Chapter 1497

On the trading platform of the business store, the three of Ying Shou were still talking about the very short but wonderful battle just now.

On the battlefield, with Terhachi's fall, the Great Qin Imperial Army had no scruples at all, gods blocked and killed gods, and Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas.

The smell of blood began to permeate, corpses lay all over the ground, and blood flowed like rivers.

More than 5000 Hu rebels were slaughtered in just two quarters of an hour.

As for this matter, the various rebel forces surrounded in all directions finally moved.

It's not that these people don't want to move, it's just that the speed here is too fast for everyone to react in time.

Even when the war broke out, Muderkui, who was leading the rebel army over there, hadn't realized what happened.

Why don't you light up the wolf smoke at this time?What happened to the previous situation?Did Terhachi have already made a move, or was someone deliberately probing.

Mu Deerkui was a little hesitant about the so-called military speed, but at the time of this hesitation, the battle was over.

At this moment, he had just sent an order, and the 33 rebels finally stopped hiding, and large teams rushed out from all directions, all streets, and alleys, and surrounded the general's mansion at the same time.

In a short while, the General's Mansion was completely surrounded.

"These people are only now suppressing their doubts, but it's really disappointing!"

Ying Shou watched the movement outside, although he had never seen Mu Deerkui lightly, nor did he see Mu Deerkui at this moment.But in terms of the reaction speed of the rebels, he had already given Muderkui a disappointing evaluation.

That's right, Muderkui's reaction speed really disappointed him.

"Your Majesty, after all, he is a rebel army. If he has the power to win, he will no longer be a rebel, but directly seize power. It is quite normal for him to feel a little apprehensive about this battle!"

On the side, Sima Xunmu smiled.

"It's normal, but it's also disappointing!"

Ying Shou shook his head, waved his hand while speaking, and said, "Now this should be the game that King Khan did?"

"Now that the bureau has been done, the tasks of you primers have also been completed, so retreat when it's time to retreat!"

Hearing this, Sima Xun's expression turned solemn. After so long, the emperor finally ordered him to come down.

"Your Majesty, I will retire!"

After the words fell, he immediately strode away.

Walking down the shop and onto the street, Sima Xun went straight to those white horses.

After the battle, many soldiers calmed down and got off their horses one by one.

Seeing the general coming, these people stepped forward at the same time and knelt down on one knee: "See the general!"

Sima Xun waved his hand, and shouted: "Boys, after holding back for so long, this battle is in line with your wishes, right?"

"Since the great war is over, retreat as soon as you have to, and do your best to protect King Khan's safety!"

Hearing this, many officers and soldiers below agreed at the same time, got up, got on their horses, and went straight to the general's mansion, no one dared to stop him in the slightest.

After Sima Xun set off his horse and the army, he could walk beside Niu Huanshan, look him up and down, and said with a smile, "Your name is Niu Huanshan?"

Niu Huanshan's face changed slightly, and he looked at Sima Xun with a somewhat unkind expression.

"How did you know?"

His name, Niu Huanshan, was known to no one except the [-] brothers who had fallen into the camp.

Now, Sima Xun actually said his name in one breath, instantly making him vigilant.

No one knows better than him what kind of work the eight hundred camps are doing now.

He knew too well that the former brothers would not reveal his identity, otherwise, this would be a fatal crime on the Black Ice Platform.

The emperor learned that the first one would not bypass.

After all, the list of general members of the Daqin Black Ice Terrace is kept secret, not to mention the iron eagle swordsmen who are the mainstay, and [-] soldiers who were once trapped in the camp.

They will keep their identities secret from each other for no reason.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Sima Xun to learn about him from the mouths of the brothers below.

Then there are only two possibilities, one is that someone who is not afraid of revealing his identity told Sima Xun.

And who is the closest to Sima Xun, who still knows this?Of course, only His Majesty the Emperor, except for His Majesty the Emperor, even the Grand Commander Lu Bu dared not disclose it.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Sima Xun arranged for someone to put him under surveillance.

If his identity was unknown, it would be nothing, but now, he is a transparent person in front of Sima Xun, and he can see everything clearly.

Once this is leaked out, let those who are determined to deal with the Black Ice Terrace know that not only will he be unlucky, but everyone in the entire Black Ice Terrace will also be unlucky.

So at this moment, Niu Huanshan was very vigilant, watching Sima Xun coldly.

If this is the case, don't say that the emperor will not let Sima Xun go, he will be the first to find Sima Xun now.

"Hehe, Your Majesty is coming!"

Facing Niu Huanshan's eyes, Sima Xun seemed to understand something, grinned, and deliberately raised his head towards the business store not far away.

Seeing this, Niu Huanshan looked up, and immediately saw Ying Shou standing on the attic.

Niu Huanshan's complexion changed, and he secretly said: "Your Majesty really!"

Afterwards, he hurriedly sat upright, straddled the horse and left step by step.

He was a bit complicated in his heart, and he didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to show his hands and feet in front of His Majesty.

Now, since His Majesty is here, it is obvious that his identity was leaked by the Emperor, so he doesn't have to worry too much.At least for now, Sima Xun is not something he can handle.Even if Sima Xun leaked something, the emperor would naturally deal with it.

Niu Huanshan didn't pay much attention to the emperor, and didn't even dare to pay the slightest attention. Since the emperor didn't summon him, as an iron eagle swordsman, he pretended not to see it and left straight away.

"Your identity has been exposed now, why don't you go to Khan's palace with me?"

The army had already entered the General's Mansion, and Sima Xun and Niu Huanshan also came to the gate of the General's Mansion.

The two turned over and each led their own horses. Sima Xun suddenly turned to Niu Huanshan and asked.

"No need, I'm going to light the wolf smoke!"

After the words were over, without any extra explanation, Niu Huanshan walked into the general's mansion with his flatterer in his hand, and disappeared soon after turning a corner.

Seeing this, Sima Xun shrugged his shoulders and walked in the opposite direction without talking too much nonsense.

And just after all of them entered the General's Mansion, after a while, a mighty army had arrived, completely surrounding all the streets and alleys around the General's Mansion.


"Report to King Khan, the barracks has been resolved, and the army of rebel generals has surrounded the general's mansion completely!"

Sima Xun walked left and right in the general's hall, and soon came to the courtyard where King Khan Dongfang Minshan lived. After entering the courtyard, he saw Nehaman.

After sizing Nehaman up and down, Sima Xun didn't deliberately hide it, and directly reported it on the spot.

These words seemed to be reported to Dongfang Minshan, but in fact, they were spoken to Nihaman.

Like a warning, or something else.

(End of this chapter)

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