Chapter 1481
Ying Shou knew Lie Yang's bravery.

Zhang He is resourceful, and Ying Shou also knows something about it.

The two cooperated, advancing both civil and military, and traveled all over the Xiongnu for nearly a year, never using any supplies from the Great Qin.

This strength alone is enough to become the best gun in Ying Shou's hands.

Such a gun can be held in the hand and used, how can it be suppressed?
"The concubine greets His Majesty..."

Just as Ying Shou was contemplating, suddenly, Yinyue's voice sounded.

Ying Shou looked up and saw that Yinyue had come to his side.

Seeing Yinyue's wet hair, it was obvious that she just went to freshen up.

"Did you take a shower?"

Ying Shou frowned slightly, it was freezing cold, how could he take a bath at this time?
Even if you want to take a bath, you have to find a good time to dry yourself off!

Isn't this wet, easy to freeze?

Although Yinyue is also a master, her physical fitness is stronger than ordinary people, but no matter how strong she is, she is not immune to everything.

"To serve His Majesty, how can you not burn incense and take a bath?"

"Furthermore, the concubine just made her face so dirty..."

Yinyue lowered her head and said shyly.

Ying Shou heard it and understood.

Sure enough, she was still that stupid woman who obeyed the rules in everything.


"Forget it, you don't have to serve me today, let me serve you!"

Ying Shou shook his head and sighed, then stood up.

It's freezing cold, how can he let the woman he likes suffer?

"His Majesty……"

However, when Yinyue heard it, she was startled for an instant, with a look of panic on her face, and said: "Your Majesty, how can I let my concubine serve you? Please take it back!"

While speaking, Yinyue quickly took a few steps back and knelt down on the spot.

She is a sensible woman who is very aware of the honor of the emperor.

Asking the emperor to serve others, what a joke, it's almost as good as courting death.

If the courtiers really knew about it, they would have to attack her to death.

"Get up, what does this mean?"

"How can a king change his orders day and night?"

Ying Shou pretended to be displeased, and gave Yinyue a glare.

"Your Majesty, don't be like this, the concubine can't afford it!"

Yinyue looked embarrassed, she absolutely didn't want the emperor to do this, otherwise, she couldn't help herself, and let those people know, the emperor would also have a hard time.

"You are afraid that if this matter gets out, some people will be unhappy, right?"

"Well, today I will show the world what it is like to serve a woman!"

"Don't forget, I am the emperor, and I am also a man. Could it be that I don't even have the right to love a woman?"

"If you have the ability, let the courtiers and the people of the world come to trouble me. Come one, I will kill one, come two, I will kill a pair, let's see who dares to talk nonsense!"

Ying Shou took a deep look at Yinyue, knowing exactly what Yinyue was worried about.

He will never let the previous misunderstanding happen again, in order to give Yinyue a little confidence, he will do some things even if he doesn't do them.

"Come here, call all the people outside, and send me two braziers!"

Then, Ying Shou gave a loud shout.

The guards inside and outside the palace basically heard his voice.

Everyone trembled and looked at each other, you look at me, I look at you, and finally came trotting together and entered the side hall, making the side hall very crowded.

At the same time, two braziers were also brought over, and together with the brazier in the side hall, there were three in total.

Yingshou and Yinyue were surrounded by three braziers, and the temperature rose instantly. It was so hot that it didn't feel cold anymore.


Ying Shou shouted again.

Soon, someone offered a comb.

"Come on, be obedient, get up!"

Holding the comb, Ying Shou came to Yinyue, bent down and gently supported Yinyue.

Yinyue wants to be stabbed with a needle, but how can her strength compete with Yingshou?

So, under the watchful eyes of hundreds of guards below, she was supported by Ying Shou, came to the throne and sat down by Ying Shou.

The guards below, you look at me, I look at you, very puzzled, what is the meaning of the emperor calling them in.

However, after Ying Shou pushed Yinyue to sit down, he picked up the comb and even dressed Yinyue herself.

Everyone was astonished, what is the emperor doing?
Could it be that everyone was asked to come in just to watch him...serve others?

If this is spread out and the emperor is attacked, wouldn't it mean that they would have no chance of surviving?

The so-called companion is like a tiger, these people can come to serve in front of the imperial concubine, how can they not understand some rules?
Some things can be heard and seen, must be heard, must be seen.There are also some things that you can't listen to or watch even if you kill them.

Everyone knows this rule.

The so-called crime of carrying a jade can actually be understood in this way.

You know too many things, sometimes it is a kind of mouth, a capital offense.

Therefore, here, no one dared to explore too many secrets, or even any secrets.

Now that the emperor does this kind of thing in front of everyone, everyone is not calm.

You know, since ancient times, it has been a matter of course for men to favor women.But there are some things that the king cannot do in the unspoken rules.

For example, pampering a woman too much, such as King Zhou doting on Daji, King You of Zhou doting on Baosi, that is the case.

What was prevented was the recurrence of the story of King Zhou and King You of Zhou.

At this moment, combing hair seems to be a small matter, but in the mouth of a caring person, it will turn into an earth-shattering event every moment.

Everyone felt uncomfortable, and Yinyue also felt uncomfortable.

However, Yinyue's discomfort was more of a kind of panic.

It's just that besides this fear, there is actually a hint of sweetness.

His Majesty the Emperor actually did such a thing for her.

In fact, women's hearts have always been soft, even if it's just a little thing, it will be infinitely magnified in their eyes.

Some things will make them despair, and some things will move them.

At this moment, Yinyue's heart is about to melt when she is terrified.

She felt Ying Shou combing her hair, from not daring to speak or resist at the beginning, to not speaking or resisting at the end.

It seems that the result is the same, but the process is completely different.

One does not dare, the other does not want to.

In that sweetness, she didn't want to make any noise to disrupt this gentle scene.

It can't be said that the emperor combed her hair very comfortably. On the contrary, Ying Shou, who was born with a hand, would always pull her hair and make her sting.

But at this moment, all the pain is nothing.

She enjoyed it quietly, and before she knew it, her hair was slowly drying by the surrounding temperature while Ying Shou was dressing.

The hair was dried, but Ying Shou still couldn't find the angle, and didn't know how to style it.

"Hey, Yue'er, you'd better do it yourself. I've already dried your hair, so it won't happen anymore!"

Ying Shou sighed, a little helpless.

In the past and present lives, there were many women, but he never served a woman.

Suddenly wanting to show off a wave of affection, but still a little powerless.

(End of this chapter)

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