Chapter 1483
"How is Your Majesty going?"

Yin Yue looked at Ying Shou and asked.

"Since she has decided to surrender, I will go meet her today!"

"Will Yue'er be willing to go with me?"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth turned up, and his eyes looked contemptuous, but in fact, they gave people an inexplicable feeling.

It's as if a mountain fell from the sky and turned into a nail, fixed in this world and in everyone's heart.

"Your Majesty wants to..."

With a twitch in Yinyue's heart, she immediately understood what Ying Shou meant.

However, her complexion also changed, and she hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible. Although Nehaman has already told him to surrender, it is still unclear what the situation of Donghu's promise will be at this moment!"

"According to the concubine's investigation, the Donghu camp at this time is not peaceful. Not to mention whether Nanihaman is cheating, even if she is not, with her current strength, she may not be able to completely control the 50 army!"

"Going to the Donghu camp at this moment is tantamount to breaking into the dragon's pond and tiger's lair. If you are not careful, you will be in danger!"

"Your Majesty is the body of a saint, how can you take risks?"

Ying Shou got up, shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "Yue'er thinks, what kind of dragon pool and tiger den in this world can trap me?"

A simple sentence instantly defeated all of Yinyue's rhetoric.

Yinyue couldn't help thinking of the scene when Ying Shou broke into the South China Sea alone. You know, Zhao Tuo held 60 troops at that time, and those people were all the elite teachers of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Comparing the two, no matter how fierce Donghu's 50 army is now, it won't be able to snatch the 60 army, right?

Back then, the emperor was still able to do a job with ease, but now, how could it not be as good as before?
"Get ready, let me go!"

Ying Shou looked at Yinyue's little head lowered slowly, suddenly smiled, and said softly.

Yinyue nodded lightly, responded, and started to prepare.

Soon, the two left the palace, the royal court, and Longcheng together, and headed straight for Hu Daying in the vice city east.


"Report to the three deacons that something is wrong!"

On the other side, in the vice city.

When the iron eagle swordsman confirmed that Nehaman was determined to surrender and went to report to Yinyue, Mudelkui had already quietly left the barracks and headed straight for the ruined house in the city.

When he came to the courtyard of the earthen house, he saw the three deacons of Tianmen. The iron eagle swordsman hurried forward to meet them, with a nervous look on his face.

"What's going on, contact us in a panic!"

The head deacon of Donghu Tianmen frowned slightly, with a displeased expression on his face.

Although they are in contact with each other, they are the only ones who contact Mu Deerkui on weekdays. How can Mu Deerkui dare to come to them if there is nothing to do?

Now, Mu Deerkui came here in a panic, which made several people unavoidably unhappy.

Could it be that there are still big things that cannot be dealt with?
"Report to the chief deacon, something is really wrong!"

"Nani Haman, he has decided to surrender!"

Mu Deerkui said hastily with a look of resentment.

"What, surrender?"

"She dares to..."

When the three Tianmen deacons heard this, their eyes instantly regretted, and then they saw the Donghu Tianmen deacon coldly shouted: "The Hun army should have arrived. If he dares to surrender, you should immediately cooperate with the Hun army and kill him first." !"

"As a person of Tianmen, it is really unreasonable to dare to surrender to others!"

As he said that, the head deacon of Donghu Tianmen couldn't help but look angry.

"Big Deacon, I'm afraid it's impossible to cooperate with the inside and the outside!"

"According to the news, the Xiongnu army had no plans to come to Longcheng at all. After returning to the Huns, they had already diverted to Gaogu, which is the opposite direction from Longcheng!"

Muderkui's face was extremely ugly.

Logically speaking, Nehman should be happy when he made the decision to surrender.Because he had already made preparations to cooperate with the Huns' army internally and externally to seize power over Nehman.

However, the sudden move of the Xiongnu broke all his plans in an instant.

With his own strength, without the help of the Huns, it is really too difficult to defeat Nehman.


"Modun dares to trick me!"

As soon as this remark came out, the head deacon of Donghu Tianmen was also furious.

On the side, the faces of the two Xiongnu Tianmen deacons looked even uglier.

You know, Mouton has always been under their control.

The two of them are deacons in name, but in fact they are the real kings of the Huns.

On weekdays, in front of the two of them, Mao Dun was just an object of surveillance and suppression.

Now, this person who has been suppressed dares to resist, he really wants to die.

"What should we do about this?"

The chief deacon of Donghu Tianmen turned his head, looked at the two Xiongnu Tianmen deacons beside him, asked with a sullen face, and suppressed his voice.


"What else can I do, the little bird that has been held in my hands all this time, looks at it and flies high, it's really ridiculous!"

"Immediately send a message to Guantiantai, ask Elder Bai to come forward, order the envoys to act immediately, destroy Maodun, and seize the power of the Huns!"

One of the Tianmen deacons snorted coldly and said with a frosty face.

"That's right, my Tianmen has always been friendly to the world. Who would dare not to admire when all nations come to court?"

"Nowadays, a mere Mouton dares to look away from the shackles of my Heavenly Gate. It's just courting death!"

"There is an order from Tianmen, against all the kingdoms under Tianmen, you must not act rashly. However, now that Maodun has taken the first step, it is no wonder we are. The rules are limited, and I can make a move in Tianmen. Even if Haotian comes, I have a reason to wait!"

The other Xiongnu Tianmen just nodded and said viciously.

While speaking, several people directly fixed Maodun on the illegal pillar of Tianmen rules.

In Tianmen, talking counts, and there is always only one person, Haotian.

Haotian once ordered that all the countries under the Tianmen should pay homage to the Tianmen and respect the Tianmen, and all nations can come to court.

Tianmen, don't interfere too much in secular affairs, let alone talk about the replacement of the dynasty at will.

Therefore, the people of Tianmen hold great power, but in fact, there are many things in this world, and the people of Tianmen still can't get started.

For example, this time, in the battle with Qin, basically no one in Tianmen would dare to take action.

Even if there are a few, they are all sneaky.

This is not because of fear of Daqin, but because of fear of Tianmen's rules.

But the situation of Modu is different now, he is already a betrayal.

And Tianmen never showed mercy to the betrayers.

"My lord deacons, the most urgent situation right now is not how to deal with Mao Dun, but how to deal with what will happen next in Dragon City!"

"Modun has decided to surrender now. With my own strength, I am definitely not his opponent. If there is a mistake here, the overall situation of the world will be changed in an instant, and I will no longer be in control!"

In front, Mu Deerkui watched the discussions going on and on, and the three of them were filled with righteous indignation, almost scolding their mothers in their hearts.

What time is this? I don't care about the urgent need, and I still think about how to deal with others.Can't you just think about what's in front of you?
(End of this chapter)

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