's commander is the soldiers of the former Dian Kingdom, so he can handle them with ease.

But what about him?Although the soldiers and horses of the Southwest are also in command, they have nothing to do with him, and the military power is completely out of his hands.As a great general, when he really made a decision, he had no effect at all.

In the final analysis, this is a means of imperial control.

And this kind of method, although it can often achieve miraculous effects, it will also bring unexpected harm.

At this moment, Gan Hong fell into a deep powerlessness.

"The general's words are alarmist, right?"

Facing Gan Hong's words from the bottom of his heart, Wu Liang frowned slightly, snorted coldly, and said: "At such a moment, once such words are spread to the army, it will definitely cause chaos in the army. Has the general thought about the consequences? "

While speaking, Wu Liang's tone gradually became unkind.

Yes, he is xenophobic.

Especially at this moment, Gan Hong has already labeled in his heart that he is not my race, and his heart must be different.

In his opinion, Gan Hong just didn't want to fight for Da Qin.In other words, Gan Hong deliberately spared the Huns, otherwise, how could he be making alarmist remarks here?

He also said that if he doesn't escape, the whole army will be wiped out. What kind of joke are you talking about?

Hun army, do you really dare to fight out at this time?
Besides, the last sentence also said that the Huns did not have enough fodder, and hundreds of thousands of horses could not take them away.

Everyone knows that without fodder, the Huns' hundreds of thousands of war horses are equivalent to being useless.

If the Huns were to be killed and they couldn't beat them, wouldn't they be able to escape?
Annihilation of the entire army, what is it if it is not wishful thinking?
All the explanations are reasonable, which makes Wu Liang disbelieve Gan Hong even more, exclude him even more, doubt him even more, and loathe him even more.

"Since the general doesn't believe it, you might as well divide your troops into three groups and investigate from left to right!"

"Now, the Huns are entering the urn with the Qin army, and we are all in the trap. Since the general is unwilling to escape, let's fight to the death!"

Gan Hong was completely speechless, at this time, he could only break things open.

Anyway, it's a fierce battle between the left and the right. Instead of dying in a daze, it's better for everyone to die knowingly and happily.

"Okay... Now that the general has spoken, I'd like to see what kind of ambush lies beyond this trap, which makes the general so cautious!"

Wu Liang sneered, today, he was going to expose Gan Hong's scam.

Immediately, I saw Wu Liang wave his left and right hands, and immediately, three thousand cavalrymen were separated from the left and right sides.

Following Wu Liang's order, three thousand cavalry, separated from the left and right, rushed towards the two sides.


The cold wind blows, the yellow sand surges...

On the endless desert, suddenly, bursts of yellow sand began to tremble.

Looking at the two Qin armies going left and right in the battlefield, on the Gobi hills, Mao Dun narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression was serious at first, and then he smiled.

He looked solemn because, when the two armies separated, he knew that his plan had been seen through, which made him feel dignified.

And he laughed because of this.

The people in the Qin army obviously saw through their plan, but they fled without turning around, and wanted to investigate it themselves.

He is sure that this is definitely not the will of one person, and someone must be influencing the overall situation.

How can he not be happy that Qin Jun's pursuit of soldiers is so inconsistent?

Since Qin Jun took the opportunity to reject it, no wonder he took it easy.

When the two armies on the left and right were separately investigating, Mo Dun waved his big hand with a smile.

"dong dong dong dong..."

In an instant, the sound of beating drums shook the sky and the earth.

The sound of the drum beating was melodious and long, like thunder, resounding in people's minds, and instantly awakened the fifty thousand soldiers of the Qin army in the desert.

Gan Hong's complexion changed, and he became extremely pale in an instant.

Everything was exactly as he had guessed, and the accident finally happened.

The moment Wu Liang heard the beating of the drum, his expression also changed, and he looked into the depths of the Gobi in shock.

He recognized that the sound of beating drums came from the depths of the Gobi.

"The Huns are in the Gobi!"

Wu Liang couldn't help calling out loudly, as if the hunter who found the prey was about to lead his troops into the Gobi to stop the Huns' army.

However, when Qin Jun was awakened by the sound of drums beating in the Gobi, the countless figures buried in the desert were also awakened by the sound of drums beating deep in the Gobi.

The two armies sent by Wu Liang to investigate left and right stopped shortly after they heard the sound of drums beating.

Before they could react, at this moment, in all directions, under countless sand dunes, figures emerged from the ground like ghosts.

Layers of quicksand kept falling, and figures emerged one after another, as if ghost soldiers had appeared in the world.In an instant, hundreds of thousands of troops had already arrived, surrounding them like water.

"No, there is an ambush!"

I don't know who suddenly yelled, but at this moment I realized that it was too late after all.

In all directions, countless figures, with quicksand rolling on their bodies, walked slowly, giving people a feeling of seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

After looking at it clearly, I realized that there were no ghost soldiers there, they were clearly soldiers of the Huns.

It's just that at this moment, the encirclement circle has been formed, and [-] cavalrymen of the Qin Army are surrounded in the middle, leaving no space at all.

Under such circumstances, it has become an extravagant hope to ride a horse and fight out.

The strength of cavalry comes from speed, and speed often requires energy accumulation.

At this moment, the [-] cavalry don't even have room to move around, so how can they borrow their strength?


These Xiongnu troops appeared strangely, but they were also very quick to attack.

At the moment when the encirclement circle was formed, someone shouted loudly, and in an instant, hundreds of thousands of troops were on the periphery, drawing bows and arrows, pointing directly at the Qin army in the circle.

The next moment, countless arrows rained down, covering the sky like a dark cloud, making people despair.

(End of this chapter)

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