Chapter 1489
"What do you mean? You are by my side, there are spies arranged?"

The shock in Nehman's heart could not be further increased. If it was as Dongfang Minshan said, wouldn't he be under his surveillance all the time?
"It's not that I have spies by your side, the Black Ice Terrace is always on top of you!"

"The Black Ice Platform is a sharp blade, suspended above everyone's head. Do you think you can continue to stand here because of your strength?"

"No, it's because you have always been in the hands of the Black Ice Terrace, and the sword hasn't completely fallen off yet!"

Dongfang Minshan smiled suddenly, and when he spoke, he felt an inexplicable sense of crisis, and he rushed towards Nehaman.

"Who is it, could it be Sirba?"

Nehaman's heartbeat accelerated. That's right, at this moment, she felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, which made her very uneasy.

This feeling that every move is being watched by others will make people go crazy and find it difficult to control themselves.

Dongfang Minshan didn't answer, but said: "Since you're here, sit down and watch the show. I'll take care of the rest of the questions!"

With that said, Dongfang Min Shan turned around and walked towards the courtyard hall in the distance.

Nehman looked at his back, feeling complicated again.

Only at this moment did she truly understand what it means to plan a strategy and win a victory thousands of miles away.

At this moment, Dongfang Minshan gave her the feeling that it was unfathomable and capable, like a chess player who manipulated the world's chessboard.

On Dongfang Minshan's body, she actually had a sense of instant sight when facing Ying Shou.

That's right, at this moment Dongfang Minshan really has the shadow of that man.

Maybe they are the same kind of people?It was just his own appearance that finally broke all the balance.Otherwise, what would be the situation of Donghu today?
Every time he thinks of this, Nehman feels annoyed in his heart.

She shook her head and sighed deeply, followed behind, and came to the courtyard hall with Dongfang Minshan.

At this time, outside the general's mansion, in a business store, a group of several people came hand in hand.

This is the first person, bowing his head and bowing his head, respectfully and politely.

Behind him is a group of men and women.

The masculinity is graceful, without anger and prestige, as if the superior master.

The woman's face is peerless, elegant and refined, and her eyes are shining with wisdom.

This couple is none other than Ying Shou and Yin Yue.

Behind the two, there were two middle-aged men in black plush sweaters.

The person who led the way in front, and the two people who followed behind, there are three people in total, all of them are from Daqin Heibingtai.

Under the leadership of the three of them, Ying Shou and Yin Yue came to the deputy city, but did not directly enter through the main entrance.

The power of the Black Ice Terrace is pervasive. There are really too many ways to enter this city. Any one of them can make people come in quietly, and then leave quietly.

"Sir, please!"

The person in front bowed and made a gesture of invitation, and said to Ying Shou.

Ying Shou came quietly, and these people naturally didn't dare to call him His Majesty the Emperor, so they changed it to Mr.

Ying Shou took Yinyue's little hand and stepped into the storehouse.

There is actually a difference between a business inn and an inn.

The inn is just a place to provide guests with food and accommodation.

The commercial warehouse is different. It can not only be used to provide food and accommodation, but also to sell and auction goods.

In this era, there will be such a store in every city.

And the merchants in the past are generally happy to live in such a shop because it is profitable.

However, the price of commercial inns is often higher than that of inns, so that many small traders simply cannot afford to live there.Those who can enter the trading post are basically those businessmen with rich family backgrounds.

The shop in front of him was opened by Daqin Heibingtai.

The storehouse covers a large area, and it can be called the number one storehouse in Dragon City.

The people who can enter this store are not just as simple as having some family background at home, each of them can be called a big businessman.

Moreover, these big merchants have basically chosen their own positions and rounded up the business stack.

Basically, 360 days a year, these big merchants will send people here to take pictures.

Today's trading post is not so much a trading post as it is a store.

And it's not just an ordinary store, there is already a prototype of a later generation square supermarket.

Entering the storehouse, Ying Shou raised his eyes and looked around, only to see that there were many pillars in all directions, forcibly propping up a huge space of nearly a thousand square meters.

In this huge space, there are countless commodities in all directions.

These commodities are all commodities.

It's just that nowadays, there are many people who place goods, but there are very few people who buy goods, which seems to be a bit sparse!
"It doesn't look like the business is very good in this shop. Why are there so many people coming to pose for pictures?"

Ying Shou frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

"Mr. Qibao, they are all those who have not opened for three years and have been living for three years after opening. The things these people sell are not affordable for ordinary people!"

"That's right, it's indeed very deserted now, but no matter how deserted it is, they can't lose money. Let alone a day, even ten days and a half months, there is only one chance to open, and they will all make a profit!"

"And this is the result of the desertion under the current war. In the past, this place is also considered lively. Envoys from various countries, princes and nobles of the Huns, nobles from various tribes, etc., people come here every day. These people come here every day. Basically, there are businesses, and they make a lot of money, so naturally they don't care about the capital!"

In front of Ying Shou, the guide hurriedly nodded and smiled.

"Since they know that the war has started, these people still dare to pose for pictures here. Are they not afraid of being beaten? Or are they not afraid of being robbed?"

Ying Shou was a little surprised and puzzled.

"Your Majesty, don't you know this? That's right, according to the general situation, these businessmen who seek fame and fortune will come if they have benefits, and run away if they don't. Especially when danger comes, they run faster than anyone else." quick!"

"But now they have also become stronger. Maybe the situation is different. As long as they are in this store, they are not afraid of anyone, and no matter how chaotic outside, the passing troops will not dare to attack them casually, otherwise The consequences are unspeakable!"

The person who led the way was like a guide, whatever Ying Shou asked, he would answer.

"Oh, all the armies are fighting, how can you be afraid of a group of small businessmen?"

When Ying Shou heard it, he immediately became happy.

In this era, the identity value of a businessman is actually very low. It has always been the only reason for a businessman to take a step back. I have never heard of various armies encountering a businessman and making a detour.

"Those people are afraid of, of course, not this group of small businessmen, they are afraid of the business alliance!"

The person who led the way shook his head, and when he mentioned this matter, he couldn't help sighing, his face was full of admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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