Chapter 1492
"Go, go out and see!"

With a gloomy face, Terhachi gave an order, led the crowd, called the army, and went directly to the gate of the barracks.

At this time, in front of the gate of the barracks, the white-clothed knight of Daqin was already waiting there, waiting solemnly.

The leader is none other than the person who went to Nehman's side to report the news.

Terhachi came with 5000 people in a menacing manner.

However, the armored soldiers who stepped forward in front of them seemed to be invisible, each of them was waiting in full force, with a majestic aura, as if they didn't pay attention to the more than 5000 people in front of them.

"Bold Silba, you dare to bring the Qin army to surround the barracks. What are your intentions?"

As soon as Terhachi appeared, he immediately recognized Sirba and roared angrily.

Sirba has always been the personal general next to Nehaman, and almost many things will be ordered through his hands. Therefore, most of the people below are Sirba.

However, in front of everyone, Sirba was just a young errand next to Nehman.

Now he is majestic and majestic, wearing a snow-white battle suit, invisibly, giving people an inexplicable sense of oppression.

This feeling made Terhachi very uncomfortable, even faintly depressed.

"Hehe, Terhachi, are you questioning my intentions?"

Silba sneered and said, "I should be the one to ask you this question, right? As a vanguard general, you have nothing to do with the Generalissimo's Guards."

"Now, you actually appeared in this barracks, and 5000 people obeyed orders neatly while waving your hands. What do you want to do?"

Terhachi was taken aback for a moment, not to mention, appearing here seems to be a capital crime in itself.

"Hmph, what do I want to do, don't you need me? Even if Nehaman is here today, I'm afraid I don't have the right to question me like this?"

Terhachi was speechless, snorted coldly, and became strong.

The matter has been exposed and can be resolved temporarily. Of course, he hopes to resolve it temporarily and wait for the general trend.But if it doesn't work, then you can only do it immediately.

"That's right, in your eyes, even the Generalissimo is here, you don't think much of it, do you?"

"Since this is the case, it seems that you are going to disobey the command of the Generalissimo, right?"

What Silba was waiting for was this sentence, the so-called name is not right, but the words are not right, although this is Donghu's family business.But now that Donghu has merged with Daqin, it should solve the problem in Daqin's way.

Although each of these people was rebellious and even started to take action, they hadn't exploded yet.

According to the laws of the Great Qin Dynasty, killing is not punishable, and everything must be done with solid evidence, not just inference and guesswork.

Now, he is forcing Terhachi to rebel.

"What order?"

Terhachi raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

"The Grand Marshal has ordered that Muderkui send troops to surround the general's mansion in an attempt to commit wrongdoing. He ordered Terhachi to lead his troops to arrest Muderkui immediately, and those who disobeyed the order will be executed!"

Silba opened his mouth and said coldly.

"Hmph, Muderkui is a general after all, and he was arrested just because he had a wrong intention. Where is the evidence?"

Of course, it was impossible for Terhachi to arrest Muderkui at this time. Even if he was upset to see Muderkui again, his interests were unified, and now was not the time to avenge himself.

At this time, not only would he not try to capture Muderkui, but he would even find a way to speak well for Muderkui.

When the overall situation is settled, how to fight Muderkui is also his business, and naturally it is beyond the control of others.

"Listen to you, you don't want to go, right?"

Silba pressed on step by step, said coldly.

Behind Tel Hachi, all the soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, all secretly on guard.

They faintly felt Qin Jun's ready-to-go posture, and it seemed that he might launch an attack at any time.

This feeling is by no means false, but anyone who has been on the battlefield knows that this feeling cannot be faked at all.

Whenever this kind of momentum appears, basically, a big battle is inevitable.

Finally, the eyes of these people surrendered to Terhachi.

At this time, the previous news has not yet come, and everyone does not know what to do.In the end, do it directly now, or find a way to deal with it and continue to wait.

This point can only be decided by Terhachi.

"It's still the same sentence, without any evidence, why arrest a general of our army?"

Terhachi didn't follow Sirba's words either. At this time, he still wanted to continue waiting.

"Evidence, right? Well, I'll give you the evidence!"

Silba sneered, raised his big hand, and someone came on horseback and presented him with a head.

Silba reached out to take it, and threw the head directly in front of Terhachi Geng.

Terhachi and the others hurriedly looked down.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, everyone's heart trembled at the same time.

Isn't this the chief executive of the Huotou camp they have been waiting for?
Could it be...

Everyone's heart trembled, and their eyes turned to Silba.

"Don't you want evidence? The evidence is here!"

"Muderkui colluded with Tianmen, secretly poisoned, and wanted to bring harm to the general's mansion. Now, the head of the Huotou camp has been punished. Presumably at this moment, the rebels should still be waiting for news from the Huotou camp!"

"Terhachi, I'm going to ask you now, will you accept the orders of the Generalissimo, or not?"

Under the eyes of everyone, Silba's tone was cold, with a sneer on his face, he looked at Terhachi.

He wanted to see how long Terhachi could endure.

Terhachi was silent. At this moment, his heart couldn't help shaking.

I didn't expect the plan to be seen through so quickly. So, can we still win Nehman?

At this time, I obviously still have a chance to choose, but once I make a choice, I will have no chance to choose in the future.

He was unavoidably worried, because he knew how powerful Nehman was, so he was still unwilling to confront him head-on.

But now, can you not touch it?

Thinking that Tianmen has already decided to intervene in this matter with all his strength, he still dare not choose to stand by Nihaman after all.

"Hmph, if today, why don't I send troops to arrest him?"

After pondering for a long time, Terhachi spoke, staring at Silba, and murmured.

"Don't want to send troops? In this way, the general is unwilling to fight against the rebels, right? Can I take this as a kind of betrayal, a betrayal of collaborating with the rebels?"

Silba was still unmoved, and his tone of speech was as cold as ever, but also as proud as ever, as if he was just stating and asking about one thing.

"If you want to commit a crime, there is no reason to worry about it. Just say it, how do you treat it?"

Terhachi's eyes were cold, ready to fight at any time.

The words have already been said to this point, the next battle is destined to be inevitable.

"No matter, since the general is willing to judge the bandit, I can only carry out another order of the generalissimo and take off the general's head!"

Silba swung his spear in his hand, and immediately pointed it at Terhachi.

(End of this chapter)

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