Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1486 After the meeting

Chapter 1486 After the meeting
Seeing the attitudes of the people below, Mudelkui smiled angrily, and it was exactly as he thought, they were all villains who would turn against each other at any time.

If he didn't need the power of these people, why would he talk nonsense with these people at this moment?
Taking a deep breath, Mu De Erkui said coldly: "It doesn't matter, since you have made such a choice, the general is not good at saying anything. After all, everyone is thinking for their own sake, and it makes sense!"

"However, there is a saying, this general is here, the last chance, how you choose, depends on whether you are wise or not!"

"Just now, this general has met the head deacon of Tianmen. The head deacon personally promised that Tianmen will help him with all his strength today. After Nihaman is destroyed, the next step is to capture Dragon City, destroy the Xiongnu, retake Donghu, and send troops to Qin! "

"However, if you choose to follow and make meritorious service in this incident, you will all be nobles and fiefdoms. Everyone, whether to go or stay is up to you. The opportunity is in front of you, and it depends on whether you are willing to seize it!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone below was shocked at the same time.

Including Terhachi, his complexion also changed suddenly.

He knew that Muderkui had a connection with Tianmen, otherwise, with Muderkui's power, how dare he try to deal with Nehaman?

There are more reasons why he is dissatisfied with Mudelkui.

His strength doesn't need to be inferior to Muderkui, so why did Tianmen choose Muderkui but not him?
But no matter what, the strength of Tianmen is there, and the power that even Nehman can control is enough to make anyone surrender.

Now that Nehman has decided to escape from control, Tianmen has already made a move. This news is not unexpected, but it is definitely amazing news.

No matter how dissatisfied Terhachi is with Muderkui, it is absolutely impossible for him to fight against Tianmen.

In his opinion, even Daqin can't be the opponent of Tianmen, let alone Nehaman?

If you follow Nehman today, wouldn't you declare hostility to Tianmen?

That's the real dead end.

"Is this true or false? I didn't expect Tianmen to decide to attack with all its strength. If so, wouldn't Nihaman be sure to die?"

"That's right, with Tianmen taking action, destroying the Xiongnu, taking back the Donghu, sending troops to the Great Qin, what's the difficulty in unifying the world?"

"On the contrary, if we are all nobles, wouldn't we be the leaders in the world?"

On the side, everyone was discussing again, with excited expressions on their faces.

One by one, they seemed to have forgotten the matter of course and decided to turn against the water.

Really complied with that sentence, the world is bustling with interests.

As far as the interests are concerned, no one flocks to them.

At the thought of following the Heavenly Gate, dominating the world, and enfeoffing the feudal lords, everyone's blood began to boil. How could there be any fear of Nehman?
Seeing this scene, Mu De Erkui showed a sneer, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, they are a group of capricious villains!"

Thinking about it, Muderkui spoke again, and said coldly: "How about it, everyone can make a choice?"

"Should I betray Tianmen and follow Nehman to a dead end, or should I decide to follow Tianmen and create brilliance?"

Without giving too much time for everyone to discuss, Muderkui spoke again, directly breaking the discussion of everyone.

Everyone's voices calmed down in an instant, and they all looked at Muderkui with fiery eyes.

It seems that Muderkui at this moment is the opportunity in their eyes and their hope for prosperity.

"General Mude, just tell me what to do, and I will stay with you to the end at all costs!"

One of them came out suddenly, clapped his hands on his chest, and said loudly.

"That's right, General Mude, you give orders directly. Nehaman is known as the god of war in Donghu, and it's nothing more than falling into Donghu now. He even wants to join the enemy. It's a shame. He will follow Tianmen to the end, and he will never die with Nehaman!"

"General Mude, give the order. Today, no matter what, Nehman must be taken down and deal with Tianmen!"

With the opening of No.1, the second and the third appeared soon.

In a moment, everyone below basically stood up.

Without exception, almost all declared their allegiance to the death.

Muderkui watched and listened quietly. Seeing that almost everyone had made a decision, his gaze slowly shifted to Terhachi.

"Why, hasn't General Terhachi made a decision yet?"

Mu Deerkui smiled coldly.

Sure enough, as the chief deacon expected, Tianmen made a move, and the general trend was certain.Now that everyone in the audience has made a decision, he wants to see whether Terhachi, who has always been at odds with him, bows his head or not at this time.

Terhachi also struggled with this matter deep in his heart.

He was not willing to bow his head to Muderkui, but he never dared to go against Tianmen.

But now, Muderkui is the messenger of Tianmen, what can he do?
Do you really decide to follow Nehman and go on the road of no return together?

He can't, at least, he hasn't reached the point of being fearless.

Under Muderkui's gaze, Terhachi's face changed again and again, red for a while, and white for a while.

After a long time, he slowly closed his eyes and sighed: "Since Tianmen made a move, Terhachi is willing to swear allegiance to Tianmen to the death!"

After finishing the words, Terhachi lowered his head deeply, and never looked at Muderkui again.

He knew that Muderkui must be very proud at this moment.

The corner of Mu Deerkui's mouth slightly twitched, finally seeing this guy bow his head.

"Okay, since everyone has made preparations, let's act!"

"Nihaman's side, the people I have placed are almost ready to do it. It won't be long before the power around Neihaman will weaken. At that time, I will light up the smoke!"

"Smoke together, all of you send troops to the General's Mansion immediately, and take Nehaman in one fell swoop!"

Mu Deerkui didn't talk nonsense, went straight to the point, and gave an order.

The most important thing is now, and he is not targeting Terhachi at this time.


When the people below heard the words, they slammed the ground and left at the same time.


The convening of a meeting is destined to be turbulent.

As these people left, armies from all walks of life in the vice city immediately began to gather from all directions.

The army is relatively scattered. After all, there is no commander-in-chief, and almost every thousand-man general is leading it.

Most of them are just ten thousand generals.

The army gathered in various parts of the city, forming a faint encirclement circle, surrounding the general's mansion layer by layer.

As long as there is an order, the army will show up, and immediately the siege of the general's mansion will be completely sealed.

But at this time, Nihaman in the general's mansion was completely unaware.

Her decision to surrender to Qin was made last night, and the news just reached Longcheng today.

At this moment, he was going to the General's Mansion, in that other courtyard, the courtyard of Dongfang Minshan.

(End of this chapter)

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