Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1487 The last battle

Chapter 1487 The Last Battle

The cold wind is blowing, the snow is vast, and the white clothes are fluttering.

Baima Yi followed the soldiers, with three steps for one post and five steps for one sentry, they surrounded the entire courtyard tightly.

Layers of checkpoints made the courtyard where Khan King Dongfang Minshan was located seem like a realm.

In front of the door, with the snow and cold wind hitting his face, the soldiers of Baima Yicong still stood tall and fearless, standing quietly.

Looking up one by one, as if they were statues, the resolute and cold faces gave people a feeling of calmness and prestige.

This is an invincible iron army!
Everyone who sees this army will have this thought in their hearts at the same time.

Nehman came not far from the courtyard and couldn't help but stop, looking at the courtyard in front of him and the soldiers standing proudly.

In his mind, scenes could not help but emerge.

Once, when King Khan Dongfang Minshan was still the king of Donghu, he was the guard of the palace, who took him seriously?

Dongfang Minshan, have you ever enjoyed the feeling of being strictly protected?
Such an army is the army that every general dreams of, and it is also the army that every king desires most.

Desperate for their protection, long for their allegiance.

However, when Dongfang Minshan was king, he didn't have this kind of treatment. Now that he has given up the throne, he has this kind of treatment instead.


Nehman sighed softly: "Perhaps I was really wrong from the beginning!"

Numerous melancholy emerged in Nehman's heart.

She recalled the scene when she just returned to Donghu.

I remember that at that time, after Dongfang Minshan learned the reason for her going back, he immediately asked her to leave.

Unfortunately he declined.

At that time, she didn't understand the reason, but now she understands, but it's too late to regret.

Later, when she took power, she thought she had hoped to seize her chance.

At this time, Dongfang Minshan begged her to take everyone away together.

In the end, she was unwilling to let Dongfang Minshan lose everything. In order to protect his younger brother, he refused again.

Not only does she want to protect her younger brother, but she also wants to make her younger brother honorable forever.

Now, thinking about it again, it is too late to regret.

Being honored as the god of war, he thought everything was under control, but in fact, he was thoroughly used by people from the very beginning.

After doing so many things in a daze, she finally came out slowly.

During this time, she seemed to have been hesitating whether to surrender to Qin.

In fact, she had already made a decision on surrendering to Qin.

However, how could some people's actions be hidden from his eyes?

"Meet the Generalissimo!"

Just as Nehman was contemplating, a voice suddenly reminded her, bringing her back to reality from her melancholy.

"what happened?"

Nehman frowned slightly, and looked at the person who came to report.

The person who came was a young general named Qian Hong, her Nehaman's confidant young general, who is now only waiting for dispatch under the tent.No one can mobilize except her.

"Report to the Generalissimo, as the Generalissimo expected, Muderkui has already started to move!"

The young general stepped forward and said in a low voice.

"Those people around us also did it?"

Nehman heard this and said coldly.

"Well, those people are all tampering with the food, and secretly laying out an ambush. All actions, step by step, are waiting for those who deal with us one by one!"

The young general nodded.

"What about the rest?"

Nehman asked again.

"They are all lying in ambush in various parts of the city, forming an encirclement circle, surrounding the general's mansion layer by layer. Grand Marshal, do you want to act immediately?"

The young general responded and asked again.

"Don't worry, you go down and continue to observe, and let the people below calm down for me!"

Nehman waved his hand, rejecting the young general's proposal.

She turned her head and glanced at the yard in front of her. Now that the battle is imminent, how could she let her younger brother take risks?

In this battle, she believed that Tianmen would definitely make a move, otherwise those people below would not have the guts to fall out with him.

Under Tianmen's attack, the outcome is unpredictable, and she has been unable to protect her younger brother.

Now, the only thing she can do is to eradicate all evils for herself and her younger brother.Perhaps by then, my younger brother will also be able to enjoy peace in Qin Guoan.


Hearing the words, the young general responded, and immediately turned and left.

Nehman turned his head, looked at his leaving back, shook his head, and finally walked towards the yard in front of him.

When they came to the yard, they saw two white horse soldiers crossing their spears and blocking them directly.

"Excuse me, Nehman asked to see King Khan?"

Nihaman smiled wryly, and didn't know whether he should be happy for Dongfang Minshan or feel sad for himself.

Dongfang Minshan was her own younger brother. In the past, when relatives met, they didn't need to know each other.Later, the identity of the God of War was there, and no one dared to stop him from meeting Dongfang Minshan.

Even if Dongfang Minshan is a king, he can't refuse.

Now, instead, she has to bear this unprecedented treatment. Although it is not the first time, she will feel sad every time.

"Hold on!"

The two soldiers glanced at Dongfang Minshan. Although it had been a long time, they all knew the Donghu God of War and knew that she was a relative of King Khan Dongfang Minshan.

However, the rules in the army are the rules, and everything is only obeyed by the superiors, and there is no accommodation at all.

I saw one of them said something, and immediately turned and left.

Soon, the man came quickly, made a gesture of invitation, and said, "King Khan welcomes you!"

Nehman responded, and walked towards the courtyard.

"Lead the way!"

That Baima Yicong asked from the side.

"Don't bother!"

Nehman waved his hand and went straight.

Soon, he came to Dongfang Minshan's bedroom, and saw Dongfang Minshan standing in the heavy snow in front of the room, letting the cold wind beat him, looking up to the kingly sky, and welcoming the heavy snow that was flying against his face.

"So excited!"

Nehman came to stand beside Dongfang Minshan, looked at Dongfang Minshan, and then looked at Dongfang Minshan's face of enjoyment.

"Yes, the interest is not bad!"

Dongfang Minshan still stood quietly, looked up at the sky, put his hands behind his back, closed his eyes, and said in a low voice.


Nehaman smiled slightly. At this moment, she caught the so-called lightness on her brother's face, as if the heavy burden had been completely let go.

"Didn't you realize that it's already spring?"

"Maybe this will be the last snow, just like before, it will be the last battle of our Donghu royal family. After this snow falls and this battle is over, we will welcome a completely different tomorrow. The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. Life is as you wish!"

"It's such a blessing, do you think I should have some fun?"

Dongfang Minshan still raised his head and said with a light smile.

His tone was very relaxed, but when these words reached Nehman's ears, it was as if the stone had broken the sky.

Nehaman's face changed, and he looked at Dongfang Minshan suddenly.

Seeing that Dongfang Minshan still looked comfortable, he took a deep breath and pretended to be calm: "What is the last battle? What do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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