Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 212 2 Days 2 Nights Court Meeting

Chapter 212 Two Days and Two Nights of Court Meeting

"Yeah, Jiujiu Laoqin, go to the national disaster together, Tianxing my Daqin!"

"Great Qin is like this, why worry about the national disaster, all this is because of His Majesty's sage, all people are united!"

"With the support of Wanmin, my Daqin will survive this catastrophe, just around the corner!"

The ministers were delighted, you said each word to each other, unable to restrain the excitement in your heart.

"Dare to ask Your Majesty, I don't know how to deal with this matter?"

Faced with the joy of the courtiers, Xiao He suddenly cupped his fists and asked Ying Shou with a smile.

"Xiao He, what do you think is the best way to deal with it?"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, looked at Xiao He and said.

Even he has to admit that Xiao He's ability to handle affairs is simply unparalleled.

As soon as Da Qin's crisis came out, he had already taken precautions before it happened, and asking himself at this moment, he just wanted a reassurance.

"Well, this matter has to be decided by His Majesty!"

Xiao He is not stupid, as a subject, he has the right to make decisions on small things, but on big things, he will only do it and never take opinions.

"Okay, Xiao He listens to the order. Since all the clans in Daqin have this intention, how can I live up to it? From now on, you will be responsible for collecting food."

"But you have to remember one thing, I, Daqin, are borrowing food today, not looking for someone to solicit donations."

"In the future, I will repay you twice! After this matter is handed over to you, I must clarify the accounts. If there is any discrepancy, I will only ask you!"

Ying Shou shook his head, did not tease Xiao He, and settled the matter with one word.


Xiao He was overjoyed and hurriedly agreed.

"My dear friends, apart from this matter, I don't know if there are other things to report!"

After solving the matter, Ying Shou glanced again and said to the officials in a deep voice.

A court meeting, the first memorial caused by Xiao He, is just the beginning.

Following Xiao He's memorial, Shu Suntong raised some questions about enlightenment.

In the beginning, after Ying Shou ascended the throne, he conferred the title of Shusun Tong as the chief minister of the Qin Dynasty, ranking among the three princes, and placed it in later generations. That is the task of the head of the Ministry of Education. In this era, he is in charge of etiquette and education.

During this period of time, under his promotion, schools were established in all parts of Daqin except for the newly unified southern border.

However, due to the scourge of the Huns, the people in many places were homeless, and the children in many places had no books to read.

Therefore, Shu Suntong's memorandum at this time is to use the power of the Qin government to build schools in the pass, and temporarily take in these students until the disaster of the Huns is settled in the future and these people return to the local area.

For Daqin at this moment, this proposal is tantamount to making things worse. After all, Daqin is already very difficult now. It will definitely be a huge expense to build so many schools and support so many students.

But for this question, Ying Shou didn't have any doubts, and nodded in agreement.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Today's Great Qin has exhausted its national strength after the first emperor built the Great Wall, built thousands of miles of roads, and built the Lishan Imperial Mausoleum.

And later, Hu Hai was fatuous and misused the people's fat and people's ointment, completely overdrawing the national power of the Great Qin to an unimaginable degree.

In the history of the previous life, the Han Dynasty spent several generations of painstaking efforts to slowly make up for the losses in it.

Ying Shou wants to make up for the losses within one year, strengthen the country within three years, and sweep the world within ten years. This is definitely the most difficult at the beginning.

But no matter how difficult it is, he will never change his mind.

As the saying goes, there must be a way for a car to reach the mountain, and there is always a solution to all troubles, otherwise, what's the use of all the court officials?

Time passed little by little, and it was really too difficult to solve the problems that had been accumulated for several months in one day.

A court meeting has been delayed from noon to late night, and it is endless.

Ying Shou recruited the eunuch to hold the lamp, and the officials continued to play the book.

The sun and the moon turned upside down, the universe rotated, and the night passed, until the sky was bright, and the officials were still eloquent, with various memorials.

Although Ying Shou was helpless, he didn't show any irritated expression. Instead, he hired someone to cook the imperial meal, and after sending it to the ministers to eat, he continued the court meeting.

Unknowingly, the time passed by noon, it was noon, and it was dark again.

Until the sky brightened again, all the problems of the court officials were finally resolved.

This morning, looking around, above the court hall, a group of officials were sitting on the ground, their eyes were red, but they were not sleepy at all, and everyone was full of energy at this moment.

Nine out of ten of the officials present had never met the emperor before. They all entered the official career through scientific examinations. There are obstacles everywhere on the road.

For example, the questions raised by the stimulus were not taken seriously, or the emperor did not listen to opinions at all.

But now, after two days and two nights of court meetings, they got to know the emperor thoroughly.

This emperor is completely in line with the most important Bole position in their aspirations. For a while, everyone is full of energy, and they can only hope that after the court meeting, the officials will join hands and show their strengths.

"Dear loves, two days and two nights, hundreds of playbooks, so far, should the play be over?"

Ying Shou sat on the dragon's head, looked at the officials below, and said with a smile.

During the two consecutive days of court meeting, some people could no longer stand up, so he asked people to bring mats for these people to sit on the ground.

"Report to Your Majesty, the ministers have nothing to say!"

When the officials heard this, they couldn't help laughing and said.

"Okay, since that's the case, the court meeting is over."

"I know that at this moment, all the love ministers want to show their strengths, but this body is the capital of your ruling power."

"Everyone, please wait here for a moment. I have ordered the imperial chef to prepare the imperial meal. After you have eaten, you should return to the mansion, take a rest, and show your skills in the next day. My Daqin Jin has now recovered the southern border, with a total of nearly 5000 million yuan. People, I still have to rely on you, you have to take care of your health!"

Ying Shou nodded and smiled, stood up and said.

"Your Majesty is serious!"

When the ministers heard this, they couldn't help showing a happy smile on their faces.

It is a kind of pride for them to be treated like this by the emperor.


Aside, the eunuch hissed loudly.

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Emperor!"

The courtiers bowed their heads and shouted loudly, the court meeting ended, but none of the courtiers left, but only left the court meeting after eating the food sent by the emperor.

"Your Majesty, I wonder if you plan to eat first or burn incense and take a bath first?"

In the harem, Yinyue greeted Ying Shou who was approaching, and said with a respectful smile.

Asking this sentence, Ying Shou couldn't help raising his eyebrows, thinking of a very classic greeting from his previous life.

"Husband, should you eat first or take a bath first?"

He looked at Yinyue strangely, only to see that Yinyue's face was full of obedience, and she didn't seem to be playing tricks.

Seeing this scene, he breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he almost didn't suspect that this little girl was just like him, and they all came from later generations, but looking at it, it was obvious that he was thinking too much!
(End of this chapter)

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