Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 213 Drive out the Huns

Chapter 213 Drive out the Huns
"You don't need to take a bath, just eat directly!"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves and said in a deep voice.


Yinyue responded, and immediately sent the imperial meal that had been carefully prepared.

As soon as Ying Shou sat down, he immediately summoned Sima Xun, the commander of Baima Yicong.

Today's Sanqian Baima Yicong is the Imperial Palace Imperial Guard Army. As the commander, Sima Xun is equivalent to the general of the Imperial Forest Army of the Han Dynasty.

"The last general sees His Majesty. I don't know why His Majesty summoned the last general?"

Sima Xun came to Ying Shou, clasped his fists and said.

"Sima Xun, pass on the order that the three thousand troops will prepare their equipment, and follow me to Julu later!"

Holding a pair of jade chopsticks in his hand, Ying Shou said to Sima Xun.


Sima Xun heard the words, responded, turned and left.

"Your Majesty, are you going to head to Julu?"

Yinyue was secretly startled at the side, the emperor had just gone through two days and two nights of court meeting, even a hard-working man should be tired, at this moment he didn't even need to take a rest, he was ready to rush to Julu.

"The troubles of the Xiongnu should be resolved early, otherwise it will definitely affect the next national policy. You say, at this time, if I don't go to Julu, who else can go?"

Ying Shou turned his head, chuckled, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and started pulling.

He eats very quickly, without the slightest bit of dignity of an emperor, on the contrary, he is like a villager in the mountains who has something urgent to do and eats just to deal with his stomach.

"But Your Majesty, no matter how urgent you are at this time, you should first burn incense and take a bath, and rest for a day. You haven't closed your eyes for two consecutive days. Working so hard is not good for your health!"

Silver Moon said in a low voice.

She had been secretly watching the court meeting for the past two days. She admired Ying Shou and the officials for two days and two nights when they talked about state affairs.

Such a court meeting was absolutely impossible to happen in the former Baiyue Land.

Now, the Great Qin Emperor and all his ministers are working together so well, why worry about the world being unhappy?
In her opinion, having such an emperor and hundreds of officials in Daqin is simply a blessing for the people of Daqin.

"Time can't be delayed. The disaster of the Huns, if it is delayed for a day, the people of Daqin will have to suffer for a day, and it will even affect Dao Chungeng. These Huns and barbarians must be resolved in advance!"

Ying Shou finished his meal in three or two bites, put down his rice bowl, got up and said, "At the previous court meeting, the ministers also mentioned the Huns' war. You should know that the foundation of our Great Qin is not yet stable, and the Huns' disasters are coming one after another. People all over the world are watching. watching this scene."

"If I can't give an explanation to the people of the world in advance, how can I, Da Qin, be worthy of the people of the world, and how can I be worthy of the people of the world?"

With that said, Ying Shou turned and left, leaving Yinyue standing there stunned, with pity in her eyes, looking at Ying Shou's leaving back, full of distress.

"Yes, the foundation of the Great Qin Dynasty is not stable now. At this time, the Xiongnu is a disaster. If you don't give an explanation to the people of the world, the consequences will definitely be more serious than the Xiongnu's disaster!"

Yinyue sighed in her heart, she found that the longer she had been in contact with this man, the more curious she would be.

But now, the more I get to know this man, the more distressing I feel.

Sometimes he kills decisively, but sometimes, it is benevolence and righteousness that come first.

Sometimes it seems that he is domineering and never takes anyone seriously, but in fact, he cares about thousands of people in his heart.

Thinking back from when I first met this man to now, I found that he has no time to rest. Every day, he is either on the way to fight, or on the way to solve troubles.

It seemed that the problems he was having, never stopped, appeared every day.

Yinyue followed to the front of the palace gate, and suddenly found that the three thousand white horse righteous congregations had already been assembled, and their speed was so fast that it was eye-catching.

The emperor stood on the steps, looking down at the three thousand white horses Yi Cong, who were all in white clothes and armor and white horses, with raging anger burning in their eyes.

"How is the army preparing?"

Ying Shou shouted in a deep voice.

"The army is fully assembled, please give your Majesty an order!"

Sima Xun said loudly.

"Okay, pass on the order, the whole army set off, and rush to Julu as quickly as possible, although I will drive out the Xiongnu together!"

Ying Shou nodded and ordered.


Sima Xun responded, waved his hand, and shouted: "The emperor has an order, the whole army is dispatched!"


"Dong dong dong..."


The three thousand white horses were all in order, and with a clatter, they all turned around, turned their horses' heads, and walked towards Xianyang Street.

The three thousand white horses seemed to lock in a pattern with every step they took, and issued a "dong dong dong!" 'The sound resounded through the world.

There was a rustling sound from the armor of the three thousand armored men, which was very crisp and attracted countless eyes from afar.

Ying Shou stepped forward immediately, and walked with Yinyue in front of Qianjun.

Countless people saw him wearing a black dragon robe and a crown, and immediately recognized his identity.

"Your Majesty, this is His Majesty the Emperor!"

"His Majesty the Emperor is dispatched, and three thousand imperial troops are dispatched. Where are you planning to go?"

All the people exclaimed and raised questions at the same time.

Because Ying Shou did not tell anyone about the dispatch of troops to Julu, these people were a little confused about why the emperor led the three thousand imperial troops to dispatch at this moment.

Of course, some people have guessed it, but there is no evidence and no one can be sure.

"Da Qin Mingyue Da Qin Pass, the Long Marcher has not yet returned! But let the dragon city flying generals stay, don't teach Huma to go to Yinshan Mountain!"

Suddenly, just as everyone was guessing, a loud voice sounded.

Countless people looked up and saw the emperor riding a tall horse, his voice spread far away, and he was actually reciting a very novel poem.

This poem comes from Ying Shou's previous life history, Tang Dynasty poet, Wang Changling's two poems, compared with the Qin Dynasty poems, the style is completely different, so these people are very novel to listen to.

They have never heard such a poem, but the artistic conception and meaning in the poem have resonated with countless people, and many people can understand it.

After all, although this poem came from Wang Changling's "Out of the Fortress", Ying Shou changed it a little.

Great Qin Mingyue Great Qin Pass, the Long Marcher has not yet returned.

But let the flying generals of Longcheng stay, don't teach and don't teach horses to go to Yinshan.

Today, the mountains and rivers of the Great Qin are still there, and the great pass of the Great Qin Great Wall stands erect, but the Huns have already crossed the Great Wall and entered the country.

An army of one hundred thousand marched against the Xiongnu in the north, but the result was not yet achieved, and the people paid back.At this moment, the Great Qin Emperor went out to fight, and the heavenly soldiers and generals followed him. How could he let the barbarian cavalry pass Kunlun again?

"Northern Expedition...Northern Expedition..."

"His Majesty the Emperor's Northern Expedition..."

"His Majesty the Emperor is marching north!"

Countless people reacted and were overjoyed.

Today, the scourge of the Huns can be said to be a thorn in everyone's heart. At this moment, His Majesty the Emperor's Northern Expedition is no less than a reassurance to countless people in Great Qin.

(End of this chapter)

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