Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 216 Yuwen Chengdu

Chapter 216 Yuwen Chengdu
"What do you mean?"

The big man in golden armor sharpened his eyes and said coldly.

"Hmph, back then Qin State destroyed the six kingdoms, invaded the territory of our Zhao State, and massacred countless people. Will such a Qin State really protect us Zhao people?"

The girl sneered and said disdainfully.

"Absurd, war is war. Now, there is no Zhao country in the world, and you are all people of my Great Qin."

"Your Majesty the Emperor is benevolent and benevolent, and treats the people of the world as his own. You don't know how to be grateful, but you still hold a grudge here and cause trouble for Daqin. You really don't know what to say!"

The man in golden armor was furious. When he talked about His Majesty the Emperor, his eyes were filled with endless respect.

"Hahaha... regard the people of the world as your own? Are you a general of Qin? I don't know your surname, but don't you think it's shameful to sing praises to the state of Qin like this?"

The girl laughed loudly. When Qin was mentioned, her eyes were full of hatred, and her hatred even surpassed her hatred for the Huns.

"That's right, I am the Great General of the Great Wall Guard Army, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, Yuwen Chengdu!"

The big man in golden armor snorted coldly, but when he said his identity, there was a look of sadness in his eyes.

In the past, this identity was something he desperately wanted to protect, but now, this identity has become the most unspeakable ugliness for him.

One hundred thousand troops!
As a general of the Great Wall Guard Army, ruining one hundred thousand troops overnight was definitely the biggest failure in his life.

What was even more unsuccessful was that, as a guard of the Great Wall, not only did he fail to guard the Great Wall and protect the environment and the people, but he also let the Huns enter the pass, slaughtered everywhere, and the crime of eating was enough to make him face the world.

Even after the big defeat, although he survived, he did not return to the Great Qin, but fought around, single-handedly, against the Huns.

This is a very shameful identity for him.

He didn't hide anything from her, because in his opinion, shame is shame. If he can't even face the shame, he is truly ashamed of His Majesty the Emperor and his identity.

"What, are you Yuwen Chengdu?"

Hearing this, the girl was taken aback, as she had obviously heard this name before.

After all, it was Yuwen Chengdu who led an army of [-], King Wanliqin, and fought fiercely with the coalition forces of various countries outside Xianyang City to set the Qin Dynasty, which is enough to make Yuwen Chengdu famous all over the world.

Hou Yuwen led the Great Wall guards in Chengdu and defeated the Huns several times, which made him even more famous.

Then he was defeated by the Huns, and he received countless abuses, which made it difficult for the former Zhao people to know him.

Almost as soon as they see the Huns, people can't help but think of a person, that is Yuwen Chengdu.

If this person hadn't ruined the [-] troops and let the Huns enter the pass, how could this place be in such chaos today?
"Are you surprised?"

Yu Wencheng laughed at himself, got up slowly, turned his back to the girl, and said: "I know, I ruined a hundred thousand troops and let the Xiongnu enter the customs. This is an unforgivable crime."

"However, this matter has nothing to do with my Majesty the Great Qin Emperor. Everything is beyond my control."

"Nowadays, the people of the world have suffered all kinds of wars because of me. I don't ask for forgiveness from anyone. I only hope that the Xiongnu can be wiped out in this life. At that time, I will go to the emperor to plead guilty. Whether it is killing or scraping, I, Yuwencheng, have no complaints!"

Saying that, Yu Wencheng walked slowly towards the forest, came to his horse, got on the horse, and said: "You should go to Handan as soon as possible! There are [-] troops of our Great Qin, and the Xiongnu can't do anything to them. But as long as they are here, they will never let the Huns trample on this land again!"

Seeing this, the girl was startled, and quickly called out, "You want to go?"

Yu Wencheng didn't reply, but turned his horse's head and left slowly.

"Stop, what will I do if you leave? In this barren mountain, there are Hun cavalry everywhere. Don't say whether I will meet these Hun cavalry. Just say that I am covered in wounds, and any beast can do it." Eat me, is that how you save people?"

The girl said hastily.

Yu Wencheng suddenly reined in the horse, stopped, and couldn't help but look back at the girl, only to see the girl lying there quietly, with a pair of big eyes staring at him.

"In today's world, the Huns are invading, and there are countless people like you. I want to save more people now, so do it yourself!"

Yuwen Chengdu said coldly.

"Hmph, that sounds nice. If every time you save someone, you throw them away like you did to me, what difference does it make if you save someone or not?"

"Could this be your Daqin iron cavalry's way of saving people? Instead, why not let us die on the spot, instead let me suffer from pain and death threats to die?"

The girl was dissatisfied, and snorted coldly: "Besides, the Huns with hundreds of thousands of troops entering the country, do you really think you are the savior? Can you alone fight against the Huns' million troops?"

"Don't overestimate yourself. Nowadays, there are hundreds of schools of thought in the world, capable people emerge in large numbers, and masters gather here. They are bound to fight the Xiongnu to the death. With so many masters, you are not the only ones!"

Hearing this, Yu Wencheng paused again, and said with a sneer: "All the scholars and knights from all sides are just a joke. Without my great Qin cavalry, how can they compete with the Xiongnu?"

The girl sneered, and said: "You know that all schools of thought and rangers are no match for the Xiongnu, so what can you do alone?"

"Unless you dare to go back to the Qin army's camp now, but do you dare? Hmph! If you really want to go back, I'm afraid you'll be directly beheaded by the Great Qin Emperor!"

"You are leaving now, saying that you want to save more people. In fact, you are just deceiving yourself. You can't save anyone. Because everyone you save will die because of your abandonment!"

Yu Wencheng's heart moved, and a thought flashed in his eyes.

The girl's words were harsh, but not unreasonable.

With his own strength, at most he can only wander around and attack the Huns.Although it can cause some losses to the Huns, it can't hurt the roots of the Huns at all.

On the contrary, once the Xiongnu army encircles him, even if he has great abilities, he will undoubtedly die.

Furthermore, the girl's current situation is indeed very serious. Once he leaves, maybe she will die.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Wencheng suddenly turned over and got off the horse, tied the horse to a tree, turned around and walked over, picked up a piece of camphor meat, and ate it quietly.

Seeing this, the girl raised the corners of her mouth slightly, with a hint of complacency, as if her little thoughts had succeeded.

The girl was seriously injured. For the next two or three days, Yuwen Chengdu, who had been attacking the Huns everywhere, completely put down his work and stayed in the deep mountains to take care of the girl.

At this time, just as the girl said, all the masters from all schools and sects have already rushed out to the territory of Daqin, the former site of Zhao State, and joined hands one after another to fight against the Xiongnu in various places!
(End of this chapter)

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