Chapter 215
" drive..."

Shouts of shouts rang out one after another outside the city, amid billowing smoke and dust, thousands of Qingqi chased after the girl alone.

Countless arrows rained down, although the girl dodged and dodged, the horse under her crotch was covered with arrows and fell to the ground.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

The earth trembled, and thousands of light cavalry surrounded them, completely besieging the girl.



Thousands of Xiongnu yelled one after another, and one of them suddenly took out a noose, threw it far away, and put it directly around the girl's neck. With a sudden pull, the girl quickly backed away, but was still pulled away. up, fell to the ground.

"Drive by..."

The Hun cavalryman held a scimitar, slapped the horse's buttocks, and the horse galloped away, pulling the girl and leaving in a cloud of smoke.


Seeing this, the other cavalry yelled loudly, and also rolled up a trail of smoke and dust, and followed behind, looking very excited.



The girl struggled frantically and wanted to get up, but the speed of the opponent was too fast, and she didn't have the slightest strength to get up.

Gradually, severe pain hit, his back was burning hot, his clothes were completely torn and torn, and countless bloodstains appeared on his back, along the way, a long trail of blood was drawn.

The girl felt that her neck was almost broken. Although she was holding on to the rope forcefully, she still couldn't breathe. Seeing that her last breath was about to die, when she rolled her eyes wildly, suddenly, an arrow shot from outside the sky.


With a clear sound, the arrow shot through the rope, and the girl was finally freed, and she couldn't help panting heavily while lying on the ground.

"what happened?"

Thousands of Xiongnu soldiers were furious, and they raised their heads and looked around.

"Dong dong dong..."

Suddenly, there was a sound of vibration, and on the path above a mountain peak, a yellow-flowered horse rushed out. The man on the horse was wearing a golden chain mail, a golden helmet on his head, and a gold-plated phoenix wing in his hand. The speed is so fast that it is eye-catching, and it kills the army in an instant.

I saw that this person clamped the gilt phoenix wings under his crotch, drew a bow and set an arrow in his hand, and at the same time issued three imperial swords, and shot them suddenly. The arrows were so powerful that each one shot through the necks of the three people one after another. Only then did I run out of strength and fell down.

However, the three feathered arrows directly took the lives of three Hun cavalrymen.

After a wave of arrow rain, this person fired three more arrows.

On her back, there were hundreds of feathered arrows densely packed on her back.

And these hundreds of feather arrows were all shot by him in an instant.

He had just killed thousands of Hun cavalry after the feather arrows were shot, but at this moment, before he could react, he shot and killed more than a few hundred Hun cavalry.



Thousands of Xiongnu cavalry were furious, brandishing Wan Dao, and came towards this person to encircle and suppress him.

However, this person suddenly dropped the bow and arrow in his hand, grabbed the gold-plated phoenix wings, and swept across directly. In an instant, in all directions, more than a dozen Huns were directly smashed out. They were still in the air, and their bodies had been torn apart.

"Pfft puff..."

This man's entry into a thousand troops is like a tiger entering a herd of sheep. A gold-plated phoenix wing waved vigorously, and each blow could take away the heads of more than a dozen cavalrymen.

For a moment, the scene was bloody and bloody, and the screams continued.

The Xiongnu Hu people have always been fierce, and they never know how to retreat in a war.

All of a sudden, this person killed batches after batches, and the surrounding Huns came to him one after another like a tide.

However, gradually, as the war continued, more and more corpses were found on the ground, and the blood pooled into a stream.

Finally, more than half of the thousands of cavalry were beheaded by this person.

At this moment, the rest of the Huns just reacted, and for a while, everyone was frightened and fled in all directions.

The power of cavalry, whether it is fleeing or killing, can only be perfectly displayed when the horses exert their speed.

Once these cavalrymen escaped, it was not so easy for this person to kill.

However, although the horses of these Huns cavalry were fast, the horses under this man's crotch were even more famous. Although the Huns fled everywhere, he was still chasing wildly behind.

A Hun cavalryman was slapped by him, and he punched him in the head, splitting the man in half from head to toe.

The girl was lying on the ground, her whole body was in severe pain, and she didn't even have the strength to get up, so she could only stare blankly at this scene.

Under her gaze, I saw this man's eyes were cold, like a demon that had just crawled out of hell, his murderous aura was soaring, his voice was extremely cold, and he shouted: "If you want to escape, Hun dog thief, save your life!"

As soon as the voice fell, the speed of the horse under the crotch of this person was three points faster, chasing all the way, fighting all the way, chasing and killing thousands of Xiongnu Qingqi who ran ten miles away, leaving thousands of heads behind, and then let go. 1000 people.

Because the Xiongnu fled in all directions, even if this person wanted to keep them all alone, it was just an extravagant wish. No matter how fast the horses were, they couldn't do it.

Seeing that all the rest of the Xiongnu had fled, this man had a gloomy face and rode his horse. He walked up to the girl, got off his horse, stuck the gold-plated phoenix wings in his hand on the ground, and stretched out his big hands to the girl.

The girl's eyes moved slightly, she hesitated and stretched out her little hand, and was grabbed by this person, immediately picked her up, got on the horse, and left here.

In the middle of the night, beside a stream, a bonfire was lit, and two roe deer leaned on it.

The big man in golden armor was holding a piece of cloth in his hand, and was gently cleaning the wound on the girl's back.

The injury on the girl's back was very serious, and the blood was deep enough to show the bones.

After cleaning, the man in golden armor grabbed a handful of picked weeds called Artemisia twigs, crushed them, and applied them directly on the girl's back to stop the girl's blood, and bandaged her up.

After some movements, the girl clenched her silver teeth tightly, and her whole body was dripping with cold sweat. Although she didn't cry out in pain, the degree of pain can be imagined.

Under this kind of pain, the girl didn't even care about the morality of the human wheel, she didn't care about the woman's shyness, and completely exposed her body in front of the golden armored man.

"Wrap me in my shirt and rest!"

The man in golden armor got up and threw a cloak to the girl.

The girl quickly grabbed it and wrapped it around her body silently, but her eyes were fixed on the big man in golden armor.

I saw a big man in golden armor sitting down on a rock not far away, took out a roe deer meat and handed it to her, and said coldly: "Daqin protects the people, withdraw the people! You are a little girl, you don't enter the customs with Daqin, but you are here Fighting against the Xiongnu here is simply life-or-death!"

The big man's voice was cold and disdainful, as if he was mocking her overreaching, but there was an indescribable warmth in his tone.

The girl stretched out her thin white hand, took the camphor meat, gently tore off a small piece, put it in her mouth, and said thoughtfully in her eyes: "In addition to invading other people's homes and countries, Qin will really bless you." Manmin?"

(End of this chapter)

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