Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 218 The Huns' Ambition

Chapter 218 The Huns' Ambition
Hundreds of schools of thought, Confucianism, Taoism, farmers, miscellaneous schools, doctors, strategists, military strategists, legalists, yin and yang schools, Mohists, etc., came out one after another and rushed to the battlefield.

The number of people gathered together, as many as 5 to [-], completely fought with the Huns.

These people who shot were all martial arts students from various schools and factions.

The so-called martial arts students are people who practice martial arts.

Among the hundreds of schools of thought, there are those who are full of knowledge, and there are also Dharma protectors who are full of force.

Just like in the novels of later generations, in the land of Buddhism, there are eminent monks and martial monks.

None of these people can be compared with the army except for military disciples in terms of military strategy, but their individual combat effectiveness is not comparable to that of the Huns.

Various families and factions attacked one after another, and when they encountered an army of the Huns, they killed them all by themselves.

In order to grab more resources, these Xiongnu vicious dogs spread their troops to an unimaginable extent.

Each force is no more than 3000 people at most, and they are powerless against these masters.

At this point, after the Huns entered the customs, the first powerful enemy they faced appeared.

This made the Xiongnu Shanyu feel the crisis very quickly. Before he knew it, the 50 troops he led into the pass lost more than [-].

Without hesitation, the Xiongnu Shanyu directly ordered, and the army gathered.

With 40 troops gathered in one place, this time, even if all masters from all schools came together, it would be difficult to shake them by a single point.

Among the Xiongnu army, in the large tent of the Chinese army, the leaders of various tribes gathered under Shan Yu's tent to discuss major plans.

"Shan Yu, now the [-] troops of the Great Qin Dynasty are stepping up training day and night. At the same time, after the resources from all over the country have been transferred to Handan City, in the Great Qin Pass, even if we search again, it will be useless!"

"Besides, there are hundreds of masters from various schools of thought gathered, and we will be attacked at any time. If Qin's [-] troops are trained successfully, then we will be in trouble!"

Below, a tribal leader spoke to the Xiongnu Shanyu.

"According to what you said, do you want to withdraw the troops?"

Xiongnu Shanyu played with the braids on his head, and said with a half-smile.

"At this moment, we have no choice but to withdraw our troops!"

The tribal leader said in a deep voice.


The Xiongnu Shanyu slapped the table and said coldly: "Now the territory of Qin is full of troops, but there are only 20 troops."

"In my land of the Huns, there are a total of more than 40 troops, and there are nearly a million people behind. I can gather a million troops in an instant."

"How can I retreat because of the mere [-] Qin troops standing in front of me?"

After a pause, the Xiongnu Chanyu said: "There are plenty of products in the territory of the Great Qin Dynasty. We finally found such an opportunity to enter the Great Wall. We must not retreat like this."

"Even if I want to leave, I will take everything in Qin State with me!"

When the people below heard the words, they were all shocked, and their faces were full of disbelief.

"Shan Yu, I don't know what you plan to do?"

Another tribal leader asked in a sharp voice.

"Hmph, I've thought about it. The [-] troops are now gathering outside Handan City to prevent me from entering the city. However, can they really be prepared? I can go around the west or the east .”

"Now in the pass, without the Great Wall blocking us, our army can act recklessly, regardless of the blocking of the Qin army!"

Xiongnu Chanyu sneered.

"But Shan Yu, if this is the case, it will take a long time for our army not to mention it, and there is even a danger of being cut off by the Qin army. This plan is not feasible!"

Another tribal leader said hastily.

"You don't need to say this, I already know it by heart."

"It is indeed very dangerous for us to do this, but if we enter the pass, how can Qin's war horse compare with us."

"If they dare to step back, I will definitely make them lose more than they gain."

"In addition, I have also thought of a more sure plan, just wait and listen to me slowly!"

Xiongnu Shanyu waved his hand and said, "A few days ago, I already contacted Donghu Shanyu!"

"Nowadays, Donghu's 60-strong army has been equipped for battle, and the Great Wall is alone. Although there are only 60 guards left on the Great Wall, under the natural danger of the Great Wall, Donghu's [-]-strong army is just like us, powerless."

"Therefore, I decided that the army will march eastward, attack the Great Wall in the east, and cooperate with the Donghu army from inside and outside, and guide the Donghu army into the pass."

"Explain that I, the Xiongnu and the Donghu army, joined forces from east to west, and gathered millions of troops. They will surely defeat the Qin army. At that time, this land of the Great Qin will become our pasture, let us do whatever we want!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words.

If this plan is feasible, it will be no problem to destroy Qin State by then.

"But Shan Yu, this Donghu has been in a state of hostility with our tribes of the Huns, how can they join forces with us?"

A tribal leader frowned and said.

The Xiongnu and Donghu are in themselves a hostile relationship.

Over the years, the Huns have often been oppressed and beaten by the Donghu. The power of the Donghu, to a certain extent, even exceeds that of the Huns.

Two, one in the northwest and one in the northeast, the war has never stopped.

Even in history, the only reason why the Huns were so powerful was that they annexed Donghu by chance.

Its territory is larger than that of the Han Dynasty, and its army is even stronger than that of the Han Dynasty, so that it can suppress the Han Dynasty and force the Han Dynasty to pay tribute every year. Otherwise, with the power of the Huns today, even if the Han Dynasty is unwilling Provoking is definitely not what they say they can fight.

"Hahaha, I still remember a very good saying in the Central Plains. The prosperity of the world is all for profit, and the world is full of hustle and bustle for profit."

"Now that I'm facing such a large piece of fat in Qin, I can't do it. How can King Donghu not be moved!"

"Don't worry, I have already negotiated with him about this matter. We will wait for the army to rest today and set off tomorrow to meet the Donghu army!"

The Xiongnu Shanyu waved his hand, and while speaking, he made a plan to exterminate Qin.

Here, the Xiongnu was planning to exterminate Qin while facing the attacks of masters from various schools of thought.

On the other side, the three thousand white horse Yicong led by Ying Shou also arrived outside Handan City in the evening of this day.

In Handan city, Wei Liaozi and others had already received the report and prepared everything. A mighty army of [-] marched to meet the emperor outside the city.

As the ground shook, the smoke and dust billowed, and at the end of the line of sight, an army galloped towards the extreme speed.

Ying Shou was followed by a young girl with a heroic figure, she reined in her horse and stopped in front of the [-] troops.


At the same time, the three thousand white horses behind him let out a soft sigh at the same time, and stopped their horses.

All of them were full of smoke and dust, and rushed to Handan within half a month. For these people, it was obviously exhausting.

"See His Majesty the Emperor!"

As soon as Ying Shou brought Yinyue and the three thousand white horses to a halt, the one hundred thousand troops immediately knelt down on one knee, and shouted loudly under the leadership of Wei Liao and Zhang Liang.

Its military appearance is uniform, like an art, the momentum is huge, and it makes people excited.

(End of this chapter)

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