Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 210 Return to the Qin Palace

Chapter 210 Return to the Qin Palace

Looking at the scene in front of him, it was obvious that Shusun Tong had thoroughly done what he had ordered him to do.

Along the way, Ying Shou had to admire his choice to retain Xiao He, Zhang Liang, and Shusun Tong.

Xiao He implemented his will to value spring plowing thoroughly, and the territory of the Great Qin under his governance was peaceful.Everyone is looking forward to the spring plowing, and everyone is singing the praises of the Great Qin Dynasty.This is the power of Xiao He.

Similarly, along the way, there are countless students, and schools have been established all over the world.

People, the parents are farming in the fields, and the children are studying in the school, it seems very lively and orderly.

This point, compared with the former Great Qin, has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Long ago, before the reform of filial piety and commercial martingale, in the territory of Daqin, everyone fought privately, the people were miserable, and the whole country was impoverished.

After being whipped and punished by Duke Xiao and Shang Yang, Great Qin took on a new look, everyone was full of fighting spirit, and the whole country was bound to come to every battle. This was the reason for the great prosperity of the Great Qin, and it was also the reason for the demise of the Great Qin.

The Great Qin thrives on the fact that everyone dares to fight. After all, if there is a fight, there will be a reward.

But after the Great Qin ruled the world, the war has subsided.Only the Huns in the north were blocked by the Great Wall built by the First Emperor, which basically cut off the promotion path for most people.

In this way, Da Qin, who is like a mighty army, just fell into a deep sleep, unable to exert his own power, and did not carry out any reforms. How could the world not perish?
But now, in Yingshou's Great Qin, everyone is not only full of fighting spirit, but also full of hope.

Those who can be promoted by relying on the war, without hesitation, set their sights on the road to joining the army.Others, on the other hand, set their sights on reading.

This is the systematic order that Ying Shouge has combined with Chinese history and civilization for thousands of years.

Under this order, in less than ten years, the Great Qin will be able to prosper the country with literature and stabilize the country with martial arts.

This is the real world.

"Reading to get fame!"

"I really didn't expect that Daqin would have such a strange talk. Your Majesty, the slaves finally know why the Central Plains has such talents!"

Yinyue shook her head and sighed, looking at Ying Shou with admiration.

"Hmph, today's Great Qin is not considered to be at its peak of talent. In ten years, you will see that everyone in the world is talented, and this is the real peak of talent!"

Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back, and when he spoke, his face was full of confidence.

In later generations, many people have a fascinated resistance to Confucianism. They always feel that in this world, it is precisely because of a group of Confucian scholars that China's development has been stagnant.

Even in later generations, there is such a saying: "Everyone who is righteous is a dog-slayer, and most who are heartless are scholars!"

These people have completely belittled the teachings of Confucius and Mencius to nothing.

However, in fact, people who have really understood Confucius and Mencius, as well as the Tao of Confucius and Mencius, and Confucianism, would not think so.

After all, learning is learning, and thinking is thinking. Confucianism, that is, teaching people knowledge, is also changing people's thinking.But a person's thinking does not mean that it can be changed by changing.

Trees are uneven, and people's hearts are even more unpredictable. It is absolutely extreme thinking to demean Confucian scholars and students all over the world just because of those corrupt officials in history.

Just imagine, those famous people through the ages, such as Di Renjie, Wang Xizhi, Xie Daoyun, Cai Wenji, etc., aren’t they also born as scholars?

Therefore, learning is good, but how to use it depends on people's hearts.

Some people also think that the reason why Confucianism has been respected by all dynasties and dynasties for several years is only because those high-ranking emperors want to use this method to shackle the people of the world so that they can rule the people of the world better and let the people of the world be respectful in etiquette. In the process of enlightenment, he lost the power to resist.

But is this really the case?
There are many people in later generations who do not respect the theory of entering school, but what can these people resist?Emperors rule the world for their own reasons.

And even if the emperor really uses this method to shackle the people of the world, why not?Peace in the world is better than killing me for everyone's sake, right?

Because of the above, Ying Shou highly respects Confucianism.

Not only Confucianism, but also the knowledge of various schools of thought, he wants to pass on in his own country. He believes that one day, people in the world who have learned something will provide him with a steady stream of motivation to run the world. .

This is the result he wanted.

"Everyone is talented?"

Yinyue murmured Ying Shou's words softly, and couldn't help being surprised.

It was hard for her to imagine that this day would really happen in this world.

"Let's go, follow me into the palace first!"

Ying Shou looked around, then turned around and walked towards Xianyang Palace with Yinyue.

"See Your Majesty!"

As soon as he walked to the gate of Xianyang Palace, Bai Ma Yicong, who was guarding Xianyang Palace, his eyes lit up, and he stepped forward to pay his respects.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves, and everyone stood up.

Ying Shouze directly entered Xianyang Palace and came to the main hall.

"Come here!"

Sitting on the dragon seat that he hadn't touched for a long time, Ying Shou's voice spread far away, echoing continuously in the empty hall.

"His Majesty!"

More than a dozen Bai Mayi came from outside the main hall, knelt on one knee, waiting for orders.

"Order officials at all levels in Xianyang to gather in the court hall, and in an hour's court meeting, report to me the affairs of Daqin in the past few months. Don't neglect it!"

Ying Shou looked at the soldiers below and shouted in a deep voice.


The dozen or so white horses responded, turned and left. Soon, the news of the emperor's return spread throughout Xianyang.

When the people heard the emperor's return, they were so excited as if they had taken a reassurance, and they were no longer frightened by the disaster of the Huns.

Everyone believes that His Majesty the Emperor descended into the world with the power to quell the chaos of war freely.

Back then, the world was in chaos, and the emperor took action to put down the chaos.Now that the Huns are mere Huns, how can they care about the return of the emperor?

After the order was conveyed, Ying Shou immediately ordered someone to prepare the imperial meal, and then, under Yinyue's service, he cleaned up and changed into a dragon robe.After the meal, go to the main hall.

When it first appears, it can be described as majestic and majestic, shocking the world.

"His Majesty the Emperor is here!"

The eunuch's voice was somewhat sharp and loud.

"See Your Majesty the Emperor, long live long live your majesty!"

In the main hall, the officials bowed their heads and shouted loudly.

Ying Shou sat on the Dragon Throne, looked down from a high position, and saw that the Great Qin Dynasty Hall at this moment was completely different from when he left.

At the beginning, there were a lot of fights and calculations in the court, but there were more than a dozen or 20 people.

However, at this moment, almost all the officials in Xianyang gathered in the court, and there were as many as 500 people.

Among these people, most of them had no chance to enter the court.

But because the emperor just came back today and ordered all the officials to see him, these people naturally followed suit and entered the court.

(End of this chapter)

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