Chapter 1493 Battle

"you dare!"

Terhachi yelled violently, wanting to do something in front of him, it was unreasonable.

"Dare or not, just look at it!"

Silba sneered, Mu Ran gave an order, and shouted: "Kill!"

After the voice fell, thousands of troops let out a low growl at the same time.

The sound is not loud, but when gathered together, it vibrates the air and makes people tremble with fear.

The next moment, thousands of people rode out at the same time and headed straight for the barracks.

"Bold Qin Jun, are you planning to break into the barracks?"

Terhachi roared angrily, he didn't expect Silba to be so decisive, he would fight as soon as he said it, without showing any mercy.

"The whole army is ready to kill me!"

Terhachi roared, and the five thousand troops immediately drew out their scimitars and rushed towards the Qin army like a tide.

After just a conversation, the two armies directly collided without any room for negotiation.

Qin Jun's attitude was too strong and too crazy.

Although Nehaman, the war god of Donghu, decided to surrender to Qin, he hadn't surrendered yet after all.

Before the letter of surrender was fully submitted, Donghu was still Donghu, and this army still did not belong to Qin State, how could Qin State intervene.

The intervention of the Qin army not only made the rebels who had decided to resist have no way out, but even aroused their anger even more.

However, the Great Qin Imperial Army, the three thousand white horses Yicong are certainly arrogant, but the arrogance naturally has the capital of arrogance.

Qin Jun had already made preparations for this attack.

The moment the two armies collided, a rain of arrows rained down from the sky, shooting and killing Donghu rebels in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the horses collided, instantly shocking the Huns' rebel army into chaos.

Three thousand forbidden troops, Baima Yicong, were sent to surround the barracks this time, not only the 1000 people blocking the door, but also more than 1000 people in all directions.

As the battle started, these people rushed out at the same time, forming a siege, and directly massacred the Donghu rebels.

The two armies fought, and there were few pedestrians on the streets because of the cold winter and the war.This time, everyone was scared and hid.

Some people can't even stay at home, and run as far as they can, for fear of being affected and implicating themselves.

The barracks is not far from the General's Mansion in the city, and the store is also built in the center of the city, separated from the General's Mansion River Barracks by a street.

Hearing the shouts of killing outside, Ying Shou got up, strolled to the side of the transaction table, raised the curtain, and a gust of cold wind hit, making the skin tense instinctively.

He was condescending, looking down at the chaotic battlefield in the barracks on the street below.

The two armies were fighting in the streets, and Baima Yicong's war horse strategy seemed to be a little difficult to use. After all, it was not as good as on the plain, where he could ram back and forth with his hands and feet.

Of course, Sanqian Baima Yicong was formed in the morale of the end of the Han Dynasty, and it was to deal with the Huns and the Huns.

It can be said that all their methods are designed to kill the barbarians.

Even though the street fighting at this moment cannot take advantage of the cavalry's greatest advantage, there are still countless ways to fight the barbarian army.

In the chaotic battle, Baima Yicong, who only had more than 2000 people, killed more than 5000 people in a chaotic state, unable to fight back.

Where is the war here?It was a one-sided massacre!
"Tsk tsk, His Majesty's [-] guards are still as fierce as they were back then!"

Yinyue came to Yingshou's side, looked at the chaotic battle outside, and looked at the heroic three thousand white horse Yicong, her eyes were full of sighs.

She still remembered that back then, this army had saved the life of His Majesty the Emperor.

In Huishui City's battle with the Xiongnu army, if this army hadn't been the first to rush up to protect it, perhaps the emperor would have completely fallen in that battle.

In these years, the three thousand forbidden troops only need to protect the imperial city in name, and the imperial city will not be attacked. There is no need for the three thousand white horse Yicong to take action, and there is no danger of any loss.

But in fact, the various battles in these years have never been without the figure of Sanqian Baimayicong.

These [-] forbidden troops have actually been updated a lot in the back and forth battles.

Among them, at least 1000 people were not the original Baima Yicong, but after the loss of the original manpower, Ying Shou made up for it again.

3000 people, from the beginning to the end, has been maintained at this number, one is not too many, one is not too many, one can imagine how much the emperor attaches importance to these 3000 people.

Sima Xun also walked up, looking at the battlefield outside, his face was calm.

Even in the face of the massacre of 2000 people against 5000 people, he was not surprised at all. It seemed that all of this was as it should be.

"General Sima, I'm afraid we still need a general to take action at this moment. There is a general in the enemy army named Terhaci. This man is so powerful and invincible that even the top generals cannot subdue him. At this moment There is no General Sima in the army, once this person breaks through, no one will be able to stop him!"

Suddenly, Yinyue seemed to see something, turned her head and said to Sima Xun who stopped to watch.

Sima Xun had no expression on his face, and cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty thinks too highly of this Terhachi!"

As he said that, he also turned his gaze to the crowd, and saw that one of the Hu people's army who had been killed by the Great Qin Imperial Army was completely different.

Terhachi held a large chopping knife in his hand and waved it in the battlefield, making the sound of breaking wind, it can be said that gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

In front of him, horses were constantly being beheaded and torn apart by his beheading knife, and soldiers of the Imperial Army kept falling on his feet.

No matter how fast and how powerful the Forbidden Army of the Qin Dynasty was, the moment they came in front of him, they seemed to be throwing their heads back.

I saw a war horse galloping forward, and on the horse, the white-clothed warrior held out his spear, as if piercing the sky, and went straight to Terha's heart.

Terhachi had just beheaded a person with a single blow, then raised his head suddenly, facing the spear, moved his body, and quickly dispersed.

The next moment, the big chopping knife in his hand swept across.

With the flickering of the saber, this saber cut off the horse's hooves.

The war horse lost its balance instantly, because the speed of the impact was too fast, it flew forward directly.

On the battle horse, the white-clothed soldier was taken aback and was thrown out.

However, at the moment he was thrown out, Tel Hachi turned around and slashed towards him again.

The blade coincidentally collided with the white-clothed warrior, and with the splash of blood, a large head flew up. The white-clothed warrior had already been cut in two, beheaded on the spot.

There was only a headless corpse left, and a head that had left the body rolled to the ground.

All of this is a long story, but it is actually in an instant.

After beheading the white-clothed warrior, he suddenly raised his head, and not far from Terha's naked body, three more war horses galloped towards him.All the way through the collision, I don't know how many Donghu rebels were hit and vomited blood and flew backwards.

Under the spear, these people only had time to leave a bloodstain.

(End of this chapter)

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