Chapter 1496
Niu Huanshan's double guns were used to the fullest. This feinted shot directly forced Terhachi to give up the attack and choose self-defense. In the end, he had nowhere to focus and almost threw himself out.

After he reacted, he realized that the war horse had already taken off.

The two hind hooves of the war horse kicked him hard on the back without mercy.

Hearing a "bang", Terhachi was kicked staggeringly, and threw himself forward.

He forcibly stabilized his figure, his face turned extremely ugly for an instant, and he turned his head suddenly, only to see that Niu Huanshan had reined in his horse, turned his horse's head around, and sneered disdainfully.

Niu Huanshan looked at him as if he was looking at a clown, his eyes were full of contempt and ridicule.

Terhachi gritted his teeth at Niu Huanshan's contemptuous eyes. He has always looked down on this little man who has been following Nehaman's side to flatter him.

In his opinion, this is a person who rises to the top by pleasing others. No one will take this kind of person seriously in the military.

But I didn't expect that such a person would have such a means.

The two of them just fought for a round, or half a round.But just this half round had already made him understand that this was not an easy person to deal with.

But precisely because of this, he was even more angry.

You say you, if you have the real ability, you don't stand up, but you always slander people behind you.

During these times, he has been suppressed by Nehman, among which, the encouragement of this man behind him is indispensable.

It seemed that he could see his anger, and the contempt in Niu Huanshan's eyes was even worse.

Under his gaze, Niu Huanshan suddenly got off his horse and said with a sneer, "Terhachi, talk about you, you are not as good as me in life, you are not as good as me in words, and now you are not as good as me in war!"

"I've heard a lot of news. You were very resentful towards me in the back. You kept threatening to make me look good one day. But today, it seems that you don't have the ability!"

These words are full of provocation.

Terhachi flew into a rage and shouted, "You're courting death!"

Niu Huanshan shook his head, even more sarcastically, and said sarcastically: "Hahaha, you are right, I am looking for death. Unfortunately, with your ability, you should say that you can't fulfill me!"

While speaking, Niu Huanshan laughed out loud.

These words really hurt people thoroughly.

Terhachi erupted in anger, gritted his teeth, his veins were exposed, and suddenly shouted: "Go to hell!"

The moment the voice fell, Terha moved his bare feet and rushed out like the wind.

He raised the chopping knife high in his hand, and the knife came out like a dragon, tearing the sky and the earth, and with a roar of breaking wind, he came straight to Niuhuan Mountain.

The moment he rushed in front of Niu Huanshan, the machete in his hand slashed down from the top of his head, and the air seemed to be torn directly by him.

There is no doubt that even a huge piece of wood, not to mention a single person, can be torn into two pieces in an instant.

"Good come!"

However, facing this knife, Niu Huanshan did not have any fear, instead his eyes lit up and he yelled loudly.

At the moment when the chopping knife was about to hit the top of his head, he waved his left hand, and the short spear in his hand shot directly towards the top of his head.

The pair of short spears are all forged from refined iron. They don't seem to be long and cannot be compared with long spears, but they are more than three times heavier than ordinary long spears.


With the swing of his short spear, it directly collided with Terhachi's chopping knife.

This swing can be described as powerful, forcibly knocking Terhachi's chopping knife out of position.

At the same time, all the flaws in front of Terhachi were instantly exposed, and Niu Huanshan pierced directly with another short spear.

This shot is like a shock, as fast as a thunder, it is hard to guard against.

With a "puchi", the spear directly pierced Telha's chest.


Terhachi spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the strength in his whole body seemed to dissipate in an instant.

He lowered his head slowly, looking at the short gun in front of his chest in disbelief.

This speed is simply outrageous.

What kind of person is this?The marksmanship is so exquisite that it seems that it was born to restrain him, so that he didn't even have the slightest reaction.


"Okay, it's really amazing!"

Seeing this scene, Sima Xun's expression changed suddenly on the trading platform of the business store. With an excited look on his face, he slapped the stone pier in front of him and shouted excitedly.

"What a powerful marksmanship!"

"This is the first time I've seen someone use two guns. I didn't expect that the two guns would be so coordinated and exquisite!"

On the side, Yinyue also had a brilliant face, and said with admiration.

"As expected of the three commanders of the [-] camp, did you not disappoint me?"

Ying Shou also nodded slightly, no matter it was Niu Huanshan's strategy, attack and strength, he was impressed.

I have to sigh, the [-] camp is indeed the most powerful army in the early period of the Three Kingdoms.Even if it was destroyed in the end, in the entire Three Kingdoms period, and even thousands of years of civilization, it has always been an army that can be met but not sought, and no one can fight.

800 people, just relying on 800 people can make Lu Bu invincible in the world. If you say that the [-] camps are not powerful, even a fool would not believe it.

Among them, Lu Bu, as the leader of the Eight Hundred Factions, is himself an invincible master in this world.

And the second leader of the [-] camp, as well as the third leader Niu Huanshan, are also top-notch masters. There is no doubt about this.

In the first battle just now, it seemed that Niu Huanshan was just fighting in Terhachi.

In fact, Niu Huanshan was doomed to win this battle from the very beginning.

He uses what can be used, what can't be used, and almost all factors.

The so-called strength of a weapon is one inch long and one inch strong. This is a common knowledge.

But there is another point that few people can think of, that is, one more weapon, one more chance of winning.

The advantage of double guns lies in this.

Anyone who is knowledgeable knows that playing with two guns has always been a late strike, and there is no reason for a preemptive strike.

If you start first, you will lose [-]% of the money. This is the weakness of double money and the characteristic of double guns.

Two guns and two guns, two guns, one gun is an enemy-killing gun, and the other is an enemy-killing gun.

It's just been a battle, but Niu Huanshan is not absolutely sure that he can win Terhachi in the first battle.

Therefore, the simple two-person duel was because he played with all the tactics of war.

From the very beginning when he angered Terhachi, he was just playing with his mind.

After angering Terhachi, Terhachi would of course be the first to strike.

And this was right in the heart of Niu Huanshan, with Terhachi's move, he immediately broke Terhachi's move, and immediately killed him with one move.

If Terhachi hadn't made the first move, it would definitely not be easy for him to defuse the attack and find Terhachi's flaws.This battle is enough.

Therefore, Terhachi's loss in this battle was not wronged at all.From the very beginning when he was angry, he was doomed to fail.

(End of this chapter)

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