Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1494 Invincible

Chapter 1494 Invincible
The advantage of cavalry on the battlefield is really too powerful.

Whether it is the impact force of the horse or the impact speed, the damage caused to the infantry is unprecedented.

Without any other equipment, it is no exaggeration to say that the cavalry is one against ten in a duel with only knives and guns.

The barbarian soldiers didn't have much experience in infantry combat, and now, it was too late to transform into cavalry, and they didn't have the slightest resistance against the invincible cavalry sergeant on a white horse.

Wherever the three white-clothed soldiers passed, the spears swept, picked, or smashed, blood sprayed with lightning all the way, and screams all the way.

The three of them galloped on their horses and headed straight for Terhachi, they were unprecedentedly strong.


There was a roar, and the three white horses pulled the reins of the horses.

In an instant, three war horses soared into the air and rushed towards Terhachi.

Three soldiers with spears in their hands charged in the air, blocking all of Terhachi's escape routes from the left, center, and right.

At this time, even if Terhachi wanted to retreat, he had to consider whether his speed was fast enough to retreat.

At the same time, you have to think about the consequences of facing the attack of the violent storm if you retreat and lose your footing.

It can be said that these three white-clothed fighters shot at the same time, and the offensive was so fierce that Terhachi was extremely dangerous.

However, under the attack of the three of them, Terhachi did not retreat, nor did he choose to dodge from left to right, but stepped forward in one step, advancing instead of retreating, and rushed towards the three of them.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Hearing the sound of breaking wind, Terhachi brandished the chopping knife in his hand, with three swords on his face, it can be said to be extremely fast.

The three war horses fell from his head, and when they were about to crush him, they were all chopped off at the waist.

That is indeed a chopping knife, it is simply a chopping knife.

The blood of the war horse was sprayed, and the intestines and stomachs were scattered all over the ground in an instant.

On the horse, the three white-clothed warriors were taken aback and fell to the ground in an instant.

Before he could react, he saw that the chopping knife in Terhachi's hand was already coming towards him.

Accompanied by three clear sounds, the heads of the three people flew out one after another.

The three white-clothed warriors who were majestic just now were extremely weak in front of Terhachi.Without any power to fight back, he was terminated in an instant.

Seeing the ferocity of Terhachi's attack, Yinyue, who was on the trading platform of the business store, felt her heart tighten and her brows were furrowed.

Although she led the army to entangle with Donghu's army for a long time, she never really fought this Terhachi face to face.

But Terhachi's reputation has always been there. She only knew that Terhachi was very powerful, but she didn't know how powerful he was.

But according to the rumors, Terhachi can be said to be a super first-class fighter, and even half of the top fighters may not be able to easily defeat him.

Now seeing Terhachi make a move, she finally understands why Terhachi can claim to be the strongest under the ten top generals of the Huns.

This is simply an existence comparable to a top warrior.

She couldn't help but looked at Sima Xun. Although the combat power of the three thousand white horses was beyond doubt, it was the combat power of the entire army and could only be used in battles between the two armies on the battlefield.

This kind of battle between generals and generals is obviously not something that Sanqian Baima Yicong can gain a clear advantage.

Terhachi is here today, she doesn't understand how Sima Xun can still sit still.

Could it be that among the [-] forbidden troops, apart from Sima Xun, there are also top generals?

Thinking of this, she shook her head lightly, immediately rejecting this idea.

The Three Thousand White Horse Yicong is the Great Qin Imperial Army, the first imperial city.

After all, she is the imperial concubine of Great Qin, so how could she not know the details of Sanqian Baima Yicong?
That's right, the three thousand white horses are all the strongest fighters, but the strongest fighter doesn't mean the strongest person.

Among these 3000 people, there are no real masters.Except for Sima Xun, the top general who led the team, he couldn't even make a move for a first-class general.

No, there are not even second-rate generals, and there are few third-rate masters.

In this way, the army has always had its own advantages when fighting against the enemy, that is, the strength of the group cannot be resolved.

But it also has its own disadvantages, that is, it is impossible to fight against real top fighters.

Now without Sima Xun, how could this army keep Terhachi?

If things go on like this, even if these forbidden troops can massacre those Donghu rebels, the consequences will be miserable.

Because of Terhachi's existence, even with Terhachi's power, it is impossible to completely slaughter this army, but in the end, this army will suffer heavy losses, and Terhachi will not be able to stay.

Terhachi can completely leave after a big battle and killing enemies all over the place.

This is the sorrow of an army without top generals. No matter how strong the army is, as long as there are no masters, it will never be possible to retain the enemy's general.

The so-called thousand soldiers are easy to get, but one general is hard to find.As long as the general escapes, no matter when and where, there is a chance to make a comeback.

"General Sima, it's all like this, aren't you ready to make a move?"

Yinyue couldn't help asking.

She didn't know how many arrangements Sima Xun had made in this battle.Even now, she is still a little dazed.

She knew from the beginning that someone in Donghu was preparing for a rebellion through the Black Ice Terrace.

But she didn't care too much, because in her opinion, this itself was Nehman's own business.

Now that Sima Xun led three thousand imperial troops to intervene rashly, this was something she never thought of at the beginning.

According to her thinking, Nehaman must not be a fool to be the commander-in-chief of a country.

At this time, the most correct way is to send King Khan to be powerful first, send three thousand forbidden troops to leave, and then close the door to solve the problem slowly.After it is resolved, it is time to really surrender to Qin.

For this reason, she even decided to give Nehaman three days to accept surrender three days later.

During these three days, she didn't say anything, but actually left it for Nehaman to deal with the aftermath.

But he never expected that the emperor would come to Dragon City suddenly.

What's more, they didn't expect that after arriving in Longcheng, they discovered that Sima Xun was involved in this matter.

Because the incident happened suddenly, she didn't know much about what Sima Xun had prepared, so she couldn't make a conclusion at this moment.

The so-called know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. This is a compulsory course for every general and adviser.

In the army, Yinyue actually plays the role of a female military adviser.

Now that I don't know anything, I was quite relieved to see my own army sweeping everything.But seeing Terhachi so invincible and ignoring everything, she couldn't accept it after all.

After all, everyone who fell under Terha Chi's knife was a Daqin fighter, and they were the most elite fighters, the kind who died one less.

Now, she just wanted Sima Xun to take action immediately, at least to break the number of casualties of her own soldiers in Terhachi's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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