Chapter 1488
"Isn't it the last battle?"

Dongfang Minshan asked questions instead of answering!

"Hehe, let's be joking. Since I have decided to surrender to Daqin, it is naturally impossible to fight Daqin again. How come the last battle?"

Nehman smiled a little reluctantly, and couldn't help but raise his heart.

"It's already at this time, is there any need to hide it?"

"Yes, the war with Qin is over, but the war with Tianmen is not over yet!"

"The more than 30 troops below should have completely surrounded this place by now, right?"

"If I'm not mistaken, you came here today just to send me away and start a war, right?"

Dongfang Minshan's eyes finally opened slowly.

He looked at Nehman, his eyes were deep and complicated, like a pool of deep water, but also like a vast universe, which was completely impossible to see through.

"How do you know?"

Nihaman couldn't calm down at all, he didn't expect Dongfang Minshan to know so much.

Not only does he know that there are rebels below, but he even knows how many people there are.

"Do you think the Black Ice Terrace in the capital of Qin is for playing?"

Dongfang Minshan shook his head and smiled. With a word, Nehman, who was instantly blocked, was speechless.

That's right, the Black Ice Terrace of the Qin Kingdom, the existence that deliberately competes with Tianmen Guantiantai.In the eyes of Heibingtai, are there any secrets in this world?
"Emperor Qin, actually entrusted you with the power of the Black Ice Platform?"

After realizing it, Nehman was even more shocked.

You know, the Daqin Black Ice Terrace represents the existence of imperial power.How could the emperor of Qin give this power to others at will?
Once used by someone with a heart, this power is enough to change everything.

"In Great Qin, there are many people who can use the Black Ice Platform. Perhaps in your eyes, the Black Ice Platform is a force that changes the world, but in the eyes of the Emperor of Qin, it is a tool that is deliberately used!"

"If a tool loses its use value, it is not worth continuing to exist!"

Dongfang Minshan stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes shifted, and he looked at the vast white snow ahead.

Hearing this, Nehman couldn't help thinking.

She couldn't help thinking of the man who broke into the 80 army camp alone that night.

He is so lofty and unparalleled in the world.

He is invincible, unrivaled!

He overwhelmed the mountains and rivers, swallowing the universe!

At that time, Nehman faced him more with fear and powerlessness.

After that, she was always thinking about whether she could be as strong as him one day.

But now, such extravagant hopes are gone, and what she has in her heart is more curiosity.

What kind of man is this, who can possess such courage.

I'm afraid that in this world, only such a bold and generous person can rule the universe!

"Would you like to go?"

After pondering for a long time, Nehman shook his head, stopped thinking about that man, but looked towards Dongfang Minshan, and asked softly.

Her voice was soft, unprecedentedly gentle, and no longer as fierce as a god of war.

"Why are you fighting this battle?"

"Actually, you can join forces with the State of Qin and join forces inside and outside. In this way, even if those rebels are daring, they will never be presumptuous. Even if they are really presumptuous, they will definitely lose!"

Dongfang Minshan continued to speak without answering the question.

"The Khanate is dead, and now, the Khanate is about to be merged into Qin!"

"It is undeniable that the emperor of Qin is convincing enough. But the subjugation of the country is still the subjugation of the country after all. It is a shame, a humiliation!"

"Now, our Khanate not only has to bear the humiliation of subjugation, but even the people below cannot control it. In the future, how will our Khanate family gain a foothold in Qin? How will we gain a foothold in this world?"

"This battle is about the honor and disgrace of the Khanate. It is the last battle of our Khanate. The internal rebels must be eliminated by our Khanate and must not be used by others. For the Khanate, the royal family, and our own face, this battle Must hit!"

Nehman narrowed his eyes slightly, and an invisible aura emerged spontaneously as he spoke.

Yes, she is a woman, but women do not give way to men.

In this world, no man can surpass her.Even though she loses again and again, and her life seems to be nothing but failure, she is still a legend, a legend of this era.

Now that the country is in ruins and her family is in ruins, no matter what, she must use up her last strength to keep her last bit of face.

Perhaps, she is the last fig leaf of the Donghu Khanate!

"That's right, fight for the Khanate, fight for the royal family, and fight for face!"

"This is the last face of the Khanate, the royal family, and you and me. I am the king of the Khanate, the lord of the royal family, and the lord of the Khanate. Now, how can this battle be without me?"

Dongfang Min Shan nodded slightly, followed Nehman's words, and gave Nehman's final answer.

"Aren't you going?"

Nehman narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Do you think I should go?"

Dongfang Minshan asked back.

Nehman looked at him, into his deep and determined eyes.

In an instant, Nehman seemed to understand.

He knew that this was his younger brother.

I remember when I returned to the Khanate and saw him, he had such a look in his eyes.

At that time, Nehman thought that he didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and he didn't know his own situation.

Now, Nehman knew that this was the real side of his brother.He is actually a king.

"How do you think this battle should be fought?"

Nehman took a deep breath, and no longer refused Dongfang Minshan to go to war, but asked instead.

She wanted to see what Dongfang Minshan was capable of, and whether she could rest assured.

"Have you noticed that General Sima, who was inseparable from me today, is gone!"

Dongfang Minshan suddenly looked around and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Nihaman couldn't help but look around, not to mention, it doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, and only after looking at it did he realize that Sima Xun, who used to be inseparable from Dongfang Minshan's side, really disappeared.

Moreover, the number one outside the gate seems to be fortified, but in fact, the number of people is much, much less than usual.

In the past, the guards guarding this place worked in two shifts.Three thousand soldiers, one thousand and five general, take turns to be on duty.

However, at this moment, in all directions, the number of people is only [-], which is very unreasonable, or rather abrupt.

"Where did they go?"

Nehman's heart moved, and he already had some guesses.

"Those rebels in the mansion should have started to be wiped out by now!"

The corners of Dongfang Minshan's mouth slightly twitched, and he sneered.

"Have you already started?"

Nehman's heart trembled, and he was even more shocked. He didn't expect Dongfang Minshan to strike so quickly.

"Actually, a lot of news has to go through my hands before you get it. I know what you know, and I know what you don't. Because the news you know is the news I want you to know. Just now, before you got the news, I already sent someone to do it!"

Dongfang Minshan narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly looked at Nehaman and said.

(End of this chapter)

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