Chapter 1478 The Key
"How did I ever tell you that you stole people?"

With a bitter expression on his face, Ying Shou tightly grasped Yinyue's fragrant shoulders, until Yinyue's shoulders turned white.

However, at this moment, Yinyue seemed unable to feel the pain, as if she couldn't feel the pain, she stared blankly at the man in front of her.

The tears on her face hadn't dried yet, but she seemed to have forgotten the pain just now, and the light of hope was inexplicably ignited in her eyes.

Perhaps, this is Silver Moon.A woman with deep scheming but simple mind.

A woman who loves and hates but dare not speak, but always holds hope.

A woman who has been tortured in every way, even if she is hacked into pieces, will regain her hope because of a rebuttal from her sweetheart.

Women, sometimes it seems that simple.When she has no feelings, she is a knife, enough to hurt people thoroughly.

And when she has feelings, she is even more of a knife, she can completely hurt herself for someone else's words, and it's just for the faint hope.

"Then what you just said..."

Yinyue's lips trembled slightly. To ask this question, it seemed to her that she had exhausted all her courage.

She was looking forward to the answer, but she was also afraid of the answer. She was afraid that the explanation of the man in front of her would suddenly turn into bad words and hurt herself deeply again.


Ying Shou smiled, he saw the change in Yinyue's expression, he saw the opportunity this woman gave him.

Sometimes, all that's missing, no matter what, is an opportunity.

Especially misunderstanding, when there is no chance to explain, it is a lifelong regret.

Yinyue gave him the opportunity to explain, which made him very pleased, and seemed to let him see through the heart of the woman in front of him.

It turns out that she is really stupid...

It turns out that I am not a smart person...

"Do you know why I suddenly appeared here today?"

Ying Shou didn't answer Yinyue's question, but asked instead.

With tears in her eyes, Yinyue looked at him without answering, but her eyes seemed to be able to speak, as if she was asking Ying Shou, "Why?"

Ying Shou took a deep breath, and suddenly, he hugged her in his arms, resting his chin firmly on her fragrant shoulder, and his low voice reached her ears.

"Remember back then, Lie Yang proposed marriage and asked me to make you a queen!"

"At that time, I did not refuse, but I have already secretly decided on this marriage!"

"I didn't answer Lie Yang because I want to get your personal consent. I want you to tell me in person that you are willing to marry me!"

"But wait, wait, wait for a long time!"

"All the courtiers in the court are forcing me to be a queen, and they are all looking for me to be a beauty in the world, but in my heart, the queen I have been thinking about is my Yue'er!"

"There are so many beauties in the imperial palace. Has Yue'er ever seen anyone whom I have favored? Has she ever seen anyone whom I have served? Hasn't Yue'er been the only one by my side all this time?"

"Under the pressure of the world, I provoke criticism from the courtiers and dissatisfaction from the people all over the world. But, why did I ever say anything?"

"I've been waiting, but I waited and waited. In the end, I didn't get Yue'er's consent. Instead, I waited for the news that Yue'er wanted to go to Dian as an envoy!"

"In my life, I have never felt so helpless towards anyone. Who in the world dare not listen to me, and I will kill him. But what Yue'er wants, how can I not give it?"

"Yue'er wants to leave Daqin, wants to leave my side. It doesn't matter, as long as Yue'er likes it, no matter how reluctant I am, I can only agree!"

"Yue'er doesn't know, I once looked in the direction of Dian Kingdom, eager to see through. For Yue'er, I drove away all the maids in the palace. What I can do, what I can't do, what I want to do, and what I don't want to do, have been done thoroughly. It's over!"

"But Yue'er doesn't seem to want to come back anymore, I can only conform to the world and welcome the queen. But even so, I still can't let Yue'er go!"

"Yue'er had an accident in Dian Kingdom, I was at a loss, I named Yue'er as the imperial concubine, and tried my best to find Yue'er!"

"I let Yue'er be the imperial concubine, why? Isn't it just to let Yue'er understand what I want?"

"But Yue'er never promised me anything, so what can I do?"

"Sometimes, I'm thinking that maybe Yue'er already has someone else in her heart. It's better to let go instead of holding on. But I can't let go!"

"I give Yue'er chances again and again, but Yue'er never expresses anything, Yue'er, tell me, what else can I do?"

Yinyue was held tightly in Ying Shou's arms, listening to Ying Shou's words quietly, and before she knew it, tears were streaming down her face.

She never thought that she and him had experienced so many things.

It turned out that many things were actually ignored by me.

It turned out that he had paid so much behind his back.

It turns out that the meaning of that sentence is not to blame yourself for stealing people!

"But have clearly received that portrait, you clearly already know the meaning of that letter, why have you heard nothing? Why have you come here today... all kinds of sarcasm..."

Yinyue's voice was hoarse and aggrieved, with deep puzzlement and deep unwillingness.

"When have I satirized Yue'er?"

Ying Shou pushed Yinyue away violently, grabbed Yinyue's fragrant shoulder, and asked with staring eyes.

Afterwards, he shook his head, let go of Yinyue, and said, "Do you know how happy I was when I received that letter, how happy I was?"

"I can't wait to fly over immediately and let you tell me that it was drawn and written by you yourself. Although I can tell that you did it, I want to hear it from you with my own ears!"

"Today, I finally came, but I still haven't got the answer I want. Tell me, what should I do?"

Yinyue's heart moved, and she understood that all her thoughts were just misunderstandings.And this misunderstanding started to happen from here.

"Then why haven't you replied to my letter?"

Yinyue continued to ask. At this moment, she seemed to have decided to break the casserole and ask the end. Any question must be clarified.

Just like a wounded hedgehog, without enough warmth, it is absolutely impossible to give half trust to others.

She can give you a chance to appease, but she will never easily accept your reasons for appeasing.

"Tell me, did you send someone to deliver that letter to me?"

Facing Yinyue's question, Ying Shou still didn't answer, but asked another question.


As soon as these words came out, Yinyue felt a roar in her mind, and the world spun in an instant.

She seemed to be a little dizzy, but in fact, at this moment, she was sober, unprecedentedly sober.

This sentence seemed to have opened up the key to everything, allowing him to understand the most critical point of this misunderstanding.

It turned out that it was because of this...

(End of this chapter)

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