Chapter 1482 Why


Yinyue came back to her senses and blushed instantly, she didn't expect to be fascinated.

But thinking of the tenderness just now, she couldn't help but feel a little bit reluctant.

If the scene just now could last forever, how good would it be?

What if the man behind him is not an emperor, but an ordinary person?

She sighed in her heart, but Yinyue also knew that all of this was just if, and the reality could not be changed at all.

The person behind is destined to be the real son, and such tenderness is destined not to last forever.She didn't dare to hope that it would be like this forever, it was enough to have this moment of tenderness.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Yinyue reached out to take the comb, lowered her head, and gently combed her hair, not daring to look up at anyone.

I don't know if it's shyness or something else.

The guards below just stood like this, waiting and waiting. After waiting for a long time, no one dared to say anything.

Ying Shou sat quietly beside Yinyue, and waited until Yinyue was almost done combing. He looked up, as if he had just seen the people standing below.

"Go down!"

Ying Shou waved his big hand and ordered.

Everyone below was stunned, speechless.

The emperor really had enough time to eat, and he really asked them to come and see him brushing a woman's hair.

Everyone couldn't help complaining in their hearts, and they all felt that their life would be difficult.

But such complaints, they only dare to hide in their hearts and dare not speak out.


They responded one by one, and retreated one after another.

After everyone had left, Ying Shou looked at Yinyue again, as if thinking of something, and said, "It's been so long, is there still no news from Nihaman?"

"Or, she still wants you firmly!"

As soon as Ying Shou asked this, Yinyue's delicate body trembled, and she quickly looked up at Ying Shou.

Seemingly afraid that Ying Shou would misunderstand, Yinyue hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, don't misunderstand, things are different from what Your Majesty imagined!"

Yinyue narrowed her eyes and said, "Oh, so she decided to surrender?"

Hearing this, Yinyue panicked even more, always feeling that the emperor had something to say.

It has to be said that a woman who is in love will always become stupid once she gets involved in emotional matters.

In the world of feelings, it seems that no matter what happens, it will involve feelings.

In fact, this kind of thinking often leads a correct thing to a wrong path.

For example, at this moment, Ying Shou was only asking about some political and war matters, but to Yinyue's ears, it seemed that Ying Shou was questioning her relationship with Nehman.

Even, if she admits to Nehaman's surrender at this time, she will have a feeling of being committed to Nehaman.

This feeling is very bad for her, and she will never let such thoughts grow deep in Ying Shou's heart.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Nehman did agree to surrender, and the concubine was notified just now. I just didn't expect that His Majesty also happened to come!"

Yinyue quickly explained.

However, she had only finished speaking, and the other half was left unsaid. Ying Shou had already interjected and said, "Oh, in this way, it's just in time for my arrival. This person is so bold, it's not good to take anyone away. Even My beloved concubine dares to take it away, it seems that there are some things that should be settled!"


As soon as Ying Shou finished speaking, Yinyue's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Ying Shou eagerly.

"Your Majesty, things are not what you think, listen to my concubine's explanation!"

Yinyue hurriedly waved her hand and arrived in a hurry.

"Oh, did I say something wrong?"

"Didn't that woman surrender before she threatened to marry my beloved concubine?"

Ying Shou said coldly.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, he felt sick.

It has to be said that what Nehaman did could not hit anyone or hurt him, but it was truly disgusting.

You say that you are a woman, it's fine if you come out and run around, and it will give you a reputation of being a woman.

But you marry a daughter-in-law openly, what's the matter?

Now that it's good, even the emperor's woman dares to snatch it, isn't this a joke?
That's right, you are a woman, so it's okay to make such a joke with others, but if you rob the emperor of a woman openly, isn't this slapping the emperor in the face?

It's true that Ying Shou is tolerant, but it doesn't mean that after being bullied, it doesn't mean that nothing happened.

"Your Majesty, listen to my concubine's explanation, Nehman is not a man..."

Facing Ying Shou's face as frosty, Yinyue panicked even more, and she was about to explain.

However, just halfway through the sentence, he was stuck back in an instant.

"What, Your Majesty knows she is a woman?"

Just now it sounded, the emperor seemed to say that woman just now.

Doesn't that mean that the emperor already knew the identity of the Nehman woman?
"That's right, don't worry, my concubine, I know that she said something rude before, but after all, she is a woman, so it's not an insult, at most it's just a woman's stinginess and revenge. Don't take it to heart, concubine Ai."

"If Concubine Ai is angry, how about I send someone to arrest her now and ask her to make amends for Concubine Ai?"

Ying Shou nodded and said solemnly.

What he said was not just talking, he meant it seriously, but if Yinyue nodded, even if he took action himself, he would directly take Nehaman down.

To insult the royal family and the emperor is really audacious.

You can't even guard your home country. If you do this, aren't you courting death?
"I see!"

"That's what His Majesty said!"

Yinyue was excited and finally calmed down.

"What does Aifei mean? Why doesn't she look surprised at all? Could it be that Aifei already knew she was a woman?"

"According to what I know, this woman's identity has never been disclosed to outsiders. Even the people around her, if found, few are alive!"

Ying Shou looked at Yinyue in some confusion, wondering what Yinyue's expression was like.

"Also, why is Aifei so excited just now?"

After a pause, Ying Shou asked again.

Yinyue's pretty face was flushed, and she couldn't tell the emperor that she had misunderstood, so she quickly changed the topic and said, "As your Majesty said, the concubine already knows that she is a woman!"

"Just now, I just wanted to explain to His Majesty that Nehaman has now decided to surrender to Daqin, and what he did before was just playing with his temper. I also hope that His Majesty has a lot, so don't bother with a woman, okay?"

While speaking, Yinyue directly transferred her embarrassment to Nehman.

Use Tini Haman to intercede, to cover up the shyness of my misunderstanding just now.

"Just because of this?"

"Don't worry, I'm not a tyrant who kills people at every turn. But as the saying goes, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes can't be escaped. He should be responsible, and he will still be responsible after all!"

Ying Shou nodded, narrowing his eyes slightly as he spoke, with a cold gleam in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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