Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1485 Anti-water

Chapter 1485 Anti-water
"General Mude, why did you suddenly summon me to come?"

"Don't you know how tight the rumors are now? If God of War knows something, we'll all die!"

After Mu Deerkui left the three Tianmen deacons, he immediately returned to the mansion and summoned all the generals to come.

In a short while, the not-so-big hall was already full of people. Looking around, there were as many as hundreds of people!

The first person, named Terhachi, questioned Muderkui with a dissatisfied expression.

This Terhachi is now also a fierce general in the Donghu army, even back then, he was only inferior to the top ten top generals.

Now, although he has lost a lot of power, others dare not offend Muderkui, but he is not at all afraid of the consequences of offending Muderkui.

As soon as Terhachi finished speaking, many generals below immediately nodded their heads.

"That's right, once this matter is exposed, I won't have any chance!"

"Not only that, with Nehman's means, we will definitely be bloodbathed, and with our strength, we will definitely not be Nehman's opponent!"

"Also, General Mude, the Xiongnu army you mentioned earlier, logically, should have arrived by now, why has there been no news so far?"

"Yes, if the Huns hadn't participated in the war, we would never have been able to accompany you on the adventure, otherwise we would end up dead!"

All the generals nodded their heads and talked a lot.

These generals are not considered generals, most of them are small generals who lead thousands or thousands of troops, and very few have tens of thousands.

After these people decided to betray Nehman, they were unavoidably anxious.

It can be said that these days, everyone is on tenterhooks.

If this battle doesn't give them enough sense of security, their rebellion is basically a certainty, and no one can change it.

Thinking about Nehman's despotic power, now that Mudelkui has summoned rashly, if something happens, everyone will undoubtedly die.

Naturally, everyone was dissatisfied with Mudelkui.

Seeing the discussion among the people below, Mu Deerkui narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was a little angry in his heart, these people were really unreliable.

But he didn't want to think about it, if he didn't get the guarantee from Tianmen, he would not be much better than these people.

From here you can see the prestige of a general!

That's right, Nehaman basically never won the war in Daqin.But his majesty never faded away.

In the territory of Donghu, basically no one dares to oppose him openly and aboveboard!
This is Nehman's prestige in Donghu's army, and it is also Nehman's prestige in Donghu.

"Everyone, are you finished?"

Seeing the discussion among the people below for a long time, Muderkui finally spoke, glanced at the audience, and said coldly.

As soon as this remark came out, the discussion below gradually stopped immediately, and everyone looked up at Muderkui, as if waiting for his next words.

No one asked again, but the meaning of what they wanted to ask was already very clear.

What exactly do you want to do and what can you do?
"Okay, it seems that everyone has finished discussing!"

Seeing that everyone stopped talking, Mu Deerkui nodded in satisfaction, got up and said: "You must have heard that Nehaman has decided to surrender to Qin. Later, he will personally send Na Minshan to leave the vice city and go to Longnan. city!"

"Once Min Shan leaves, we will finish the discussion with Qin. Qin accepts the surrender. At that time, we will not only face one Nehaman, but Nehaman and the whole Qin!"

"At that time, do you think there is still a chance of winning this matter?"

Muderkui's figure was heavy, and he went straight to the topic.

"What, Nehman has decided to surrender?"

"When did it happen? If so, wouldn't we have no chance?"

"Is this safe, and is there an explosion?"

As soon as Mu Deerkui finished speaking, the frying pan was immediately below.

Obviously, most people basically didn't get the news.

But among them, there are a few people who are not surprising.

Natelhachi was one of them, because at this time, he had already received the news.

Seeing the discussion among the people below, Terhachi sneered and said, "General Mude, what's the use of talking about this now?"

"That's right, Nehaman decided to surrender to Qin, but so what?"

"Could it be that you want me to wait to start an incident? Don't forget, the Huns army you mentioned hasn't arrived yet!"

While speaking, everyone raised their heads again, stopped their voices, and looked at Muderkui.

Yes, now that Nehman has decided to surrender, and there is no trace of the Hun army, we can't let everyone go to make peace with Nehman, right?

The key is, can everyone fight it?

"Why, what does this mean? If the Huns don't come, General Terhachi will not continue. Instead, he plans to surrender to Qin with Nehaman. Is that what you mean?"

Muderkui's eyes turned cold, and he stared at the Telha equator.

If it weren't for Terhachi's powerful force, it would be impossible for him to find a way to win Terhachi.

In fact, he was not willing to accept that Terhachi was in the same camp as him.This person is too much of a threat to him, and he will definitely be reused by Tianmen in the future, which will threaten his position.

"Hehe, one is to force the palace to seize power and go to glory. The other is to die for no reason. Mu Deerkui, to be honest, if it were you, what would you choose?"

"Nowadays, the Xiongnu army has no life, and we obviously don't have the first chance. Do you think we will be stupid enough to choose the second?"

"That's right, descending to the Qin Dynasty, maybe there is no benefit at all, at least, there will be no danger, right?"

Terhachi sneered, and unceremoniously retorted back.

He said these words without any hesitation, and he also expressed everyone's heart.

That's the thing in itself, when it's beneficial, when there's an opportunity, it doesn't matter if everyone goes together.But who will accompany you when it comes to sending you to death?

"You guys think the same way?"

Seeing that Terhachi finished speaking, everyone below looked at Terhachi in agreement, and Muderkui's heart became even colder.

He could see that even though Terhaci was being suppressed all the time, his prestige in the army was still greater than his own.

When the people below heard the words, they all lowered their heads.

They didn't dare to betray Nehman easily, but they didn't dare to offend Muderkui directly, after all, the final result hadn't come out yet.

This is the time when the gods fight, even if they want to fight Mu Deerkui, it is Terhachi's business.

"Could it be that General Mude still can't see it, is this what everyone means?"

Seeing this, Terhachi spoke for everyone again.

"okay, I get it!"

Seeing this, Mu Deerkui nodded with a sneer and said with a cold smile, "That is to say, if the Xiongnu army does not come today, you will immediately betray the things that were discussed earlier, right?"

Everyone below bowed their heads, but no one answered.Even Terhachi is not easy to answer this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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