Chapter 1476 Maybe
Looking at the figure in front of her who was not tall but somehow gave off a sense of stalwart, Yinyue burst into tears.

In front of him, there was a haze, and tears had lost her eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

Suddenly, Yinyue laughed!
She seemed to be smiling happily, as if hearing the biggest joke in the world, but the tears in her smile were full of irony and deep unwillingness.

"Why, did it come to your heart?"

Yinyue's laughter made Ying Shou's body stiff, and he said hoarsely.

"It's enough……"

Suddenly, there was a loud roar, and Yinyue stood up abruptly, looking crazy, pointing at Ying Shou and shouting angrily: "Is it useful to say so much?"

"Why do you have to be hypocritical? Aren't these the answers you want most?"

Yinyue held her head in her hands in pain, tearing at her temples, in despair and pain.

She was giving all the time, never thinking of getting anything.

But why, this man in front of him wants to hurt himself again and again?
Is it so comfortable for him to hurt himself?

In the front, I got my own letter, but I didn't reply to a few words.Now that he came suddenly, just to say these words to himself, is it really good for him?

Ying Shou turned around slowly, he heard...

In Yinyue's roar, there was choking and crying.

He turned his head and looked at the tearful woman in front of him who was tearing at his temples, feeling an inexplicable pain in his heart.

she cried?
Isn't this what she wants?What is she crying for?
Ying Shou is puzzled...

It is said that emotions can make people stupid. Sometimes, emotions are often so mysterious.

Because of the obsession with feelings, Yinyue, who has always been wise and courageous, has always used strategies, can see through the overall situation on the battlefield, and can be meticulous in politics, ignores the power of the Black Ice Platform.

She ignored it, the heart of an emperor cannot be violated.Therefore, the little fire of hope in her heart has been constantly being wiped out by reality from the very beginning.

Because of being serious about feelings, Ying Shou, who has always been wise and decisive, observes people's hearts with the emperor's mind, and plays with people's hearts, eventually falls into a whirlpool and cannot extricate himself.

He neglected that sometimes respect is not given casually.

Between men and women, the emotion itself is very complicated, and if everything is taken seriously, the gain will not be worth the loss.

Sometimes half-push and half-action, or in a daze, is what feelings should be like.

On the contrary, the clearer the person who sees, the less worthy of emotion.Isn't that how the so-called lonely family came about?

Because there are too many concerns and too many realities, as a king, he has no friends, and there is no way to have friends.

Now, if he puts this set on his feelings, it won't have any effect, but it will push each other further and further away.

At this moment, looking at the crying woman in front of him, Ying Shou was puzzled and puzzled.

Could it be that I was wrong?
But where did I go wrong?

Why is she crying?I wanted to catch her over and over again, but she slipped away by herself, and I was not wrong at all!
"Aren't you very happy to see me now!"

Seemingly noticing Ying Shou's gaze, Yinyue slowly put down her hands, raised her head, and looked at Ying Shou who looked astonished in front of her, and said Qi Qiran.


Ying Shou laughed, how could she feel happy?

"You don't have to smile for me, I know you're happy!"

Yinyue choked with sobs, at this moment, she finally stopped running away.

Some things are destined not to be held in my heart forever.

She is an extraordinary woman, an extraordinary woman.

If it were an ordinary woman, she would definitely cover her face and cry at this moment, standing here without a face.Whether you hate the enemy in front of you or love you deeply, it is impossible to continue to stay, and you will not even forgive the other party for the rest of your life.

However, she is different.

On weekdays, there are some things that she can bury in her heart.But when this layer of window paper is pierced, she will definitely explain everything at all costs.

After all, no matter what, whether it is incomplete or perfect, a full stop always needs to be marked.

She stared deeply at the man in front of her, with that handsome face as if cut by a knife, and his haughty and lofty figure.

Once, this was the man she loved deeply, the man who paid for him at all costs.

She likes her service, so she will accompany and serve her day and night whenever she has the opportunity.

She is the emperor, acting in the country, and she herself becomes her pawn, running for him, guarding his territory, and opening up an eternal foundation for her.

But in the end, what did I get?
His abandonment?

His humiliation?

His unfeeling?

In the past, she thought that she knew enough about this man, but until now, she realized that she was wrong, and she had never understood this man before.

It is said that ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. This is really a gentleman!

Just because of a mistake in the past, he actually used it to play with himself!
At this moment, she couldn't say she hated this man.She still loves deeply in her heart, but this deep love has turned into deep pain, tearing at her heart all the time.

"Some words, I know there is no need to say, and it is useless to say it, maybe it will only get you more ridicule!"

"But it doesn't matter. It's really hard to hold back for so long. Today, I have suffered enough injuries. I don't mind hurting a little more!"

Taking a deep breath, and wiping away the tears on her face with her sleeve, Yinyue finally opened her heart, pretending to be open-minded, but expressing her heart in words.

"Actually, there are some things that I could have thought of a long time ago, but I have never dared to admit them all the time!"

"I've been with you for so long, I don't believe you haven't noticed my feelings for you. But all this time, you have been neither warm nor cold. When I was far away, you pulled me back After I came back, you ruthlessly pushed me away!"

"I only think that I haven't done enough, so I have been working hard to do everything well!"

"In the eyes of others, I am your imperial concubine, but in fact, when I am by your side, I am your maidservant, humble and lowly! When I am away from your side, I am your general, fighting with my life in disobedience!"

"I've been thinking, maybe one day, I can really get even a little attention from you, cherish it!"

"But in the end I found out that all this is just self-deception!"

"That letter has already fully expressed my heart, but you have never heard from anyone. At this time, I already understand!"

"But I don't want to..."

As she said that, Yinyue roared suddenly, stared at Yingshou desperately, shook her head constantly, and said, "I still don't want to wake up from the beautiful dream I wove!"

"I have found thousands of reasons, maybe you didn't read the letter, maybe something happened, maybe I didn't do enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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