Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1477 Confused

Chapter 1477 Confused
In the empty side hall, Yinyue's voice sounded sadly.

Ying Shou listened quietly, every word was like a musical note hitting his heart, making his heart tremble.

What do you mean, I'm not wishful thinking, but I misunderstood her?
Yinyue's words have come to this point, in fact, the answer Ying Shou really wants, he has already got.

Just looking at the desolate beauty in front of him, he was suddenly at a loss.

He wanted to step forward to comfort him, but he felt an inexplicable guilty conscience.But seeing Yi Ren in pain made him feel distressed.

He stood in the same place, motionless, and continued to listen to Yinyue's narration, but his heart fell into an unprecedented entanglement.

"I'm still dreaming my dream. I thought that if I work harder, it's actually possible. You'll notice it sooner or later, and you'll pay attention to me!"

"But today, you single-handedly shattered the dream I wove!"

"I don't care what kind of infamy you give me. Whether it's stealing a husband, being shameless, or being infamous through the ages, I really don't care at all. But you broke my dream with your own hands, what do you want me to do?"

Yinyue continued to speak, and suddenly, her upper and lower lips lined up, and she could no longer bear the grief in her heart, and she burst into tears.

She knew that maybe crying in front of this man would make him very happy, because his goal of revenge had been achieved.

However, she doesn't care, maybe exchanging her pain for his happiness is the last bit of value she can embody!

"Why do you think so?"

"Why do you think I'm hurting you on purpose?"

"Why do you think that I will be happy when I see you in pain?"

Finally, a difficult voice came from Ying Shou's throat, and he looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief.

What exactly did I do to make her misunderstand so deeply.

Isn't your expression obvious enough?
Or is it that I haven't given her enough opportunities?
She clearly said that she didn't want to accept it, why did she blame herself for everything now?

"Aren't you doing so much just to avenge the revenge I wanted to assassinate you back then?"

"Now that you have done it, aren't you happy?"

Yinyue was crying, pointing at Ying Shou and scolding.

"What did you say?"

"It's just nonsense!"

Ying Shou's face changed, this woman was simply unreasonable.

I thought she would be different and considerate, but I didn't expect to have such unrealistic thoughts.

Is this persecution paranoia?

As the emperor himself, if he really wanted to take revenge, did he need to go to such trouble?

Are you full and have nothing to do?
"Why, did you forget what you said just now?"

"Or, do you still want to continue to play with me, change your posture, and continue to have fun?"

Suddenly, Yinyue stopped crying and looked at Ying Shou ironically.

"What I said just now, you can actually make you describe me like this..."

Ying Shou frowned, and before he could finish speaking, he suddenly trembled.

He seemed to understand something.

After all, he is not a fool. There are some things that fall into fall, but when it comes to the showdown, he doesn't have to get the answer to wake up.

At this moment, combined with what Yinyue said just now, and recalling what he said before, he seemed to have already understood the crux of the problem.



"It's all wrong..."

Suddenly, Ying Shou changed the subject, shook his head constantly, and his voice roared like a dungeon.

Yinyue looked at him sarcastically, wanting to see what tricks this man in front of him wanted to play at this moment.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I was wrong, you were wrong..."

Looking at Yinyue's eyes staring at him, Ying Shou felt sore and cried out helplessly.

"Hahaha... You are right, I was wrong... I know, you don't need to remind me!"

Seeing this, Yinyue sneered even more, looking at Ying Shou like a clown.


Ying Shou was speechless for a moment, what is this all about?
"You say you, why do you only listen to half a sentence?"

Ying Shou only felt a headache. At this moment, he couldn't even care about the woman in front of him.

There are some things that can't be solved without distress.

Misunderstandings must be cleared up immediately, otherwise, we don't know when it will end.

"Oh, you still haven't said the next half of the sentence?"

Yinyue looked at Ying Shou amusedly, and said disdainfully.


Ying Shou took a deep breath, stepped forward suddenly, grabbed Yinyue's slender shoulders, and said angrily, "Shut up, stop me and finish talking!"

With a roar, Yinyue's delicate body trembled.

That inexplicable feeling came to my heart again.

The man in front of him is as domineering as ever, no matter whether he is justified or not, it seems that he is the only truth in this world.

Whether it is an opponent or a friend, in front of him, it seems that they can only obey.

Even at this moment, I couldn't resist his strength.

The mocking smile on Yinyue's face disappeared, and she froze, looking a little weak.

She looked at the man in front of her, her mind inexplicably confused.

"What did you say?"

"You said that Zhen Luozhi put a bad name on you, that you stole your husband?"

"Also, you said that when I brought up the matter of you assassinating me back then, it was because of this incident that I took revenge on you, right?"

"Come on, tell me, are you half obedient?"

"You tell me again, if I want to take revenge on you, is it necessary to beat around the bush like this? I have nothing to do, so I am making fun of you, right?"

"I said so much, you didn't finish what you should hear, and you heard everything you shouldn't. I said, I like you, did you hear me, I like you!"

At the end, Ying Shou grabbed Yinyue's fragrant shoulders and shook him vigorously, as if to pull him back from his confusion to reality and make her sober.


At that moment, Yinyue felt her mind explode, as if countless explosives were bombing her mind.

"what did he say?"

"He likes himself?"

One after another voices kept ringing in Yinyue's mind.

Scenes of memories kept reappearing in Yinyue's mind.

Especially Yingshou's words just now kept reverberating in Yinyue's mind.

Yes, he did say that he liked himself, but the hurtful words also came out of his mouth.

Isn't the phrase liking himself a phrase he used to cover up his sin?

No, why should he hide it?With his status, who can decide his mouth?

Thoughts were spinning in her mind, Yinyue didn't wake up, but was completely confused, feeling that everything was wrong.

"Then...why do you say...that I stole people?"

Suddenly, endless grievances came to her heart, Yinyue couldn't find what was wrong, she could only ask, even if the answer she got in the end might make her more painful and disappointed.

But she has endured the greatest pain, and she doesn't care anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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