Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 207 1 Stone Grain Seeds

Chapter 207 1000 Stone Grain Seeds

"Excuse me, His Majesty the Emperor, I don't know why I left the customs and returned, but I have something to order?"

The guard at Hengpu Gate, named Gongsun Fu, asked the emperor immediately when he saw the emperor sitting down.

"Gongsun Fu listens to the order!"

Ying Shou didn't have any nonsense, and went straight to the point.

"The last will obey!"

Gongsun Fu didn't dare to neglect, and said quickly.

"Gongsun Fu, people in various parts of the southern border are hoeing and plowing fields one after another, waiting for the grain seeds to be harvested. However, before that, I have already prepared and ordered people to hide the seeds outside Hengpu Pass, in the vine mountain in the northwest."

"So I was negligent and forgot before, and I haven't explained to Di Qing and others. Now I order you to hurry up and send people to Tianyue City in Nanjun to tell Di Renjie that 1000 million shi of grain seeds have been prepared."

"At the same time, you immediately send someone to send the 1000 million grain grain seeds to Tianyue City. If there is any mistake, I will only ask you!"

Ying Shou's eyes were sharp, and he ordered in a lingering tone.

"What, 1000 million stone grain seeds?"

Gongsun Fu was shocked when he heard this.

1000 million stones, what kind of concept is this?
You know, this stone, in later generations, is equivalent to more than 30 kilograms, that is, more than 60 catties.

In this era, everyone is frugal in food and expenses, and countless families dare not eat all their food. Therefore, a stone of food is enough for a family of three to live for two to three months.

In other words, it is already considered a luxury to have three or four stones of grain to eat a year.

And these 1000 million shi grain reserves, all added up, can be called an incomparably rich country.

If it is used to support the army, even if it consumes more food, even if one person eats two stones a year, it is enough to feed millions of troops for several years.

Of course, it would be very different if it was exchanged for some wine and meat, but no matter how it was calculated, it was enough for an army of one million to survive for more than a year.

If so much food was given to one person, he would be the richest man in the world!

Now, the emperor actually entrusted him with the transportation of so much grain, which made him unbelievable.

Not only Gongsun Fu couldn't believe it, but Yinyue was also stunned.

1000 million shi of grain, the total population of the Southern Territory of Great Qin is only ten million. These grains are simply a great boon to the people in the southern border.

Especially now, these grains will be used for sowing. According to what the emperor said before, the grain will be increased by more than 1000 times. Doesn’t that mean that in the coming year, the [-] million shi of grain will get more than [-] million shi? harvest?
In this era, there is no concept of [-] million, and people use [-] as a measurement of three.

And these [-] million shi grains are [-] million shi grains.

With so much grain, even if each person only gets one stone of grain seeds, they can still harvest thirty stones during the autumn harvest, and after returning the one stone of grain seeds to Daqin, there are still 29 stones left.

According to the Daqin tax revenue, the algorithm of drawing three out of ten, out of the 29 shi, almost nine shi of grain is extracted, and the individual can still have nearly [-] shi of grain left.

If one person eats so much food, he can't finish it in a year. For the people in the southern border, this is a world-changing change.

Of course, the actual situation is definitely not the case.

After all, it is impossible for each person to be allocated so many grain seeds. Even if there is, and with such a large harvest, Daqin's tax revenue will also increase.

After all, Daqin paid so much, although it was for the people to have enough food and clothing, but there would be rewards for the efforts, and some changes would definitely occur.

But no matter how it is changed, if this certain comparison algorithm is followed, in the coming year, the common people will no longer worry about making a living, and even have affluence.

For Yinyue, this is simply unbelievable.

After all, such a thing has never happened in the land of Baiyue in the past.

"That's right, 1000 million shi grain seeds, Gongsun Fu, I will give these seeds to you. If there is any loss, I will behead your whole family. Do you understand?"

Ying Shou nodded, staring at Gongsun Fu with cold eyes.

"No... The last general... The last general understands!"

Gongsun Fu trembled all over. Facing the emperor's will, he did not dare to disobey at all, so he had to agree quickly.

Following his promise, Ying Shou didn't speak, but slowly closed his eyes on the spot, which made Gongsun Fu stunned, and for a moment he didn't understand what the emperor meant.

Is there anything else to order?

At this moment, Ying Shou didn't have anything to say, but sank into the system and used the platinum level lottery he just won.

As the lottery draw began, a moment later, the system sound suddenly sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining a good horse, Wan Liyun. Although this horse does not have the blood of the dragon like the dragon blood horse, it can make ten thousand horses submit, but it can travel thousands of miles a day and eight thousand at night. It is not bad for a dragon blood battle. The horse is the first of the eighteen heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the mount of Li Yuanba!"

As soon as the system sound fell, Ying Shou's heart skipped a beat.

Miles cloud.

Isn't this the war horse he's always wanted?

Now, he has obtained Li Yuanba who is unparalleled in combat power, but unfortunately, Li Yuanba lacks a suitable mount.

Even a top warhorse would find it hard to bear after carrying Li Yuanba, let alone galloping wildly.

There is no way, you know, Li Yuanba has a pair of golden hammers for beating drums and urns, one weighs [-] catties, and two weighs [-] catties. It is not something that ordinary war horses can hunch up. move.

Going to the battlefield like this is simply a joke.

But now that Wanliyun is obtained, if it is handed over to Li Yuanba, it will be like a tiger with wings, helping Li Yuanba sweep the world invincible, and with Li Yuanba's ability, it will also share countless major events for him.

Without the slightest hesitation, the moment Ying Shou got the horse, he decided to give it to Li Yuanba.

Immediately, Ying Shou slowly opened his eyes, looked at Gongsun Fu, and said, "Besides, Gongsun Fu, there is a war horse next to the grain seeds in Tengshan. You should take it to Hengpu Pass immediately to raise it."

"After my Daqin Mingyanghou and Mr. Li Yuanba arrive at Hengpu Pass, you immediately give this horse to Mr. Li Yuanba, and tell him to let him take Mingyanghou to Julu first, waiting for my dispatch, understand. ?”

Gongsun Fu nodded quickly when he heard the words, and said, "The general will understand!"


Seeing this, Ying Shou nodded again, and said, "In that case, you should do it first, I have to rush back to Xianyang!"

While speaking, Gongsun Fu did not hesitate, said goodbye, and immediately started to do it, while Ying Shou rushed to Xianyang again with Yinyue.

On the fifth day after they left, Li Yuanba and Lie Yang finally felt the Hengpu Pass slowly.

Judging by the speed of the two of them, how could they be on their way?It's like traveling in mountains and rivers!

(End of this chapter)

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