Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1474 Is it Difficult to Answer?

Chapter 1474 Is it hard to answer

"Mountains have trees, and trees have branches, but the heart is happy, and you don't know!"

"Who are you writing this poem for?"

In the side hall of the imperial concubine's palace, Ying Shou was condescending, looking down at the pretty woman lying on the ground in front of him, with a low, magnetic voice, beating on Yinyuexin word by word.

Yinyue's delicate body trembled slightly, and her face instantly turned pale.

"What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, what does this mean?"

Yinyue was screaming and muttering in her heart.

The emperor's inquiry made her feel hopeless.

Doesn't His Majesty know who this poem was written for?
She is already his woman in name, but now, he asked such a question, is it because he doesn't trust him, or is he deliberately making things difficult for him?
If it was said that the emperor was stupid and did not understand the true meaning, Yinyue would not be the first to believe it.

She dare not say she understands 100% what kind of person the emperor is, but she knows one thing too well.

In this world, there is nothing that can be hidden from the emperor.

Anyone's mind seems to be in his grasp.As long as he wants to, he can see everything clearly.

Such a person has never said trust or distrust.It is completely impossible for the word doubt to appear on him, because whether there is any problem is within his grasp.

But it is such a person who asks such a question at this moment. This is by no means a question of doubt and trust, but a deliberate evasion.

In his heart, there is no self at all.

He clearly knew his own heart, but he still asked this question, which was to show his attitude.

With a pale face, Yinyue slowly closed her eyes.

She didn't know what to say, or rather, she didn't know how to speak.

The emperor is asking for her answer, but is the real answer what the emperor wants?
Since the emperor asked this question, he obviously didn't want the real answer, but what could he say?Say something against your will?

"Is it hard to tell?"

Seeing Yinyue's delicate body lying on the ground, trembling constantly, Ying Shou suddenly smiled and said again.

His smile was very gentle, but in Yinyue's ears, it was full of sarcasm.

Outside the main hall, the iron eagle swordsman and the two Yizijun soldiers were also prostrate at the moment, not daring to move rashly.

They didn't even dare to raise their heads, and didn't dare to peek at the scene in the side hall.

But the dialogue between the emperor and the imperial concubine made several people inevitably have some thoughts in their hearts.

After all, people have thoughts and ideas.

The emperor's every word also stunned these people.

What does the emperor's question mean?That sentence comes from the poem of Chu Ci, since it was written by the queen, who else could it be written to besides the emperor?

Could it be that the emperor suspected that the imperial concubine and empress still had someone outside?

As soon as this idea came out, the hearts of several people trembled, as if they had discovered a shocking secret.

At the same time, they felt very bitter in their hearts. If that was the case, would the emperor let them go if they discovered such a secret?
Some ideas, it’s okay if they don’t appear, but once they appear, it’s easy to make people think wildly.

For example, at this moment, the emperor's laughter was a kind of ridicule to Yinyue's ears, and it was also a kind of ridicule to their ears.

The difference is that, to Yinyue's ears, the emperor's laughter is just mocking himself for being overconfident and looking to fly up the branch and become a phoenix.

In the ears of several people, it was the emperor's ridicule and self-deprecation.He was mocking the imperial concubine's shamelessness, and he was also mocking himself for his mistaken knowledge of people.

I have to say that what Ying Shou said today is really too easy to be misunderstood.

But in fact, what is it really like what these people think?
Only Ying Shou knew that from the very beginning, he had no intention of extorting a confession or mocking him.

Just as Yinyue thought, in Ying Shou's heart, he never had any trust or doubt in his heart and said that there is probably no one who can deceive him in this world.

There was a real problem, and he could see it at a glance.

For him, there are only useful and useless people in this world, no doubt or trust.

As long as it is useful, even if he knows that the other party is a thief, he can still use it.Of course, if it is useless, even if the other party is his confidant, his own son, he will not use it.

Therefore, it is useless to employ people without suspicion. If the suspect does not use this method, it is useless to him.

However, in the final analysis, public is public, private is private, and there are some things that are public and private.

When it comes to major and official affairs, Ying Shou has his own set of solutions.But official affairs do not represent feelings.

Things like feelings have always been based on your love and my wish.

Ying Shou felt that he had already expressed what he needed to express, and what he was waiting for was a response from Yinyue.

Now, the letter has been delivered to Ying Shou, but it was not from Yinyue after all.

Ying Shou didn't want much, just an acknowledgment from her.

This is not persecution, nor is it a question, nor is it aimed at Yinyue, but a kind of respect.

Others know that Luohua intends that the flowing water is ruthless, but in fact, whoever can move, and the flowing water is merciless, can only be done by falling flowers.

Ying Shou's expression has always been very simple, directly canonizing Yinyue as the imperial concubine.

But he never touched Yinyue, why?Isn't it because Yinyue never promised herself?

As an emperor, Ying Shou has too many things to give others.

Money and benefits, glory and wealth, and status, as long as he is willing, he can give it to whomever he wants.

However, it is because these things are too easy for him, so in Ying Shou's view, these are not the most precious.

On the contrary, the respect between people is the real value.

Ying Shou has always respected people in etiquette, even if you are asked to die, you will die with dignity.

Even if this is the case with others, how can it be an exception to treat your own woman?
In his opinion, it is this respect that can be given to Yinyue.Respect her wishes, respect her ideas, this is the only thing Yingshou can give her.

Now, he has asked so many questions just because he wants to put an end to this matter completely and hear Yinyue's inner voice with his own ears.

But I never thought that my own good intentions would sound all kinds of bad to others.

Yinyue was crawling, trembling, her silver teeth were about to touch her pink lips, and blood was faintly flowing out.

She bit it hard, and the blood flowed out, but she didn't seem to feel pain or taste the bloody smell.

"Is it really that hard to answer?"

Time passed little by little, almost half a quarter of an hour, seeing Yinyue was still prostrate on the ground, unwilling to speak, Ying Shou sighed deeply, and asked again.

Poor Yinyue, I don't know the king's heart.

Poor Ying Shou, after all, he couldn't see the sad and pale face on the ground with his back on his back.

Otherwise, I'm afraid there won't be so many misunderstandings and ideas.

However, some things should happen and are destined to happen.

Facing the emperor's repeated questioning, Yinyue still prostrated herself on the ground, not saying a word, and her heart was extremely entangled.

(End of this chapter)

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