Chapter 1490
"Business Alliance?"

Ying Shou had a question mark on his face, he had never heard of any business alliance.

"That's right, Merchant Alliance!"

Just then, a voice sounded.

Ying Shou and Yin Yue turned their heads to look at the same time, and saw a figure walking quickly not far away.

"Sima Xun?"

Ying Shou smiled faintly, the person who came here was none other than Sima Xun, the commander of the Forbidden Army.

"I've seen Mr.!"

Sima Xun stepped forward, bowed his hands to Ying Shou, made a gesture of invitation respectfully, and said, "Please move forward, sir, and talk in the attic!"

Ying Shou nodded, and led by Sima Xun, he headed towards the stairs not far away.

This storehouse is very large, with three floors in total.

This first floor is a place for posing for photos. Most of the merchants' items will basically be left on the first floor for posing for photos, and someone will guard them at any time.

The second floor is the guest room, where all businessmen rest.There are guest rooms here, and many businessmen's big business will be discussed here.

The last is the third floor, also known as the transaction desk.

The voices discussed here will basically affect the national destiny of a country.Only the capitals of the great empires would have such a trading post and such a transaction platform.

For example, today, if the Hun Empire intends to change some of the style of the Hun Empire through the hands of merchants, this business is a real big business.

This is a big business that can affect the fate of the country. Unless Mao Dun personally summons the merchants to the palace for talks, otherwise, it can only be concluded here.

Under Sima Xun's leadership, Ying Shou and Yin Yue came down to the third floor, where they were on the transaction platform.

I saw that several braziers had already been placed there, and the surrounding curtains were hanging down to block the cold wind outside, but it looked very warm.

After opening the curtain, you can look at the snow scene in the city, which is really special.

"Please sit down, Your Majesty!"

Sima Xun led Ying Shou over, and bowed beside a table.

Ying Shou lifted the hem of his clothes and sat down, smelling the aroma of wine in front of him, just about to make a move, but Yinyue at the side had already noticed it, and immediately stepped forward, picked up the wine ladle, scooped out the wine for him, and poured it gently into the wine glass.

Ying Shou picked up the glass of wine, sniffed it carefully, and drank it in one gulp, it was very sweet.

He didn't know what wine it was, but he didn't ask.

He is not very interested in wine, as long as it tastes good.

Putting down the glass of wine, Ying Shou said, "Just now you talked about the business alliance, what's the matter with this business alliance?"

Sima Xun knelt down in front of Ying Shou, and said respectfully, "Reporting to Your Majesty, the Merchant Alliance is an alliance formed by various countries in the past few years. The alliance has not yet been fully perfected internally, but it already has quite a deterrent effect on the outside world! "

"When you mention this business alliance, you have to mention one person. Your Majesty must have some impressions of this person!"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "Oh, who is it?"

Sima Xun laughed and said, "Mushan!"

"It's him?"

Ying Shou was stunned, and said with a smile: "Let's hear it, this Mu Shan has been thinking about this and that all day, why did he create a business alliance!"

Sima Xun shook his head, and couldn't help admiring in his eyes. A businessman can exert power for a while and shock the countries, which is also amazing.

Immediately, Sima Xun briefly explained the matter.

It turned out that in the early years, Mu Shan had already started to arrange various parties in the business.

As long as he finds an opportunity, he will find ways to infiltrate every country.

Just like at the beginning, Qin State just opened a gap in the southwestern countries, and the political aspect has not yet penetrated, and his Mushan business has already begun to penetrate.

It is conceivable how swift this method of admiration is.

Such a thing, he has never done less.

In the early years, all countries in the north were infiltrated by him, especially Donghu.

Since then, an alliance called the Merchant Alliance has been secretly formed.

Mu Shan took advantage of the needs of all parties and the interests of businessmen from various countries as bait, and gradually formed a business alliance under the call.

However, in the north, there is a country that Mu Shan can't penetrate, and that is the Xiongnu.

Even the business circles of the Eastern Hu Khanate had long been controlled by Mu Shan, except for the Xiongnu Empire, where Mu Shan could not even enter the gate.

Previously, the Huns had negotiated peace with Qin and formed an alliance. For this reason, they specially offered their princess to marry Yingshou.

When the state of Qin was on an envoy, Mu Shan, on behalf of the non-governmental team, was brave enough to fight for the first place. In fact, he wanted to seize the opportunity to open up the Xiongnu's business and trade in one fell swoop.

But he didn't expect that that mission was unexpected.Can't help but didn't get any benefits, but all the members of the mission almost died in the desert.

That time, Ying Shou was annoyed, and Mu Shan was also excited.

Don't look at Mu Shan, who usually has a smile on his surface and is quite kind, but if you really anger him, not everyone can bear the consequences.

After returning to the state of Qin, Mu Shan immediately called on all business circles to completely cut off trade with the Huns.

Since then, the commercial trade of the Huns has been paralyzed in an instant.

Later, when the Xiongnu began to annex the northern countries and formed two major northern kingdoms with Donghu, Mu Shan also took this opportunity to break into the Xiongnu.

After all, although the power of his business alliance could not penetrate the Xiongnu, he still had a lot of power in many small countries in the north.

The Xiongnu's annexation of these small countries is equivalent to incorporating his power into the land of the Huns.

At this moment, Mu Shan is still taking revenge. Although he secretly controls the power of the Xiongnu business community, he just does not give the Xiongnu Empire any respite.

This business war made the Xiongnu Empire stunned, and it took a long time to recover.

Especially after the war between the Huns and Qin, this business war became more intense.

The Xiongnu Empire also really realized what kind of predicament they were facing.

First of all, without the support of commercial power, the Xiongnu would face problems in terms of food, weapons, food and clothing.

Under Mu Shan's deliberate suppression, no matter how the Xiongnu broke out, it would be useless. In the end, they could only compromise and choose peace talks.

This matter spread quickly, so, from then on, all countries are at war, but wherever there are commercial warehouses, no troops can be raised.As a result, the place of the trading post became a refuge for merchants.

This is the result of the concerted efforts of businessmen from all over the world, and it is also the strength they can rely on.

Although the contract was signed at the beginning, the storehouse was inviolable, it was only a contract with the Huns.

But with the consent of the Hun Empire, this contract has gradually become the unspoken rules of all countries, and no one dares to mess with the business alliance.

Sima Xun explained while Ying Shou listened quietly.

After listening to it, it was Ying Shou who couldn't help sighing, this Mu Shan is really not an ordinary person, no wonder Mu's firm has been able to run across the Central Plains for hundreds of years, and it is still the richest man in the Great Qin Dynasty, and even the richest man in the world.

"Hehe, it seems that to find a chance, I have to see this Mu Shan again!"

Ying Shou smiled suddenly and muttered to himself.

"Mu Shan is a citizen of Great Qin after all, if His Majesty wants to summon him, in a word, he will definitely come here!"

Sima Xun replied.

(End of this chapter)

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