Chapter 1467 The Centurion

On this day, Daqin chasing soldiers suffered heavy losses.

Because of Duan Hu's insistence on going his own way, thirty-four thousand troops were buried.Of the 6000 troops under his command, there are only more than 6000 people left, of which more than 1 people are carried on their bodies.The remaining [-] people no longer have the ability to continue chasing and killing the Huns alone.

At the same time, because of Wu Liang's refusal to listen to persuasion, the [-] army was buried in the sand dunes, and no one escaped, leaving Gan Hong alone.

So far, the pursuit and encirclement of the main force of the Huns by the Qin army has been resolved.

The Xiongnu no longer had any crisis to speak of, and when Qin's 30 cavalry were all put down, the more than [-] chasing soldiers behind them, even if they broke their legs, it was impossible to catch up with them.

Of course, Qin State still has [-] cavalry, but now that Qin State is going deep into other countries to fight, it needs a steady stream of supplies.

In order to save manpower from transporting supplies, the [-] cavalry turned into a huge troop of supplies.

Even at this time, it is impossible for this material delivery team to be withdrawn and used to chase the Huns.

Otherwise, not to mention too much, the supplies of the hundreds of thousands of infantry soldiers will not be able to attack, and they will retreat without a fight in an instant after this expedition.

It can be said that a decision made by Mao Dun completely changed the ending of the Huns' large armament consumption to death.

With hundreds of thousands of war horses, Mao Dun finally chose to give up and killed them all.

These war horses ran out of fodder and were already exhausted after running for several days. They couldn't take them away at all.

However, even if they couldn't take it away, they didn't plan to leave it to Qin Jun.

After all the horses were killed and everyone carried a certain amount of horse meat, the large team continued on to the grasslands of the Xiongnu Empire.

They went to the Xiongnu prairie, and Gan Hong also went to the Xiongnu prairie.

However, Gan Hong did not follow the Xiongnu army, but galloped all the way with the Dian horse on his crotch, and rushed to Longcheng first.

Two days later, the Xiongnu army arrived on the memorable prairie.

Today's grassland is more like a snowfield.At a glance, it is covered with snow and covered with silver, so pure and white.

As Mo Dun said, he will not pin all his hopes on Donghu's 50 army.

Originally, according to the discussion between the two deacons of the Xiongnu and the deacon of Donghu, after returning this time, he was asked to join the army of the Xiongnu, and he would return to the family and deal with Qin at the same time.

This was also proposed by Mao Dun himself at the beginning.

But after returning to the Xiongnu prairie, Mao Dun didn't have the slightest idea of ​​rushing to Longcheng to join forces with the Donghu army. Instead, he headed in another direction and led the army.

In that direction, there is a big city called Gaogu.

As the city's name suggests, this city is surrounded by mountains and steep valleys, which can be described as a wonder on the grassland.

Of course, those valleys are not very high, but they are precipitous, like a natural barrier, a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

This city is not too famous among the Huns, and even inside the city, the fireworks are almost cut off.

Perhaps the Xiongnu Shanyu in the past dynasties could do it without giving the city a chance to develop. Therefore, the entire city has almost become an empty city.

In fact, this empty city is only the surface.

Only Shan Yufang, the Xiongnu in the past dynasties, knew what secrets were hidden in Gaogu City, and what this city meant to the Xiongnu.

It can be said that this city is related to the lifeline of the Huns and is the last place for the Huns to retreat.It will never be activated until the country is subjugated.

This time, Maodun's goal is to eat this city.

While Mao Dun was rushing to this place, on the other side, Gan Hong was also rushing to Longcheng non-stop.

It was also on this day that two war horses came galloping outside Dragon City.

Of the two war horses, one was as red as fire, and when it ran, it was like a cloud of fire burning, or it was like a shooting star passing by, bringing up a ball of flames.

The other horse, covered in pitch black, was also extremely fast. When it started running, it was like a dark cloud pressing down on top of it, and it ran for thousands of miles in an instant.

These two war horses are none other than the dragon blood horse of the Great Qin Emperor, Chilong.There is also Li Yuanba's mount, Wanli Yanyunzhao, known as Wanliyun.

"Drive by..."

The sound of imperial horses kept ringing, and the two war horses approached from a distance. Their galloping speed was eye-catching.

At the head of Longcheng, the soldiers of the Great Qin Southwest who were on guard could see straight.

From the moment they saw the two black dots appear, they stared at the two war horses.That speed is simply creepy.

On the other side, on the head of the deputy city, the soldiers standing guard at Donghu were also dumbfounded.

Is this still a horse?
In this world, is there such a fast horse?

Soldiers on both sides were born in their hearts, and they couldn't help saying hello.

Under the watchful eyes of these people, the two war horses rushed to the gate of Longcheng in an instant.

On the back of the black Wanliyun, Lu Bu was dressed in a black large intestine, and said coldly: "Daqin Black Ice Terrace Commander Hawkeye is here, why don't you open the door quickly!"

At the same time as Lu Bu's voice, a person walked out from the top of the wall.

This person is a centurion, and he is also an official in the army in name, but in fact, his real identity is a person under the black ice stage.

As a member of the Black Ice Platform, he certainly has the ability to identify the leader.

He focused his eyes, and suddenly saw a strange gesture made by Lu Bu that seemed to be unintentional. He was shocked all over, stood up and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze, open the city gate, open the city gate!"

While speaking, he trotted away and was about to greet him in person.

"Stop, who told you to act rashly?"

Suddenly, at this moment, a cold voice sounded, and not far away, three men in battle armor came quickly, supported by a group of soldiers.

The first person stared at the centurion with cold eyes, with faint flashes of anger.

These three people are all commanders of a thousand in the army, no one has ten commanders of a centurion, a thousand troops.

The person who spoke was none other than the centurion's boss, who ruled over the centurion.

As for the other two, even though they didn't care about the centurion, how could they let others mess around when the three thousand commanders were on duty together?
Today, if the centurion's superior is not present, the two of them also have the power of life and death over the centurion.

And this power of life and death can happen to be used at this time.

When standing guard and posting, if you don't stand guard and post properly, you want to open the door for others.But if there is no justifiable reason, the centurion will undoubtedly die today.

He can definitely be convicted of collaborating with the enemy, and the two people outside can be treated as enemies if they don't have identification documents.

"Meet the three officers!"

Seeing the three coming, the centurion's face changed, and he hurriedly cupped his hands.

"Tell me, what do you want to do? Anyone who comes here, you have to open the door. Do you want to invite hundreds of thousands of troops from the next door?"

The headed commander came forward and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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