Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 209 Great Qin Xiongbang

Chapter 209 Great Qin Xiongbang
"Dong dong dong dong..."

Wan Liyun spread his hooves and ran, and strong vibrations continued to be heard on the ground, and the sound seemed very resounding.

Riding on the horse, Li Yuanba could only feel the wind blowing in his ears, and the strong wind could hardly open his eyes.

It was also thanks to him, otherwise for an ordinary person, this strong wind would be enough to kill him.

Inside Hengpu Pass, the flow of people is not too much. After a while, Li Yuanba rushed out of Hengpu Pass on Wanliyun, and circled the mountains outside Hengpu Pass.

The speed of this Wanliyun is as fast as that of a dragon's blood horse. The mountains, forests and swamps, let it go freely, and there is no way to stop it at all.

After about a quarter of an hour, Li Yuanba finally returned to the General's Mansion.

At this time, Lie Yang was sitting in the general's mansion with a bored face and eating.

As soon as Li Yuanba came back, he walked up to Lie Yang and laughed loudly: "It's too fast, you know, it's as fast as my brother's war horse, I like this horse so much, it's worthy of being left to me by my brother, hahaha! "

With that said, Li Yuanba sat down in front of Lie Yang, stretched out his hand, tore a chicken leg from the plate in front of Li Yuanba, and chewed it.

Lie Yang was tasteless, and looked at Li Yuanba enviously.

As a general, who doesn't desire to have a horse that can accompany him across the world?

It's a pity that this horse was destined to belong to Li Yuanba, and he couldn't get it even if he wanted it. In a short time, even the joy brought by the previous feudal marquis disappeared completely.

It seemed to him that although Li Yuanba was not a Marquis, this war horse, not to mention one Marquis, could not be exchanged for even hundreds of Marquises.

In this way, the two ate and chatted, feeling very happy.

The other person was eating, listening, and looking at each other with jealousy, feeling very upset.

Before they knew it, the two of them had eaten and drank enough, Li Yuanba greeted them, and the two stepped onto the Wanliyun together and galloped away.

Wan Liyun's strength and speed, it was definitely not a cover, dragged Li Yuanba, and a pair of gold hammers weighing 1000 catties, plus Lie Yang and his iron rods of [-] to [-] catties, a total of more than [-] Although he weighed [-] pounds, he didn't feel the slightest sense of weight. He galloped all the way, still traveling thousands of miles a day and eight thousand nights.

Although the two were also headed towards the Central Plains, they deviated from the route that Ying Shou and the others were walking after a short while.

After all, one is going directly to Xianyang, while the other is going directly to Handan Julu, which has a fork in itself.

On the second day after the two fought at Hengpu Pass, Ying Shou and Yinyue also left Hengpu Pass for more than seven days.

At noon that day, the two finally saw Xianyang City from a distance like a dragon and a tiger, standing at the end of their sight, like a sleeping army.

"Is this Xianyang?"

Yinyue looked at Xianyang City from a distance, and was shocked by this majestic century-old city.

During this period of time, although the two had been on their way, Yinyue was still surprised by what they saw and heard in Daqin.

In today's Great Qin, a thousand wastes are waiting to be rejuvenated, and the people are clothed and starved, and relatively speaking, they are poorer than the land in the south.

However, the government and the people help each other, and the common people are all polite, but they have not lost any warmth and enthusiasm because of the difficulties in front of them.

This point is not at all a place of hundreds and thousands of countries, and all countries can compete with each other.

Especially along the way, I saw the people in Amano, the people were in high spirits, everyone was plowing the fields, and they talked about the emperor's benevolence, which made her even more aware of the man in front of her.

It was hard for her to imagine how charming this man was, who could win the hearts of the people of the world in less than a month after the fall of Great Qin.

"That's right, this is Xianyang, this is my world, my country!"

A look of arrogance appeared on Ying Shou's face,
With such a beautiful country, all the heroes in the world bow down for him to climb to the top alone. If he does this, anyone can be proud of himself.

"Go, follow me into Xianyang City!"

Ying Shou chuckled, and the fast horse galloped to the gate of Xianyang City, and then slowed down.

The two got off their horses, Yinyue led the dragon blood horse, and entered the city together beside Yingshou.

As soon as they entered the city, there was a burst of noise.

The streets of Xianyang City seemed very lively.

People come and go, very crowded, in all directions, the cries of vendors, the noise of children, and the sound of people talking, can be described as an endless stream.

"In the beginning of human beings, their natures are inherently good. Their natures are similar, their habits are far apart..."

In the distance, there is only a sound of neat reading, the voice is very immature, and people can't help but look sideways.

Yinyue turned her head to look, and saw a group of five or six-year-old children, led by a middle-aged man with a refined face, each holding a bamboo slip, reciting loudly, walking towards the outside of the city.

"Oh, Mr. Song is taking the children to study outside the city again!"

In front of the city gate, the city guards saw the Confucian scholar and a group of children, and said with smiles on their faces.

"Students should have pure ears before they can focus on their hearts.

The city is too noisy, the place to study should be in the mountains, everyone has worked hard! "

The Confucian scholar smiled slightly, and saluted all the officers and soldiers while speaking.

"You generals have worked hard!"

A group of children followed suit, bowed and bowed one after another, and said to the captured officers and soldiers.

"It's not hard, it's not hard. You children study hard. When you grow up, you will get fame and become an official in the court. That's really hard work. Go!"

The officers and soldiers laughed and watched Confucian scholars leave here with a group of children while speaking.

Looking at this scene, Yinyue was already dumbfounded.

It was hard for her to imagine that there could be such a harmonious scene in this world.

"Your Majesty, along the way, the slaves have heard a lot about the term "obtaining fame and fame". What does it mean?"

Yinyue looked at Ying Shou with some puzzlement. She didn't know why all the children in Qin State were studying, and many of them were reading the word "Getting fame".

"My Great Qin has always employed people in an eclectic manner, and my Great Qin will recruit all talents."

"Therefore, there are no eternal nobles in our Great Qin Dynasty, only real talents stand on the court. Generals can start as soldiers, and those who make meritorious deeds will be rewarded."

"Civil servants can obtain meritorious service, enter the imperial court, and govern the world for me."

"When these students grow up, nine times out of ten they won't be able to pass the exam. Only the top-notch ones can enter the court. However, other people can also be full of talent and learning, and it will be much smoother to walk in the world in the future!"

"In this way, my Great Qin is full of talents, everyone is polite, and everyone applies for poetry and books. Is there any reason for the world to be unhappy?"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth rose slightly, and he said proudly.

These are all his experience from looking at history.

If you want the world to develop well, you must rely not only on the king, but also on all the talents in the world.

Reading is the most important step in changing the world.

(End of this chapter)

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