Chapter 208 Wanliyun

As for the speed of the journey, it wasn't that Li Yuanba and the two didn't want to go fast. There was really no way. Li Yuanba carried a pair of big hammers in his hands, although he was much thinner than Lie Yang.

But helpless, each hammer weighs more than 400 catties, and two of them weigh [-] catties in total. When riding on a horse, the horse can't run at all, and it can't walk as fast as a donkey, so it will naturally slow down the journey.

And Lie Yang received Ying Shou's order, in order not to let Li Yuanba go astray, he could only wait for Li Yuanba, so Lie Yang was also dragged down.

On this day, when the two came to Hengpu Pass, they couldn't help cursing and walked towards the General's Mansion, preparing to change their horses and continue on their way.

"Stop, who is coming!"

As soon as the two reached the gate of the General's Mansion, they were immediately stopped by the guards.

"Bold, do you know who the two of us are, and dare to stop us!"

Lie Yang's eyes sharpened, and he shouted at the two guards.

"Who are you two?"

The two guards were stunned for a moment, and couldn't help being taken aback by Lie Yang's aura.

"Hmph, look clearly, I am the Marquis of Mingyang personally appointed by His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, and so is Lie Yang. And this is the younger brother of the current Great Qin Emperor, Young Master Li Yuanba."

"The two of us hurried on our way, and came to find your general to exchange for a war horse. How dare you stop me, don't you want to live?"

Lie Yang snorted and announced his name, and couldn't help being a little proud.

Think about it, now, I can be regarded as a nobleman anyway.

"What, you two are Marquis Ming Yang and Young Master Li Yuanba?"

The two guards had obviously received their orders a long time ago, and when they heard about their situation, they were shocked.

"Nonsense, is there anyone in this world who dares to pretend to be the two of us?"

Lie Yang stared, dissatisfied.

You know, both of them are unparalleled generals in the world, whoever dares to pretend to be them will simply court death.

Of course, the emperor doesn't count, after all, the emperor doesn't have the leisure and elegance to impersonate them.

"No, no, no... The subordinates didn't mean that. It's just that the young master and Lord Hou, the general is not in the mansion now, but led the army to distribute grain and seeds to Tianyue City!"

The first life guard said quickly.

"What, rushed to Tianyue City? Forget it, who cares, hurry up, get us some delicious food first, and then get us two good horses, I'm going to Xianyang right away! "

Lie Yang waved his hand, dissatisfied.

"This... I'm afraid it won't work!"

The two guards were startled when they heard the words, and the other guard said hastily.

"No? I think you are courting death and delaying our important affairs with His Majesty the Emperor. Is it something you can afford?"

Lie Yang said angrily.

Along the way, when others heard the names of Lie Yanghou and Li Yuanba, they all respected him, and no one dared to say no to them!
"No, my son, Lord Hou, this is really not okay. Before the general left, I specifically ordered me to tell you that His Majesty the Emperor has prepared a good horse for you, and let you go to Julu immediately. At your disposal."

"But, but there is only one good horse, and now Lord Hou wants two, and we can't get them out!"

The guard said with a bitter face.

"The good horse left by His Majesty?"

"My brother left us a good horse?"

Lie Yang and Li Yuanba said at the same time.


The guard said quickly.

"Quick, take me to have a look!"

Li Yuanba looked excited. He hadn't forgotten that Ying Shou had promised him before that he would give him a good horse.

Now that Ying Shou has sent it, it must not be too bad.

"Okay, Young Master Hou Ye, please follow me!"

The guard didn't dare to hesitate, he responded, and led the two of them to the stable.

From a distance, a few people could see that in the stable, dozens of horses on the ground were seriously injured and fell to the ground. There was only one shorter horse standing there with its head held high, as if the king was contemptuous of ants.

"Oh, why is this horse messing around again? I kicked and injured several war horses before, but I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, all the horses in the shed were injured by it!"

Seeing the situation in the shed, the guard rushed forward with a wailing face.

"You said it kicked all these horses?"

Li Yuanba was stunned for a moment, looking at the appearance of the horse, it was almost the same as Li Yuanba, very short, and he couldn't imagine how powerful it was.

"That's right, this horse is powerful and fierce, no one dares to get close to it!"

replied the guard.

"It's so powerful, I want to see if it's really that strong!"

Lie Yang curled his lips, a little unbelieving, stepped out suddenly, got on his horse, and was about to leave here on Wanliyun.


But with the hissing of the horse, Wan Liyun pulled his hooves away and galloped instantly.

"Dong dong dong..."

For a moment, Lie Yang felt the world spinning, as if he was flying.

Wan Liyun easily crossed over to provoke Zhang Yu, and Lie Yang was taken aback.

The strong vibration and crazy swing made Lie Yang dizzy, and he couldn't grasp it for a while, so he was thrown down by Wan Liyun.

"Oh, you dead horse, you are so disobedient, see if I don't deal with you!"

Lie Yang yelled in dissatisfaction, and then suddenly turned over once, about to jump onto Wan Liyun's back.

But this time, before he could jump up, Wan Liyun suddenly turned around, raised his hind legs, and kicked Lie Yang directly.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, Lie Yang was kicked and flew out.

"Dead horse, how dare you kick me, let me see if I don't kill you!"

Lie Yang was on his way, got up, and rushed up again.

However, he was unarmed, but because of his lack of flexibility, he was kicked out for a while, which made the guard almost laugh out loud.

As for Li Yuanba, he was already shaking his head with laughter.

"Hey, big man, don't try it. My brother said that all powerful horses recognize their owners. Obviously, this horse was given to me by my brother. If you can't ride it, look at me!"

Li Yuanba laughed loudly, and while speaking, turned and walked towards Wanliyun.

For some reason, he can guarantee that he has never seen this horse before, but for some reason, there is always a kind of intimacy in his heart, as if this war horse has an inseparable relationship with him.

Li Yuanba stepped forward, hesitated for a moment, and whispered something in Wan Liyun's ear.

Wan Liyun seemed to understand, and cast a sarcastic glance at Lie Yang, his eyes were completely contemptuous.

Afterwards, Wan Liyun approached Li Yuanba very humanely, and Li Yuanba jumped on his horse.

And this horse is also strange to say, no one can subdue it, but Li Yuanba doesn't need a subdue, so she is very obedient.

"Ma'er, take me out for a walk!"

Li Yuanba was overjoyed, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Lie Yang, and said with a smile: "Big man, I can see clearly, this horse recognizes the owner!"

As soon as the words fell, Wan Liyun let go of his hooves, and everything he threw wildly disappeared without a trace in an instant, and his speed was not inferior to the Dragon Blood Warhorse at all.

(End of this chapter)

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