Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 219: Unusual Theory

Chapter 219: Unusual Theory

Ying Shou's voice sounded and spread to the ears of everyone in the army.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Wei Liao stood up first, and all the officers and men followed Shan Hu and kowtowed in thanks.

"Wei Liao, what happened next time, the Xiongnu are in trouble, and the army is ready to go, so there is no need to perform these false rituals, let's go into the city first!"

Ying Shou looked at Wei Liao and said.


Wei Liao responded, followed Ying Shou into the city, and soon, the guard of honor was put away.

In the former Zhao King's Palace in Handan City, Ying guarded Gao Zuo's throne, and all the soldiers below gathered, including Li Yuanba, Lie Yang, and Xu Chu.

Among them, Wei Liao, as the Generalissimo, and Zhang Liang, as the Grand Adviser, naturally stood in the front row.

"Wei Liao, Zhang Liang, I have been in the southern border of our Great Qin for the past few days, and finally conquered Baiyue, but due to the negligence of Yuwen Chengdu, our Great Qin's [-] Great Wall guards were destroyed once, and the Xiongnu were allowed to enter the Great Wall checkpoint. "

"Now that the army is gathering and wants to fight the Huns to the death, I wonder what the two lovers have to say about the recent war?"

Ying Shou comforted Liao and Zhang Liang with his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"His Majesty, the courage and strength of our army is by no means comparable to that of the Hun cavalry."

"However, because our army is too diverse, most of them are infantry, and the Huns cavalry are all mounted soldiers. In addition, these Huns are very cunning, and they flee if they cannot fight. It is really difficult for us to fight with them head-on."

"Therefore, it can be said that our army has repeatedly failed to achieve any results. For this reason, in the end, the general will have 30 war horses transferred from China, and select the best [-] horses as war horses to train this [-] army. Catch up with the footsteps of the Huns!"

"As long as this strategy works, the Xiongnu will no longer have any advantage in front of our army!"

Wei Liao cupped his fists and said in a deep voice.

"You don't need to tell the generalissimo about this, I already know it, but don't the generalissimo think that doing this is a bit of a suspicion of grinding the gun in front of the battle?"

"Now, this plan has almost come to fruition, and I don't want to say anything more, but has the Grand Marshal ever thought about it, if it weren't for the generosity of my Daqin people, where did these 30 war horses come from? If there were no such 30 horses War horse, is the war going to continue?"

Ying Shou waved his hands, and said rather solemnly.

Wei Liao trembled all over, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, the above-mentioned junior generals have naturally thought about it, but my Great Qin has no way out now, and the last general has no other choice."

"If your Majesty thinks that the general has done something wrong, the general is willing to bear all the responsibility for the crime!"

Seeing this, Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, and said, "In this case, it's serious."

"I also know that the disaster of the Huns is different from the past."

"In the past, my Great Qin fought against the Six Kingdoms, and everyone beat you to death, but never did things like burning, killing and looting. Therefore, there are some ways to deal with this kind of fighting."

"However, for the disaster of the Huns, unless the world is settled in one battle and hundreds of thousands of Huns are destroyed, otherwise, even if we cut off their retreat and destroy their food and grass, these bandits can still survive by burning, killing and looting. This way of fighting is indeed very important. Not wise!"

"After all the calculations, the only solution is to fight cavalry with cavalry. But in the final analysis, this method will take a long time."

"If it wasn't for my Daqin officials to evacuate the people from all over the place in advance, this short time would be enough for my Daqin Shun's millions of people. This is not a one-off thing!"

At this point, Ying Shou paused, and said: "And you waited for the garrison here in Handan, thinking that you stopped the Xiongnu's footsteps, but in fact, is it true?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help but stare at Ying Shou.

"Your Majesty is saying that the Huns may bypass?"

Zhang Liang frowned.

Ying Shou asked, "Why not?"

"About this matter, I have thought about it, but after thinking about it again, it is absolutely impossible. Don't say that the detour is a long way. Once our army is encircled, all the Huns will kill themselves. No matter how stupid the Huns are, they will never do this act!"

Zhang Liang shook his head, rejecting this statement.

"Oh, is it possible that the Huns have other moves?"

Ying Shou stared at Zhang Liang, he knew that Zhang Liang must have thought about what he thought of, with Zhang Liang's resourcefulness, but some things were not just imagined.

Although Zhang Liang is very resourceful, in the final analysis, in his opinion, he is still too rigid and old-fashioned. Once this idea does not change, it will easily cause disaster.

The most important point is that although Zhang Liang predicted the enemy first, the Huns usually did not play their cards according to common sense. This is the biggest shortcoming of Zhang Liang's battle against the Huns.

It's like a person trying to guess a dog's mind, thinking that he has mastered the dog and that the dog will never bite, but the result may be that the dog will bite at the next moment. This is something that no one can say for sure.

Zhang Liang clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty is saying that the Huns are likely to contact the Donghu army in the northeast direction, and join forces inside and outside to break into our Great Wall checkpoints. When they join forces, they will pose a threat to our Great Qin?"

Ying Shou asked again: "What do you think is wrong?"

"Your Majesty, I feel that your Majesty need not worry too much about this. The Xiongnu's cooperation with Donghu Li Yingwai will be a big trouble for the other 20 Great Wall guards in Daqin, but once the Huns really do this, our Daqin's [-] The army can also attack inside and outside, encircling the Xiongnu army."

"At that time, the Xiongnu's army can be said to have thrown themselves into a trap. At that time, it is unknown who will win and who will lose."

"Even if the Xiongnu and Donghu win in the end, the Xiongnu will be the biggest loser, but Donghu will be the biggest winner."

"On this point, not to mention people who know a little bit of military strategy, even a person who is a businessman knows the pros and cons. So I predict that the Xiongnu will never do this!"

Zhang Liang shook his head and said confidently.

"Hehe, in this way, now I, Da Qin, can't help the Xiongnu, and the Xiongnu also have nothing to do?"

Ying Shou smiled lightly.

"Please forgive me for being stupid, I can't think of any other actions for the Huns!"

Zhang Liang shook his head. During this period of time, he almost thought about all the most likely things the Huns could do, but he couldn't think of any other way for the Huns to go.

"I don't know if the military master has heard a saying, don't be afraid of [-] people, just be afraid of an eventuality. If the Xiongnu march eastward and attack our [-] Great Wall guards, by then, the [-] army will be able to attack from both inside and outside to destroy the Xiongnu?"

Ying Shou suddenly issued a soul torture and said to Zhang Liang.

Hearing this, Zhang Liang trembled all over, and couldn't help changing his expression.

"This... shouldn't be possible, right?"

Zhang Liang said in a low voice.

"Hahaha, that's impossible. Military division, let me ask you, what should you do if you were Shanyu the Xiongnu and the army passed by?"

Ying Shou laughed out loud, and asked Zhang Liang with slightly squinted eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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