Chapter 1463

There were screams one after another, and under the rain of countless arrows, the Qin army fell one after another, like harvesting wheat, and kept falling.

The smell of blood filled the scene instantly.

Panic spread instantly.

The [-]-strong army was in disarray in an instant, fleeing and evading in a panic.

However, under the rain of arrows, self-disruption is tantamount to self-destruction.How to die, or how to die, no one can escape.

"What's going on, there is really an ambush!"

Wu Liang was dumbfounded. The scene in front of him made him unable to recover for a long time.

He couldn't believe that the Huns' army would actually strike back at this time.And set up an ambush at this place.

Everything was so unexpected that she didn't even have a chance to react.

"What are you still doing?"

"Do you really want to annihilate the whole army?"

"Call the army immediately and kill them!"

At this moment, a loud shout sounded, like enlightenment, deafening, and instantly brought Wu Liang's thoughts back to reality.

Wu Liang turned his head and saw that Gan Hong had already grabbed the big flag, waved it wildly, and called on the army to stabilize the formation with the flag order.

However, how can the army at this moment be stable if it is said to be stable?

Seeing this, Wu Liang quickly took over the banner, roared, and shouted, "Follow me from here!"

With a single kill, it instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Qin Jun saw someone taking the lead here, and the direction Wu Liang rushed out was obviously the weakest link in the encirclement.

At this moment, there are heavy soldiers surrounded in all directions, if they stay any longer, they will surely die.

There is obviously no chance of breaking through from other places. Only such a weak link can make people find a chance.

So, everyone, who could still run, rode their horses to follow behind Wu Liang, charging towards the direction where the encirclement was the weakest.

"don't want……"

Seeing this, Gan Hong's eyes were about to burst, and he hissed and roared.

However, his yelling didn't have any effect.

I saw the army rushing forward, already fighting with the Huns in that direction.

Sure enough, the Huns in that direction couldn't stop the wolf-like Qin army at all, and were quickly torn open.

"Kill it out!"

Seeing this, Wu Liang immediately smiled.

I thought it was so powerful to set up an ambush by the Huns, but it turned out to be nothing more than that.

I escaped a catastrophe today, and the future will be long, and there will be opportunities to settle this account again.

A thought flashed through Wu Liang's mind, thinking that he could escape with his army in such a dangerous situation, he was inexplicably excited.

Little did he know that at this moment, Gan Hong who was behind was motionless, falling into even more despair.

In Wu Liang's eyes, the escape route is, in Gan Hong's eyes, the only way to death.

On the battlefield, the most chance is to be led by the nose.

As everyone knows, the way to open canals and repair water is worse than blocking.Under guidance, even if it is a devastating torrent, it can only be led and used by others!

As everyone knows, hunters know that they have never been extinct, but lured them with life.

Fighting on the battlefield and hunting with hunters has always been the same principle.

Hunters hunt and life gates are often traps.

On the battlefield, the same is true.

In this world, there has never been an unbreakable situation. Of course, if you think of everything too simply, you can only dig your own grave.

Shanyu Maodun, the Xiongnu, could have such boldness and set up such a big situation. Could it be that he couldn't even control the situation and left you with such a way out? Isn't this a joke?
Walking on this road of life is purely courting death.

However, this truth, Gan Hong understands that it is useless.

The tens of thousands of troops below did not understand, and neither did Wu Liang.

Gan Hong was in the middle of the rebellious army, but he did not flee, he had already lost the hope of escape.He just watched helplessly as Wu Liang led his army and rushed out of the life gate.

In the end, step into a horse trap one by one.

Not far from the Shengmen, there is a huge gully on the ground.

On the top of the gully, there are rotten logs that do not bear any force and are covered with a thin layer of quicksand.

When the army escaped and ascended to heaven, they were excited, thinking that they had escaped a catastrophe, and when they were rushing wildly, they all rushed to the horse pit.

Suddenly, countless war horses fell, and countless figures fell.

The quicksand rolled, these people didn't even have a chance to struggle.

The tens of thousands of troops, under the pressure of countless arrow rains, either fell in the arrow rain, or fell into the gully, and were finally filled with quicksand, and no one escaped.

A man caught in quicksand is more dangerous than a swamp.

The swamp will at least give you a little chance to react and give you a chance to survive.But quicksand won't!

Quicksand is like water, and it is a kind of water that can only sink, not float.

Tens of thousands of troops fell into it, unable to withstand the slightest waves, and disappeared one after another.

Even if it was surrounded by the Huns, it should have been a vigorous and fierce battle. However, in the end, because of a wrong decision, the [-] troops did not cause even the slightest casualties to the Huns.

The achievements of the Xiongnu are not insignificant.

And this kind of victory, just because of opening a door, completely cut off the world.

Gan Hong clenched his fists tightly, watching this scene, his almost split eyes slowly closed.

Despair, unprecedented despair!
It never occurred to Gan Hong that after a lifetime of fighting, it can be said that the rest of his life, the ever-victorious general, would be able to fight such a battle in the end.

It doesn't matter if the reputation of the whole life is ruined, if the news comes back, how should I deal with myself?How should the young master deal with himself?

Is it because of himself that the young master has no place to stand?

Now, the young master has no hope of going back. If he loses his foothold in Qin, the Zhao family will really perish.

Gan Hong's heart hurts, but who can understand it?
In all directions, the Xiongnu army came like a tide.

As a top warrior, even though he is old, he still possesses the courage of all men. If he really wants to fight, who can stop him?

But thinking of the young master, he finally gave up on escaping.

Perhaps, dying in battle is more valuable than escaping!

At least, it won't implicate the young master!
Surrounded by layers of circles, Gan Hong's eyes suddenly froze, looking not far ahead.

There, a figure slowly walked over.

That figure was very burly, with a bearded face, and his eyes were as high as a falcon, like a unique king in this world.

Every step he took seemed to be stepping on the heart of a person.Even a person like Gan Hong, who is used to seeing big scenes, feels an inexplicable sense of oppression when facing this person.

This person, he knew Gan Hong, because he had seen it before when they faced each other at Yanmen Pass, it was Xiongnu Shanyu and Maodun.

Mao Dun came step by step, and stopped in front of Gan Hong.

He stood on the ground, but he didn't mind. He seemed to look up at Gan Hong on the horse, but his gaze gave people a feeling of looking down, looking up and down at Gan Hong, as if he was evaluating something.

(End of this chapter)

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