Chapter 1465 Shadow
Mao Dun suddenly smiled, he didn't care whether Gan Hong was testing or really moving.

From the moment Gan Hong asked this sentence, he was sure that he had led Gan Hong away.

After all, if Gan Hong really doesn't want to move, it is impossible for him to ask these words.

Even if these words are just a test, if there is no intention, why bother to test?

Therefore, the words of Gan Hong are equivalent to expressing his heart.

"That's right, follow me. The position of Grand Marshal of the Xiongnu Empire is yours. From now on, no one will dare to challenge your authority. Follow me and destroy the Qin Empire together and rule the world. I will definitely let you create untold glory! "

Mao Dun opened his arms, extremely confident.

While speaking, the king was domineering and couldn't help but leak.

It has to be said that Mao Dun is indeed qualified to say these words.

He is a true king, even under the oppression of Tianmen, he will never change his ambition.

He is not a running dog of Tianmen, he is Maodun, the king, the king of the Huns.

As a king, he once walked forward under the oppression of Tianmen.Now, under the devastating blow of the Qin Empire, he also never compromised.

In his eyes, tomorrow belongs to his own brilliance after all.

If I am not going to perish today, it is equally impossible to go to perish tomorrow.

Tianmen is powerful, and his goal is to destroy Tianmen.The Qin Empire is powerful, and his goal is to destroy the Qin Empire.

A generation of arrogant kings can be insulted by you, but it is absolutely impossible for you to be insulted for a lifetime and live in the shadow of others.

However, it was good that Maodun's king did not reveal his domineering aura, but this exposure made Gan Hong's heart feel cold in an instant.

On Mao Dun's body, he seemed to see someone's shadow.

That's right, a shadow.

Mao Dun at this moment is just a shadow in Gan Hong's eyes.

Like, really like it.

This momentum, this tone, is exactly the same.

However, compared with that person, there is a gap between Mao Dun and that person.

It is undeniable that just now, Gan Hong was really moved.

But at this moment, all the emotions seemed to be completely awakened by a basin of cold water, all because of the exposure of Mao Dun's aura.

"Have you seen Emperor Qin?"

Suddenly, Gan Hong didn't know which tendon was wrong, and asked such a question.

Mao Dun was taken aback for a moment, this topic went a little far.

He is now throwing an olive branch, trying to win over Gan Hong, not intending to discuss Emperor Qin with Gan Hong.

But since Gan Hong asked, he didn't refuse, but said, "Ying Shou?"

Gan Hong nodded and said: "That's right, it's him!"

Mao Dun shook his head: "I haven't seen him, why, is there something wrong?"

The corners of Gan Hong's mouth raised slightly, with a slight sarcasm, he said: "You are not his opponent!"

These words were like five thunderbolts, as if the Milky Way fell from the sky, directly sprinkled on the top of Maodun's head.

All of Mao Dun's aura disappeared in an instant.

As a king, dare to be the first in the world, who dares to say that a king is not as good as a man?

"Can you say that again?"

Mao Dun's tone became cold, and his eyes became cold.

"Do you know what I thought when you said that just now?"

Gan Hong didn't repeat it again, but deliberately reminded him.


Mao Dun asked coldly.

"Qin Emperor, Dian Palace!"

Tangerine said at dusk.


Mao Dun was a little puzzled, he didn't understand, what did Gan Hong want to do by dragging the topic so far, was it just to provoke his anger?
Could it be that in his opinion, his anger is just for appreciation?

Today, if Gan Hong can't give a reasonable explanation, he doesn't mind losing a strong general.

"You are very similar to Qin Huang, especially when you spoke just now, I saw Qin Huang's shadow on your body!"

Gan Hong spoke again, and these words struck Mao Dun's heart again.


"You mean, I'm just Ying Shou's shadow?"

Mao Dun's tone was even colder. He never expected that someone would dare to regard himself as the shadow of others.

In this world, only others have always been the shadow of the king, and I have never seen a king be the shadow of others.

Moreover, this kind of thing happened inadvertently, and no one could accept it.

"That's right, in my eyes, you are just a shadow of Emperor Qin!"

"You are very similar to him, but you are not him, and you cannot be his opponent!"

"Once upon a time, the Emperor of Qin came to the southwest, guarding the kings with his hands, and the world prostrated himself. What kind of contempt for the sky and the universe is that?"

"It is undeniable that you have the arrogance of a king, but a shadow is a shadow. Your arrogance is not comparable to Qin Huang, and your strength is even worse than Qin Huang!"

"You are not his opponent. He is not even interested in attacking you. Just being alone, leaving all the court officials behind, can make you lose a lot. Do you think that you can't beat his marshal today, and you can't fight tomorrow?" , can you beat him, Emperor Qin?"

If you don't say a word, you can say nothing, it's astonishing.

One word said, it can be said that Mao Dun's heart was beaten one after another, causing Mao Dun to almost collapse.

What are you talking about?

Isn't it purely for slapping people in the face?
It's fine to say that I'm someone else's shadow, but now it's even worse, people don't even have the interest to make a move on their own, and they just send a marshal, and they beat themselves to the ground.

Just like that, isn't it ridiculous to think about killing others?
Don't say that Gan Hong can't bear to watch this kind of thing, after listening to Gan Hong's words, Mao Dun felt inexplicably ashamed.

Fortunately, I kept saying just now that sooner or later, the Qin Empire will be destroyed.

But is he wrong again?If it doesn't work today, won't it work tomorrow?
Others don't know the reason for Maodun's successive defeats, but Maodun knows it very well.

It's true that Ying Shou never hit him. Of course, he never hit Ying Shou either.

Ying Shou's opponent has always been Tianmen.

Of course, he Modu is no exception, his opponent is also Tianmen.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, it was never the Qin Empire, but the Tianmen, who really fought against Maodun.

His big defeat was due to the pressure from Tianmen, otherwise, he wouldn't have felt that he had really fought with Ying Shouming, and could still lose to Ying Shou.

It can only be said that time is fate, Ying Shou is lucky, and there is no pressure from Tianmen.But he is different, from the beginning to the end, the battlefield is not under his control.Otherwise, he would never lose to Ying Shou.

At least, from the start of the war with the Qin Empire to the present, it is only today that he has made a real move.If he could choose freely a few more times, he believed that the Qin Empire would have been destroyed by now and become his own plaything.

"Having said so much, you don't want to follow me?"

Taking a deep breath, he suddenly changed the subject and asked suddenly.

From the moment when Gan Hong changed the topic, Mao Dun has been observing Gan Hong, and obviously felt Gan Hong's decision from Gan Hong's tone.

(End of this chapter)

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