Chapter 1466 Chips
"The world is bustling, all for profit!"

"King Hun, no matter what you say, you are also a king. In this position, there are many truths. I believe you understand it better than this old man!"

"That's right, I can't refuse the benefits you offer. If possible, I am willing to promise you!"

"However, there are some things that the old man sees more clearly than you. Only enough strength can bring enough benefits. Now, your opponent is Qin Huang, and you can't beat him!"

"All the benefits you give are nothing more than moons in the water, flowers in the mirror, and mirages. You can see them, but you can't touch them. If you follow you today, you will be defeated in the future, and the old man will die if you die. However, my young master , must not be affected by this!"

Faced with Mao Dun's persecution, Gan Hong sighed and finally made his own decision.

"Okay, I understand!"

Modu nodded, he really liked Gan Hong.

Gan Hong is one of the few people he admires the most so far.

He didn't understand what the Emperor Qin was capable of. He had a handsome young man like Wang Lin and an experienced general like Gan Hong under his command.

On the other hand, Mao Dun seemed to have nothing in his life except betrayal.

When they were young, all others faced were their father's pampering and love.As for him, what he faced was his father's betrayal and cruel injury.

Finally, as time passed, he brought the impending Xiongnu Empire back from the brink of death, and what he faced was endless betrayal.

The four generals under his command, the eighteen wolf generals, and the leaders of various ministries all stared at him.

Killed the leaders of all the ministries, as well as the generals of the Quartet and the eighteen wolf generals.

With so many mainstays of the Huns, there are only two or three people who are devoted and loyal to him.

Why is the way of heaven so unfair?

Of course, Mao Dun didn't have the idea of ​​condemning the injustice of heaven. Since he was saved from a desperate situation, he should grow up slowly.

Hope, always tomorrow.

"Would you like to come with me?"

Suddenly, Mao Dun opened his mouth and asked Gan Hong.

Even at this time, he still couldn't bear to kill Gan Hong.

If he could, he would take Gan Hong for his own use at all costs.

The so-called polite corporal is nothing more than that.

"How are you doing?"

Gan Hong said vigilantly.

"I want you to see the hope I give you. It doesn't matter if you don't want to follow me today, I just hope that what happens in the future will make you change your mind!"

Mao Dun said solemnly.

"Hehe, you want to prove to me that you have the strength to stand up to Emperor Qin?"

Gan Hong smiled, and instantly understood Mao Dun's plan.

"Will you give me this chance?"

Mao Dun stared at Gan Hong, not caring that Gan Hong was talking to him immediately.

"What if the old man doesn't give it?"

Gan Hong replied.

"If you don't agree, you can leave now, and I will never let anyone stop you. One day, if you think it's okay, come back to me at any time. The gates of our Hun Empire are open for you at any time!"

Mao Dun opened his arms, with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers.

As soon as this remark came out, Gan Hong fell silent.

That's right, he was not optimistic about Maodu, but Maodu's sincerity made it hard for him to refuse after all.

The so-called good birds choose trees to live in, and good ministers choose masters to serve.

It is also said that the king treats me like a gentleman of the country, and I should repay him with the courtesy of a gentleman of the country.

The treatment that Maodun can give him to Gan Hong is not at all comparable to that of Qin.

If possible, he would choose to follow Modu without hesitation.Even if he died with Maodun's defeat in the end.

However, he is not alone!

He also has his own worries, if he really does this, he will definitely involve the young master, and when the time comes, the young master will undoubtedly die.

Why should he let the young master pay for himself because of his own mistake?

In a person's life, there are many choices.

But Gan Hong was from Zhao Kingdom, and in his life, he could never be loyal to Emperor Qin, nor could he be Mao Dun. No matter what choice he made, he could only be loyal to the young master.

If the young master made the decision today, he wouldn't mind paying for the young master.But he is not qualified to let the young master fall into boundless crisis because of his mistake.

After being silent for a long time, Gan Hong dismounted from his horse, came with his hands behind his back, walked up to Maodun, and said, "How do you feel about the current situation? When you go back now, do you really think you still have a chance to change the world?"

This sentence is a very serious question, and it also hits the point.

Today, the Hun Empire is basically subverted.Even Longcheng was occupied by Qin army and Donghu army.

At this moment, the two armies are negotiating peace. Once the peace negotiation is successful, the Xiongnu Empire will be completely reduced to the territory of Qin.Even if Maodun goes back, he can only face endless pursuit.

A king who doesn't even have a foothold, how can he talk about a comeback?

"Of course there is an opportunity. Now, Donghu's 50 troops are still waiting. As long as I can go back, I will join forces immediately. With the power in my hand, I have enough strength to compete with the Qin Empire!"

Mo Dun's answer was very firm, without any hesitation.

"Hehe, you put all your hopes on Donghu's 50 troops? Do you think you can really rely on them?"

Gan Hong laughed, and he didn't take Modu's words seriously at all.

If Mouton is really a person who puts his hopes on others, then it is not worth his time to waste his words.

Mao Dun turned around, glanced at Gan Hong, with a cheerful smile on his face, and said with a smile: "It's a joy to talk to smart people. That's right, Donghu people are unreliable, and I never put my hope on them."

"So, when I return to the Xiongnu this time, I will choose to let go of Longcheng. The Donghu army will come if they want to, and if they don't want to, I will open up the world and revive our Huns!"

Gan Hong nodded secretly, but still asked: "What are you relying on?"

Mao Dun sneered, and said: "King... As you said, King of the Huns. As long as you have this title, it is enough!"

This sentence is very simple, but the content is enough to make people speechless.

Yes, no matter how poor he is, he is still a king, the king of the Huns.

As long as he has not declared his surrender, as long as he is not dead, he will always be the king of the Huns.

Even if the Qin State temporarily took the initiative of the Huns, so what?At least, the hearts of the Huns will always be towards him as the king.

Take advantage of the aspirations of the people, so why not worry about major events?
This is the only bargaining chip that Modu has now, and it is also the biggest bargaining chip.

The weight of this chip is enough to withstand millions of lions.

"Okay, with your words, that's enough. I'm waiting for you, and I hope that one day you will revive the mountains and rivers!"

Having reached this point, Gan Hong has nothing to say, and finally chooses to give Mao Dun another chance.

"Would you like to come with me?"

He was overjoyed and said hastily.

Gan Hong shook his head: "No, I will give you a chance, but I won't pin my hopes on you alone. I'm going to Dragon City, so let's say goodbye!"

(End of this chapter)

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