Chapter 1475

"Since you don't want to say it, then so be it!"

"When are you willing to say it? If you want to tell me, I will listen to you again!"

With a deep sigh, Ying Shou came expectantly, but turned around slowly, and left disappointed.

He left, but walked very slowly. When he came to the door and saw the three people kneeling at the door, his heart suddenly moved, as if he had thought of something.

"These three people, why are they here?"

Ying Shou felt a little dissatisfied.

Yinyue is a deep-minded woman who knows herself when she suffers, and never tells outsiders.

All emotional pain is almost hidden deep in the heart, and is not known to outsiders.

Now, with these few people here, how can Yinyue say what she wants to say?

Yinyue's disposition, to put it simply, is deep-minded, but to be more complicated, it is thin-skinned, shy, and kind at the same time.

She has pain in her heart and doesn't tell outsiders, because she doesn't want others to accompany her to suffer.

A lot of words can't be said because they are not good at expressing.

Compared with expressing in words, she is better at giving in practice.

For such a woman, just when she was expressing her heart, there were several big men kneeling beside her, how could she say it?
"What are you three kneeling here for? Get out!"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

The poor iron eagle swordsman and the two one-character soldiers were labeled as light bulbs by Ying Shou for no reason, and all of Ying Shou's anger was vainly endured.


However, the three parties didn't feel aggrieved at all. Instead, they hurriedly promised to leave as if they had been pardoned.

Just kidding, if you know the emperor's shocking secret, you don't need to be beheaded.
Sometimes it's such a clever thing to get this thing wrong.

What could have been a wonderful thing can turn into a mess for you.Likewise, it can make you ecstatic about something really bad!
After driving away the three annoying things, Ying Shou stopped again.

Hope was rekindled in his heart, so he was waiting.

Waiting for Yinyue's answer, perhaps without outsiders, Yinyue would not have any consideration, no matter how shy she was, she would still say what she wanted to say.

However, after waiting, another half a quarter of an hour passed.

Half a quarter of an hour, whether it is long or short, in future generations, it will be 10 minutes.

While waiting, time often passes very slowly.

This half a quarter of an hour, unconsciously, became a kind of torment.

Half a quarter of an hour passed, and the hope ignited in Ying Shou's heart was subconsciously extinguished.

After all, Yinyue didn't speak any more, and she didn't intend to answer at all.

Maybe, she is still struggling, or maybe, her heart is not on her at all.

At the beginning, she was the maid Gong'e by her side just to repay herself for saving Lie Yang.

But he never thought that he would confer the title of imperial concubine on her.

She didn't dare to refuse, but she was also unwilling to accept it, which was why she was in such a dilemma.

While sighing, Ying Shou's heart turned a thousand times.

Unknowingly, a thought that Ying Shou would never think about suddenly appeared in Ying Shou's mind.

Only now did I realize that it turned out that I was being self-indulgent.

He picked up his steps, wanting to leave, and give Yinyue time to think about it.

If Yinyue really offered to reject him, he didn't know how to reply for a while.

But the footsteps that were brought up could not be dropped for a long time.

Some thoughts are fine if they don't appear, but once they appear, they will be hard to contain.

No matter how shrewd, wise and intelligent people are, once they get caught in this kind of emotional entanglement, they will gradually get lost.

At this moment, under the flickering of thoughts, Ying Shou began to struggle and hesitate.

He wanted to give Yinyue a chance to think about it, but he also wanted to know Yinyue's answer.

Some answers may be difficult to accept, but you will make it harder for her to never tell.

The so-called stick in the throat, is exactly that.Can't go up, can't come down.

After all, Ying Shou still didn't take this step, but took his steps back and looked at the snow-covered courtyard outside the hall.

"Some things, since you don't want to say it, then let me say it for you!"

Taking a deep breath, Ying Shou found that his voice trembled slightly.

This subtle change made Ying Shou inexplicably nervous.

He seemed to have noticed the change deep in his heart, maybe this was the unknowing rise of love, and it went deeper and deeper.The deeper you go, the harder it is to extricate yourself.

Yinyue prostrated herself on the ground, from beginning to end, she didn't dare to move even a little bit.

No matter how entangled she was in her heart, in the pain, she had already washed her face with tears.

Hearing these words suddenly, her delicate body trembled, but she couldn't help holding her breath, and listened attentively.

What is he trying to say?
Could it be that what he said next was the answer he wanted?

Yinyue was listening, not daring to raise her head.

Ying Shou was in deep thought, unwilling to turn around.

After a while, Ying Shou continued: "Times have changed, before I know it, the first time I saw you was two years ago!"

"Remember at that time, your purpose was to kill me, right?"

Yinyue was startled, as soon as she said this, she seemed to understand something.

Could it be that because of this, he treats himself like this?
Ying Shou continued: "This is the first time I've seen you, hehe, to be honest, you are beautiful, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!"

"You are very gentle and good at serving people. You are the most gentle and understanding woman among the people I have met so far in my life, and the woman who knows how to take care of others the most!"

"You have a spirit that does not belong to a man, but you lack pride. You have a talent that does not belong to anyone, but you lack the opportunity to display it. You are a woman who seems to be perfect, but in fact, has some flaws and is pitiable! "

"Once upon a time, I really liked you, very special!"

"In my life, I have never been merciful to my enemies. But for you, I bypassed Lie Yang, who attacked me repeatedly. Even now, I am still tolerant to him. Otherwise, the relationship between your brother and sister As for the head, when I said to pick it off, I took it off!"

"All these years, I have seen your care for me and your devotion to me!"

"I found that I am really getting more and more unable to extricate myself from you!"

"But why, if I treat you so well, can you still tolerate others in your heart? Could it be that in your opinion, I am so unbearable? Do you have no other feelings for me besides repaying your favor?"

"You have someone in your heart, it doesn't matter, you don't need to hide it, just say it, maybe I can fulfill you. Do you think that I am the kind of despicable and shameless person who uses power to overwhelm others?"

In the end, Ying Shou found that his voice seemed hoarse, and there was deep unwillingness in his words.

On the ground, Yinyue suddenly raised her head and looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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