Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 214 The Girl With Excellent Riding Skills

Chapter 214 The Girl With Excellent Riding Skills

"Da Qin Mingyue Da Qin Pass, the Long Marcher has not yet returned! But let the dragon city flying generals stay, don't teach Huma to go to Yinshan Mountain!"

Countless people followed the emperor's poem and began to shout. For a while, the sound spread throughout Xianyang, shaking thousands of miles, and resounding thousands of miles.

"Da Qin Mingyue Da Qin Pass, the Long Marcher has not yet returned! But let the dragon city flying generals stay, don't teach Huma to go to Yinshan Mountain!"

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor!"

"The Great Qin Cavalry will surely win!"

"Expel the barbarian, give me back my country, revenge!"

Countless people prostrated themselves one after another, shouted loudly, and respectfully sent this army of only 3000 people off to march.

"Kill the giant deer, expel the barbarians, return my mountains and rivers, and take revenge!"

The army went out of the city, and with the roar of the emperor, three thousand white horses rushed out, roaring and killing the giant deer.

An epic against the Huns begins to be written from this moment.

When the Great Qin Emperor led three thousand white horses to kill Julu, one hundred thousand troops in Handan City received batches of war horses one after another. So far, 20 war horses have returned to their positions.

The iron cavalry training of the army has finally begun to take shape, waiting for a big battle at any time.

At the same time, the generals Xu Chu, son Li Yuanba, and Mingyang Hou Lieyang who set out successively from Xianyang and the southern border also rushed to Julu. Unable to fight the Xiongnu, but also completely blocked the Xiongnu from Handan, and could not enter the customs at all.

The interior of the pass behind Handan City fell into peace, but the land in the northwest outside Handan City was full of beacon fires, rivers of blood, and mountains of bones.

Although most of the people in many cities have been evacuated, there will always be some people left here in twos and threes.

In a small city called Qingyuan City, there was a catastrophe, and countless houses were burned continuously.

In the entire city, there are only a few hundred people gathered in a radius of hundreds of miles. After the Xiongnu entered the city, they were slaughtered not long after.


A girl, about eighteen or nineteen years old, had just picked some wild vegetables from outside the city, when she saw thick smoke rising from a distance, and the whole city was completely enveloped in flames, she immediately let out a heart-piercing cry of pain, desperate , rushed into the city.

At this moment in the city, there are flames of war everywhere, and on the streets, there are corpses in one piece in the east and one in the west.

The girl found the homestay where her mother was, and saw her mother lying in a pool of blood from a distance, with a burning giant log pressing on her body, burning blazingly.

More than half of the mother's body was charred, and even her head was gradually engulfed by the sea of ​​flames.


The girl's eyes were about to burst, she rushed up, pushed away the burning giant tree, and picked up her mother's body.

At this time, the mother's body has already been stiff, and the dead can't die anymore.


The girl wailed loudly, her voice was like a cuckoo crying blood, expressing endless grief.

"No... Huns and hungry wolves, I swear I will die with you!"

Suddenly, the girl let out a roar.

At this moment, there were still two or three Xiongnu troops searching around in the city. Attracted by the sound, five or six troops of ten or so people came towards this side immediately.

Soon, the girl was surrounded in the middle.

The girl has a delicate face and a petite body, which immediately attracts the lustful eyes of these Huns.

I saw these Huns chattering a lot, suddenly, a Hun cavalry rushed out, came towards the girl, suddenly lifted the girl on the horse, and was about to leave.


At this moment, a knife flashed in the girl's arms, and she saw a scythe coming out of nowhere. The girl turned over and cut the Huns' neck with the scythe.


With a scream, the Huns fell to the ground and died.

The girl held the reins of the horse and sat upright.

This scene instantly surprised the fifty or sixty Huns around.

"No, kill this woman!"

The Huns cavalry reacted and spoke loudly in the language of the Huns, and then more than a dozen people directly rushed towards the girl.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The scythe in the girl's hand spun rapidly and was thrown out, cutting off the necks of three Hun cavalrymen in an instant.

Three Hun cavalrymen fell to the ground and died. Following them, the girl picked up the scimitar of the cavalryman he killed just now, waved it, and went directly to meet these people.

"Clang clang..."

"Pfft puff..."

The girl fought with a dozen Huns cavalry, and she saw her saber flashing, very sharp and fast, and after a while, she chopped off the heads of more than a dozen Huns.

This scene shocked the rest of the Hun cavalry even more, and then dozens of people rushed out together to encircle and suppress the girl.

Seeing this, the girl galloped out on horseback, rushed out of the guards, and fled immediately.

The young girl's riding skills are amazing, and they are more than a hundred times more powerful than these Hun cavalry who have lived on horseback since childhood.

The Huns drew their bows and set up arrows, chasing and shooting from behind, but the girl quickly turned over on the horseback, turned and moved, the sword flashed, and the arrows were chopped down by her.

However, although the girl's riding skills are very strong, her combat power is limited after all. Although she is trying her best to protect the horse, under the shroud of dozens of arrows, she still has more than enough chest but not enough strength.

Accompanied by a sound of "噗嗤", several arrows were shot at the horse, and accompanied by a neighing sound, the horse flew up to the sky.

The girl fell to the ground, got up and fled.

However, no matter how fast it escapes, how can it be faster than the Huns cavalry?

After a while, a Hun cavalry rushed up. The Hun cavalry raised a scimitar and slashed at her back.

Seeing that the girl was about to die under the scimitar, suddenly, the girl turned over abruptly, grabbed the Huns' wrist, leaped onto the horse with her strength.

Her hand trembled violently, and with skill, she snatched the scimitar from the Xiongnu cavalryman's hand, and slammed it across the Hunnu cavalryman's neck directly.


Then, the girl pushed hard, and the body of the Hun cavalry fell off the horse's back and fell to the ground.

The girl took the bow and arrow from the Huns, galloped on the horse, drew the bow and set the arrow, shot and killed the three Hun cavalrymen who were chasing behind, and put on the shield again.

A group of Hun cavalry chased after him angrily, shooting arrows at random.

Although the girl kept fighting back while escaping, she met more and more Hun cavalry along the way and killed more and more.

Gradually, there were only dozens of riders chasing behind, but after half a quarter of an hour, the number reached hundreds.

Half an hour later, the number reached thousands.

After rushing out of the city, she had killed nearly 30 Xiongnu in various ways along the way, but there were more than a thousand Huns chasing after her.

If it weren't for her superb riding skills, and the siege of these Hun cavalry failed many times, she would have been caught at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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