Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1464 Intentional Movement

Chapter 1464 Intentional Movement
"I remember you, your name is Gan Hong, we met before!"

After looking at it for a while, Mouton opened his mouth and said with a smile.

"I remember you too, King Hun!"

Gan Hong nodded, looked at Mao Dun, and said in a low and hoarse voice.

Although the Xiongnu never called themselves kings, they only called Shanyu, but Gan Hong still liked the title of king, so he directly named him Maodun King of the Huns.

"When you go to Yanmen Pass, you have a hundred thousand soldiers in your hands. I have followed you and know a lot about your past!"

Mao Dun didn't care about Gan Hong's casual address, and continued talking.

Gan Hong looked at him, but didn't answer.

Seeing this, Mao Dun began to pace back and forth, as if talking to himself, Nan Nan said: "You are from Zhaoguo in the Southwest, known as the God of War in the Southwest. You are the predecessor of that Duanhu. It's far from it!"

"You are very powerful, I can tell from today's battle. However, you are still defeated after all!"

Gan Hong sneered and said: "Yes, that's right, I lost, so what?"

Mao Dun shook his head and said with a smile: "As far as I know, you are not willing to serve the Qin Empire, and now you are fighting for the Qin Empire, all for your young master, King Zhao!"

"Now that you are defeated, have you thought about the consequences?"

As soon as these words came out, Gan Hong's breathing stopped instantly.

In an instant, Gan Hong seemed not only to hold his breath, but even his heartbeat stopped.

He looked at Maodun, pondered and hesitated for a long time before he let out a long breath.

Seeing this, Mao Dun continued to talk to himself, saying: "Today's battle is enough to make you never recover. In the Qin Empire, there has always been a saying that one person broke the law and nine neighbors sat together. Do you think that if you lose today's battle, you Can your young master and you escape unharmed?"

"Of course, maybe you think that if you die, you will get a good reputation of dying in battle, and maybe you can save one or two. But do you think this will really clear up your relationship with the young master?"

"Or, without you, do you think your young master can survive safely in the Qin Empire?"

Gan Hong's breath, which was held at the beginning, gradually became rapid.

"You said so much, what exactly do you want to express?"

Finally, Gan Hong could no longer remain silent, and asked coldly.

"In this world, the weak have always been prey to the strong, and the fittest survive. Your young master may still be a king now, but he is no longer the king of Zhao Kingdom. His so-called king is, after all, a title and a subject of the Qin Empire. !"

"Just imagine, how would a young child be treated within the Qin Empire without the most powerful left and right arms?"

"For example, if you put your experience today on your young master, do you think he can bear it? Even if he can bear it, how long can he bear it?"

Mouton didn't answer, still talking to himself.

Gan Hong's face changed again and again, as the topic deepened, every word of Mao Dun was like a heavy hammer, constantly hitting his heart.

That's right, I am in the Qin Kingdom, and I claim to be ordered by the emperor, and I have a hundred thousand soldiers in my hands, but in fact, did I really have military power in my hands?

No, never.

Maybe there is Duan Hu who is also from the Southwest, but can he be compared with Duan Hu?
They used to have an army of the Dian Kingdom, but in today's Great Qin, that is a solid army of [-].

Now, the emperor personally canonized him, and his name is justified. Who would dare not give him military power?
Who dares to obstruct at this time, I am afraid that the one hundred thousand army will not agree at the first time.

But even so, what Duan Hu really has in his hands is only [-] troops.

As for myself, the world knows how Zhao Kingdom died.

That is, all the people are soldiers, young and old go to the battlefield together, fighting to the death.

It can be said that after the demise of the Zhao Kingdom, it was difficult to find a young man, let alone a single soldier, or even use the power of the whole country.

Zhaoguo defended the dignity of the country with blood. Even if the country is destroyed, it will be destroyed with vigor and vigor, leaving no words for others.

When others mention Zhaoguo, the first thing that comes to mind is fierceness, which is admirable.

But the consequence of this good reputation is that the young master now has no backing.Even if others blatantly did something to the young master, no one would support the young master.

It's like the current self, who has been suppressed so much, can only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

But this kind of grievance, I can bear it, can the young master bear it?

Now, with myself here, I can use this old body to resist everything for the young master, but if I am really gone, who else is willing to shield the young master from the wind and rain?
Relying on others, is it realistic?

Gan Hong hesitated, and Mao Dun's seemingly unintentional words touched his heart, shaking his determination to die.

It has to be said that Maodun is worthy of a generation of arrogant kings. He moves freely on the battlefield, fights in all directions politically, and controls human nature to death when it comes to people's hearts.

It seems that the weaknesses of others have all become tools for him to use.

"What exactly are you trying to express?"

Thoughts were spinning in Gan Hong's mind, but he still asked again, without showing the embarrassment deep in his heart.

"You don't have to perform in front of Wei, Wei knows that at this moment, you are actually afraid in your heart!"

"You are a talent, although you are old, but I don't care!"

"Give up the Qin Empire and follow me. What the Qin Empire can give you, the Hun Empire can also give you. What the Qin Emperor can give you, I can give you too!"

"Today, you have been ostracized in the Qin Empire, and your young master is in danger in the Qin Empire. But as long as you are willing to follow me, I can guarantee that your young master will be prosperous and wealthy for the rest of his life. Even, if one day, I destroy the Qin Empire , will definitely return your young master a bigger Zhao Kingdom!"

"Promise me, the above are my promises and my oaths. Unless I die, otherwise, I will do it for you at all costs!"

Suddenly, Mao Dun turned his head to look at Gan Hong, his eyes were sharp and pierced into people's hearts.

These words finally revealed his purpose.

In the final analysis, today's Huns, because of various internal strife, those who should not be kept have long since died in his calculations, so that today's Huns can be said to have few talents.

Under his Mao Dun, not to mention a powerful general, not even a powerful top general.

And Gan Hong is not only a top fighter, but also a real master.

Facing such a talent, he will not let it go no matter what, and even a higher bargaining chip has been secretly offered in his heart, just to see what the bottom line Gan Hong can accept.

"What do you mean, if I go to the Hun Empire, today's predicament will be solved soon?"

When Gan Hong opened his mouth, he didn't know if it was a test, or if he was really moved.

(End of this chapter)

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